Chapter 258 Roast Meat
The roasted rabbit meat and pork are sprinkled with coarse salt.

These are all brought by the big guys from their respective homes. Your home produces meat, and mine produces seasonings. A few people gather around and start roasting.

After Zhu Wuliu peed, he smelled it and got in the car to get willow sticks.

Their hands are dirty, you tear it off, I tear it off, it's unhygienic to eat, this willow stick was folded off by Zhou Huan in a fake way and stuffed into his bag.

People will meet and say that this is a farewell to the willow.

A wicker stuck Zhu Wuliu all the way.

This can be regarded as going home, and it just happened to be taken out for the big guys.

The important thing is to use it for the officials around you.

Looking at their pitiful appearance, staring straight at their flesh is drooling, and some even turn their backs and don't look at them.

It's useless not to look at it, the delicious smell is wafting over, don't say you are not greedy, so many of us have seen you raising your hand to wipe your mouth.

We are not poor people, and we protect food when we have a mouthful.

Our family has a business, and our life may be better than yours as an official, because we are free and don't have to be like you, let us rest but can't do anything when we pee.

"Guardian, try it, this is my homemade ingredients, it tastes delicious when sprinkled on the meat."

The people in the nearby circle couldn't help it, and took the willow sticks in a friendly manner, and slices of pork belly with distinct layers were inserted on the sticks, biting and licking, sparks came out of their mouths.

After a while, the surrounding area became lively.

Let's not say that one person is full, it can still satisfy the hunger.

"Hey, your seasoning is delicious. It's neither salty nor bland, and it has a bean flavor."

"Guan Ye has a good tongue, there is a kind of sauce in it that is squeezed from soybeans at home."

Seeing how delicious the meat was, Zhu Wuliu felt as if he had eaten the meat in his own stomach, so he couldn't help belching.

"You have two more."

The officers and soldiers ate the last bite, and hurriedly waved their hands to hide aside, "No, no, you can keep it for yourselves, I have to go ahead to pick up the adults."

Zhu Wuliu: "Okay, okay, then the little people will not bother the official. The official will come back if he wants to eat it. If you don't eat this meat, it will be a waste. If you put it away, it will stink."

"Yo, that's a waste! Medium! Then I'll make two more skewers."

Zhu Wuliu turned to get the rabbit meat skewers, the corners of his mouth couldn't hold back his joy.

I have never been to other places, and Youzhou is in the north of Daye, so few foreigners come here.

This is the second time he has heard people from Yanjing speak with an accent, which is very interesting.

Sun Xingwang: "The second time? No, is it the first time?"

Zhu Wuliu shook his head and giggled. He was right. It was the second time. The first time was listening to Mr. Lou. He still had an accent when I first met him.

Now he speaks fluent Youzhou dialect, which is more authentic than what he speaks.

Everyone laughed when they heard this. After such a long time, they almost forgot that Mr. Lou is a foreigner.

There is also less time to speak politely, and my mouth is full of uh when I am with the children, it is like sauce.

Zhu Wuliu ran over holding a handful of sticks, and the official took them all as soon as he saw it, making Zhu Wuliu feel stupid.


This one was shared between the two of us, why did you take it all away? This is too ungrateful.

However, he was also very embarrassed, pointed to the front, and whispered to Zhu Wuliu that it was not he who ate it, but the ladies in the carriage called for it.

"Ma'am? The old lady and the ladies want to eat?" Zhu Wuliu patted his thigh, "I'll tell you earlier, I'll get a few bunches of house sparrows later, our brothers just shot them, and the meat is still tender."

After Zhu Wuliu ran back and forth, the meat was finally delivered to Jiang Yuying.

The old lady couldn't move the skewers, so Jiang Yueying and Mrs. Liu had to pick them off with chopsticks, and the tender pork belly dripped oil on the ground.

Mrs. Wang swallowed while picking, "This meat is really delicious. We have also eaten the imperial banquet. Why do you say that the food eaten in the house is not delicious every time it is eaten outside?"

Jiang Yuying: "This is not the difference between the outside of the house, if you smell it carefully, the taste of this meat is different from that at home.

I just heard from Deputy Wei Song that the condiment was also made by the Escort himself. It contains his own soybean paste, vinegar and sugar.

Put so much seasoning, and then use the seasoning to marinate the meat, can this meat not be fragrant? "

"Are you willing to put soybeans and white sugar?" Wang looked at Jiang Yuying in surprise, "Ordinary people can't afford these two things, and white sugar, let alone this place, even in Yanjing, many people are reluctant use it.

They actually use white sugar as a barbecue ingredient? "

"Yes, I heard that the little girl from the Zhu family researched it."

While talking, Jiang Yuying glanced at the old mother at home. Although the old lady couldn't bite the meat, the gravy was chewed clean.

Squinting his eyes, bending his eyebrows, his whole body, especially his taste buds, felt very comfortable.

She didn't hear what Jiang Yuying said.

Wang Shi and Jiang Yuying looked at each other, knowing that the ancestors of the family were rarely happy, so they didn't talk too much, and only waited for people to close their eyes before they got out of the car.

Liu said: "Sister-in-law, if you have anything to say, just say it."

In the past few years, Mrs. Liu has worked hard in the Jiang family, taking charge of the whole family. Those above like her, and those below respect her.

Virtuous and decent, as careful as dust.

She had seen Jiang Yuying's thoughts clearly along the way.

On the surface, this trip was to help take care of Jiang Yueying, but in fact, there was another thought in her heart.

The family got along very well, and Jiang Yuying didn't treat Mrs. Liu as an outsider.

Just being a confidant at this moment, he said: "I don't have anything to say, I just don't trust Jiang He. He has been a bit cynical since he was a child, but as an aunt, I know that he is the cleanest in his heart.

You said, he has fought in the South and the North all these years, and he is not willing to go back to Beijing to talk about marriage at all. When he mentioned the girl's house, he said he had a headache and a stomachache.

Why did he tell Yueying about a peasant girl's family for no reason this time? "

Then he said: "Yes, let's just think that this peasant girl has a bit of beauty, but Yanjing also has such things as the fish and the wild goose, and the moon and the shameful flower.

Let's not talk about how to pay attention to it, just talk about the seasoning, how can a peasant girl study so much on eating and drinking.

Are all farming families so rich now? "

Mrs. Liu smiled lightly, "But they not only own land, but also have business and business. Didn't you read Yueying's writing? This bathing pool and embroidery workshop were brought together by this girl, and she is only at the age of Ji, so she has the ability , this is no ordinary peasant girl."

Jiang Yuying slandered: "Maybe she's not even a peasant girl. Isn't there few people pretending to be little white rabbits outside? Don't talk about us, just say that when the emperor went to the south of the Yangtze River, didn't he also... didn't he also have a romantic debt?" .

But when it was brought into the palace, the sparrow climbed up a high branch and showed itself.

If it weren't for the extravagance in the harem, why would our palace be so poor? "

The voice became softer and weaker, Liu Shi saw no one around, so it was not good to go up and cover people's mouths, if she did that, it would be deception.

"I think you are worrying too much. Didn't you say in the letter that this girl helped Jiang He before, otherwise the plague would not go away, and Youzhou might be over."

In Liu's eyes, there was a fact that could not be revealed.

When Jiang Yuying calmed down, she also wanted to understand a lot.

Mrs. Liu: "In short, the villagers thought that Jiang He was their savior, and we took advantage of it.

If it's really a savior, I don't know who saved who.

Let's not talk about praising this little girl, but we can't do it wrong. "

(End of this chapter)

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