Chapter 278 I'm Going
"Look at you. I don't want to tell you so quickly because I'm afraid you'll mess it up. You're a pretty good kid, but you're always calm when things happen."

"The one who can calm down after hearing this news is a saint, not a little girl like me." Zhou Huan jumped on the back seat of the car, his whole face drooping.

Zhu Wuliu said: "Look, you are the one who came up with this idea. Now you are required to resist and you are not happy. Aren't you worried about Xiao Man? It just so happens that you can see him this time."

Zhu Wuliu glanced back and smiled, "Okay, don't feel bad, the whole family will accompany you when the time comes."

Zhou Huan's eyes widened, Xi Bao also clung to him, and said first, "What Daddy said is true? Are we going to Jiangnan?"

Xibao looked at Zhou Huan again, how could Zhou Huan give her any response, this was the first time he had heard of it.

So, the two sisters looked at Zhu Wuliu together.

I saw a smile on the corner of his mouth, with mixed flavors in his smile.

Don't look at him, he also had a flash of inspiration.

Seeing Zhou Huan like this, can the family rest assured if she is allowed to go out by herself? Xiaoman is so good that he is also a boy, and it is very safe to be with Shi Ziye.

But no matter how capable Zhou Huan is, she is a woman after all, and four taels of flesh can't be beaten by others. If the people on the boat become lustful, with her small body, it is tantamount to courting death to compete with others.

Therefore, he decided that, as one of the few green leaves in the family, he must protect this little red flower.

"Father, you are talking, shall we really go or not?"

Zhu Wuliu said with a smile: "Whether it's true or not, just say whether you want it or not."

"Think!" Xi Bao held up his hands high, happily pretending to be a little servant girl, Zhu Wuliu was driving, and she would blow his shoulders to the old father, and when Zhu Wuliu was thirsty, she would feed the old father water.

This scene flashed before Zhou Huan's eyes, and she was the only one left unable to react.

It was Zhu Wuliu who reminded: "Didn't you always talk about the sea with your younger siblings? This time, let's walk together as a family and watch the sea together. Hey~ look at the sea, eat seafood, and run on the beach. Taking a walk on the deck can be considered as a dream come true for your younger brothers and sisters."

It's not enough to just say these things, and I added a sentence later: "I'm here to help you fulfill the promise. If I wait for you, it will be a year of the monkey."

"Okay, okay, great!" Xibao clapped his hands, already looking forward to it.

The sea, sea beasts, clams, the piles of the once small huts can finally be realized, and I am still a little happy in my heart.

This is a good thing, she must be the first to run into the courtyard to announce it.

In the yard, Xibao jumped out of the car, forgot to turn around to meet Zhou Huan, and went straight to the big house.

Woohoo's voice shocked the whole family.

You have to listen to these words.

After listening, Sun Peifang panicked in the noise of the children.

She has to take care of the kids first.

"Yuanbao, don't jump up and down like a monkey, come down!"

"Three taels, don't dance around with your rice bowl, just swallow the rice and play!"

Pushing away the smiling Xibao who covered his mouth, he went straight to Zhu Wuliu.

There are so many questions in her head, she doesn't know which one to pick first.

"We, you,"

Zhu Wuliu took off his coat and threw it into Sun Peifang's open hands.

Needless to say, they were all settled on the road. Since Mr. Wang asked Zhou Huan to go, it was specified that Zhou Huan should not be allowed to go by himself.

After speaking, he gave Sun Peifang a look.

What did she say, she didn't say anything, she was stabbed for no reason, very innocent.

Of course she knew she couldn't let Zhou Huan go by herself, but she couldn't walk around the house either.

The house is gone?Don't care about the land?Don't care about business?This is going to turn the sky upside down.

"Father, you should at least assign who will stay at home and who will go out with you. Who will take care of us when we all go out. The house at home is no longer an empty house, so just let it go?"

With drooping eyelids, Zhu Wuliu waved his hand coolly, meaning that what you said is nothing serious.

The house was unoccupied for many years before, so it is not the same as it stands here.Let's talk about business, we now have someone from above to handle things, and the business is no longer our own business, so if we don't care, someone will take care of it.

Didn’t the embroidery workshop already bring out disciples, just to give them a stage to display their talents and let them cut to their heart’s content on gorgeous fabrics.

You don't have to worry about Xishuashua, everyone in it is full of characters, and they are very skilled in business, so he can rest assured that he will leave it to Aunt Jin.

As for the Escort Bureau, Zhu Wuliu has a row of thighs.

Simply, take everyone away.
Sooner or later, they will go out for a walk, how can they do it if they have never seen the world, this time, with Lord Wang's soldiers, it is safer than going out by themselves.

What a great opportunity is in front of you, just let the younger brothers go out to hone, and in the future, you will always contact guests from all over the world, no matter how knowledgeable you are.

"What? You decide alone?"

Sun Peifang sat down, crossed Erlang's legs, turned her head, and said angrily, "It's so eloquent."

Zhou Huan also echoed, "Yes, uncle, what you said about the business is fine, but the family has to keep someone there.

In the past, this house was in good condition, that's because there were no valuable things in it, and no one lived there.

But it’s different now, all our belongings are in this house, we can’t just throw them all away, let’s talk about the few acres of land behind our house, we probably won’t be able to get back the autumn harvest when we go there, who will take care of the land for our house ?
The government allowed land reclamation, but when we came back, the fields at home became wasteland, and the soil had to be dug again. Would you be exhausted? "

Zhu Wuliu didn't listen to the persuasion, and nodded Zhou Huan with his hands.

The corners of the mouth parted, "It's just that you all have so many reasons, and these are all excuses, I think you all don't want to leave.

Let me tell you, we are going to leave for sure. When Zhou Huan leaves, our whole family will follow. There is nothing wrong with spending all of it on public funds and going out to sea on a large sailing boat.

Knowing that we common people go out by themselves, how much is a boat ticket? No, girls who don't know how to settle accounts...

Don't even talk about it, I've made up my mind, you don't have to worry about the family affairs, I've already thought about it, I'll arrange it tomorrow! "

Sun Peifang and Zhou Huan looked at each other and lowered their heads.

relax?Have you gone to the disaster area to relax?

Where there is danger, go where there is no life so easy.

I really don't know what Master Wang is thinking, whether he sent a little girl to Jiangsu and Zhejiang for disaster relief, or because the little girl can make cheese.

The more Zhou Huan thought about it, the more angry he became.

After returning to the house, she lay down, the laughter outside had nothing to do with her, she just wanted to toss quietly in bed.

While tossing and complaining to 233.

What is Jiangsu and Zhejiang like now, what is Xiaoman like, whether it is dangerous or not, he is definitely not dangerous anymore, he still has a halo.

Then what should I do, now this person is about 1.6 meters tall, short and frustrated, no matter where the Yellow River Shui sends him, he can't even catch a figure.

233: "... No matter how you say it, you are not going astray now, don't worry, fools have fools."

"...Who are you talking about?"

"Ahem, let me show you Zhou Man first."

The picture unfolded in his mind, and Zhou Huan's body seemed to be frozen, feeling the blood flow to his limbs, and the throbbing in his heart.

In my mind, the girl ran, Xiaoman chased, Xiaoman chased, the girl continued to run.

Um?It feels like there are pink bubbles in it.

Zhou Huan opened his eyes suddenly, "Who is this girl?!"

(End of this chapter)

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