Chapter 264 Buying Food
The world is long and the universe is bright.

Zhu Wuliu leaned against the pile of firewood with his eyes closed, looking extremely weak.

This weakness is half from the body and half from the spirit.

The scenes and sounds just now made him feel unreasonably resentful about the transfer of ownership, and he couldn't help but think of the stupid things he did for Sun Dazhuang, and he had to face it now.

Sun Dazhuang, Sun Dazhuang, who blocked the bison attack for you in the woods, who gave you the meat when you were walking the darts, and who fanned you when you were sweating profusely.

It's all me, it's all me.

Yes, you didn't ask for these things yourself, but I did so willingly, in order to let you remember the good of the Zhu family in the future, and be more tolerant and caring for that little bastard Zhou Huan.

For the happiness of you young people, he almost risked his life.

but you,

Zhu Wuliu slowly opened his eyes, pushed aside the broken hair sticking to his forehead, and looked at Sun Dazhuang, begging to see a trace of remorse in his eyes.

Just at this time Zhou Huan also came, leisurely walked up to the two of them, still in the same careless and careless way as before.

Cuiyun, who went back and forth followed behind her.

The little girl's shoulders twitched, she looked like she had just cried.

Zhu Wuliu snorted, raised his head and said, "Treading on two boats is always going to capsize, you should be aware of it."

Sun Dazhuang also immediately understood that this belonged to Zhou Huan and Cuiyun, so in Zhu Wuliu's eyes, he had become a favorite.

The guilt welled up in his heart, and Sun Dazhuang walked forward without saying a word, and before he could speak, Zhou Huan gave him a wink and left him behind.

Zhou Huan went straight to the tired and paralyzed Zhu Wuliu.

Let's say he deserves a beating, because he is busy for himself.

Let's say he is kind, he has incurred an inexplicable romantic debt for himself.

In the end, Zhou Huan had no choice but to help the fat man up from the ground.

Take a look at him, he looks like a potter.

Zhu Wuliu tilted his head: "What is Pengci? It's not a good thing to hear. Who am I doing this for. Take a look at this kid. If you don't come, he might kill me."

"Brother Zhuang, if he kills you, can you still stand here and talk? There is no confrontation of strength and strength between you, it's just hitting a stone with an egg."

Zhu Wuliu clenched his sleeves tightly, "You, you are still talking sarcastic? Look at the people you chose, who are they?"

"Choice? Who did I choose?"

Zhou Huan rolled his eyes, and looked at Cuiyun who was pouting and Sun Dazhuang who was at a loss.

She, Zhou Huan, was studying food with Zhaodi at home, when Cuiyun came over crying, and knelt down with one slip.

Scared them enough.

Crying and saying that he didn't dare to rob her of a man, he violated his master's taboo or something.

She and Zhaodi were all fooled.

Wait until you ask, Oolong!Big oolong!
Zhou Huan was speechless, "Uncle, don't you want to be obscene in your head every day, can you do it? Look at how much trouble you have caused Brother Dazhuang and Cuiyun."

The rest, go home and talk.

Right now, you have to apologize to Cuiyun.

Those eyes are as red as walnuts. Back to Shi Zifei and the others are not allowed to ask, you will be more responsible when you take time.

Having said that, Zhu Wuliu was even more dumbfounded, and even more ashamed to see others.

But he can't lose his place as an elder.

"It's so strong,"

"Brother, don't talk about it, I understand that what I did was wrong, as a foreigner, I shouldn't get so close to Zhou Huan.

Brother, we escaped all the way here, I really treat Zhou Huan as a real girl, and I have absolutely no other ideas.

I swear! "

Zhu Wuliu pursed his lips and looked at Sun Dazhuang.

Who did this man swear to, and he didn't tell him.

Zhou Huan stepped forward and took Cuiyun's hand, "Sister Cuiyun, it's the first time my uncle has done this, he was caught in the loop, I apologize to you on his behalf.

I also promise you that brother Da Zhuang and I are better than brothers and sisters if we are not real brothers and sisters. If you don't believe me, I will write you a guarantee.

Otherwise, Brother Da Zhuang and I will become sworn brothers in the future, facing the Jade Emperor, the land father, Guan Gong, and the God of Wealth.

The gods can see that we are really innocent, this, this is all a misunderstanding. "

"Don't," Cuiyun hurriedly covered Zhou Huan's mouth, how could she have such a great destiny for a lucky star like Zhou Huan to swear to her, she was afraid of losing her life.

It's just that there are so many people now that I can't bear to walk down this step.

Zhou Huan said with a smile: "Then sister, don't be angry. I will ask the embroidery workshop to make beautiful clothes for my sister and Brother Da Zhuang some other day, um... When you two get married, the wedding dress will be provided by Taohua embroidery workshop! How about it!"

"This, this is not acceptable, you are not ordinary businessmen now."

Zhou Huan said: "What are you guys, it's us, it's us, we are all one family!"

Seeing Sun Dazhuang's dumb goose, Cuiyun was amused.

The girl laughed, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Huan, who was pushing the boat along the way, also helped Zhu Wuliu to go home. If he doesn't leave now, when will he stay? Will he stay here to eat dog food?
Listen to them crooked.

Before the people had gone far, they got together again.

"...Are you still angry?"


"...If you want to get angry, hit me."

"It hurts to hit you."

"Then I'll beat myself for you."

"...Then I feel bad."


After returning home, Zhou Huan poured Zhu Wuliu a glass of water, which was considered a lie.

Zhu Wuliu, a big man, doesn't need any steps, let alone his own children.

To put it bluntly, if the child gets angry with him because of this, he can move up the steps to apologize.

After all, what he did was really wrong, and no one can complain.

When Zhou Huan came back from the outside, this matter will be completely changed.

They have more important things to discuss right now.

"Uncle, have you heard any news during your trip, such as the price of food has started to rise?"

"Why do you ask this? Is there not enough food in Xishuashua Litun?"

Zhou Huan shook his head, "No, it's just that I think the construction of our village is a bit fast now, and we don't need to build pastures to raise cows.

I think we still have to think about how to set aside the land, even if it is wasteland, we ordinary people still have to live on the land in the end.

In this way, we are not afraid of a disaster year, because we can guarantee that we can grow and store food.

Yes, we have to find a place to make a warehouse. "

After Zhu Wuliu finished the product, he suddenly remembered what he had heard from the officers and soldiers.

"You're right, we have to stockpile food, but it's too late now, we still have to buy food now."

"Why is it too late?"

Zhou Huan also saw Zhou Man's situation from 233, so he thought back to his home.

In her eyes, this should be a rainy day.

But after hearing what Zhu Wuliu meant, it seemed like it was too late to make preparations.

Zhu Wuliu sighed: "I also heard from the officials, after all, Yanjing's news is better than ours.

I heard that in the place where Xiaoman went, several dams burst, flooding a lot of crops, and sometimes the whole village disappeared, full of water.

This time they traveled on behalf of the imperial court to collect food from house to house, and then used boats to give relief to the victims of the disaster in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

You also know that there was a big accident on our side last year, and this year there is a bit of drought in the field, and the harvest can be reduced by half as before.

If we take food out again, we will starve ourselves. "

"Get food with us? But the court knows that we have difficulties."

Zhu Wuliu: "Tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall. There is only so much food in the whole country. There is still war in the north. Where does the food come from? We can only save it from the mouths of us ordinary people.

I have to discuss this with your Grandpa Sun and the others. I can’t tell others. As far as our own village is concerned, we will go to other counties after suffering. We can buy whatever we can. "

(End of this chapter)

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