Chapter 263 Love NG
Sun Dazhuang's home is not close to the people in the village, because he usually knocks, cuts wood, and makes tables, chairs and benches.

Not to mention disturbing the people, it is not easy to do work too far away from the woods.

So at the beginning, he found an empty old house, anyway, he repaired it by himself and lived there.

Zhu Wuliu walked here against the sun, and while walking, he was thinking about a lot of things.

First of all, Sun Dazhuang would earn more money quickly by doing more business, and then buy a house in the village, which would be his and Zhou Huan's new house.

Otherwise, when Boss Zhou gets married at that time, we won't say how beautiful he is, but it's impossible to marry too low, it's unreasonable.

After going out, people will talk about it behind their backs, word of mouth, and when Boss Zhou's husband is mentioned, everyone has to mention, oh, she likes that unpromising type.

Yes, even if Zhou Huan and their family didn't mind, as time passed, Sun Dazhuang might not be able to bear it.

Another Zhu Wuliu has already thought about it, it is best to find an opportunity for both parties to make a firm agreement on the marriage. Sun Dazhuang is not young, he is in his early twenties, much older than Zhou Huan.

There are no old parents in his family, so he can have the final say on his own.

As for his family, there is no need to worry, they are all from the same village, and they know the basics, so there will be no major conflicts in the future.

Simply, take advantage of these few days to mess with the two children's affairs, go out and say that Zhou Huan is engaged, and there will be no more gossip, let alone the people in the Hou's mansion to have ideas about his niece.

What concubine?

I thought it was a great blessing.

For all concubines, no matter how favored they are in the future, it depends on the face of the main house. Food and clothing are not up to them. They have to be divided by family members. What is given to you is yours, and what is not given to you is yours. Can't ask for it.

All high-ranking and wealthy families are like this. Don't look at each family's spending is very generous, and the family is harmonious and beautiful. In fact, there is one outside the house and another inside the house.

Zhou Huan didn't like such a fake life.

So our family is not rare.

Our family just wants to live the lives of ordinary people, as long as we don't do anything harmful to nature, we will do whatever we are asked to do.

It doesn't matter if the money is shared with you more.

The pursuit is a safe and stable.

Looking at the bean buns in his arms, Zhu Wuliu smiled knowingly.

As long as the two children stabilized, all the rumors would be self-defeating.

Taking advantage of the good health of the children, maybe holding the two in three years, then he will become an uncle soon, just think about the feeling of having children and grandchildren around their knees.

"This silver hairpin is really pretty."

whose voice?
A little delicate, a little coquettish, a little sweet.

is it a woman?
Zhu Wuliu stopped looking at the road, and subconsciously looked up at the dilapidated fenced yard. From a distance, the house was covered with thatch, and the firewood fell neatly under the wall.

Confirmed, this is Sun Dazhuang's home.

Hide again.

Zhu Wuliu was completely annoyed.

On the firewood, a man and a woman were leaning shoulder to shoulder. The girl buried her head, and she was blushing even without looking.

Why is it red?

Because I received a gift.

"Brother Zhuang, this silver hairpin is worth a lot of money, don't spend money for me in the future."

Sun Dazhuang scratched his head, put his hands on the firewood, and shyly moved to the side.

It was the first time I was so close to a girl, and I was a little nervous.

He also faltered when he spoke, "It's not much, it's a matter of a few taels of silver, if you don't like it, I'll buy you something else in the future.

Don't take it seriously, you can earn money after it's gone, besides, I'm doing royal business with Brother Zhu this time, so I can share a lot of money. "

"Then you save it, don't spend it on me, you need money everywhere in the house, you spend money on me, and you can't take care of your own food and drink, just go out and lose weight again."

Yes, not only thinner, but also dark, black and thin.

Sun Dazhuang nodded vigorously, "Okay, I will listen to you from now on, I can buy a big house when I earn some more money, I,,,"

"Don't tell me."

The girl turned her head away in embarrassment, she didn't want to hear the next words for the time being, she was not ready yet.

Turning around to see the man's sincere face, I was also moved in my heart: "The master can't be alone for a while, after this period of time, I will go and talk to the master.

You can no longer live frugally for a while, you have to eat more, and the family will depend on you in the future. "

The girl blushed completely.

It's obvious what this means.

Sun Dazhuang was stunned for a moment, his eyes didn't know where to go, he just knew to laugh foolishly.

The girl said coquettishly, "Look at you."

Zhu Wuliu, who was hiding behind the haystack, gasped.

If a woman calls a man "stupid", then the two of them are probably going to get married.

Good job, Sun Dazhuang, thanks to our family for being so kind to you, and thanks to the fact that I always think of you when I am away from home.

You actually eat inside and outside, sneaking around here with other little girls.

It's small, no wonder you don't go to our house for dinner, I think you are greedy because you want to eat other people's little girls.

Then tell me what's going on between you and Zhou Huan.

How dare you play tricks on our family, how dare you play with you.

The more Zhu Wuliu thought about it, the more angry he became, and a fire rushed into his head, and he turned around to find someone.

Is there any guy in Sun Dazhuang's yard?

With a casual grab, a hammer was raised in his hand.


A roar from behind frightened the young couple into foolishness.

The girl instinctively hid in Sun Dazhuang's arms.

Sun Dazhuang didn't say anything, and he didn't have time to say anything.

One arm protected the girl in his arms, and one hand was free to catch the hammer above his head.

At this moment, he himself was still in shock. He never thought that a poor family that didn't even care about mice would attract thieves.

Taking a closer look, the thief is still one of his own.

"elder brother?!"

With a dark face, Zhu Wuliu fixed his eyes on him: "How dare you call me brother? I will make you my ancestor today!"

"Ah! Shopkeeper! What are you doing!"

Zhu Wuliu was angry, Sun Dazhuang was worthy of being his right-hand man, one hand against his two hands, he didn't pull out the hammer in a daze.

Then he turned his head and looked at the little girl next to him calling him.

His face suddenly turned from black to blue, and he was dumbfounded.

"Miss Cui, Cuiyun?" Zhu Wuliu trembled angrily, "Okay, Sun Dazhuang, I didn't realize that you are good at hooking up, first hook up my niece to make money for you, and then hook up with the maid of the palace to serve as a stepping stone for you Yes or no."

Sun Dazhuang pushed Cuiyun away and stood up: "Brother! What are you talking about!"

After all, it was the girl who was thinking too much, Cuiyun's face changed, and she looked at Sun Dazhuang in a daze: "You, you and Miss Zhou, you..."

"Ah? What? No, this,"

It is too difficult for Sun Dazhuang to explain while also worrying about the danger above his head. He never does two things at once.

"No wonder Miss Zhou doesn't want to go to the palace. It's you, you lied to me! Hmph!"

Cuiyun stomped her feet angrily, turned around and ran away in grievance, unable to shout, fearing that she would cry if she waited a moment longer.

Just waiting for the shadow to disappear, Sun Dazhuang was also concentrating on the contrary. He squeezed his hands with the weight of the hammer in his hand, and Zhu Wuliu staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Well, you Sun Dazhuang, you still dare to get rough with me."

"I, I didn't!"

Where is this going? Sun Dazhuang wanted to explain, but what did he want to explain?Where to start explaining?Is falling in love so difficult?
(End of this chapter)

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