Chapter 279 Arrangement
On the bank of the willows, a girl with bare feet stood on the stone steps with her back facing Zhou Man, and naturally her back was also facing Zhou Huan's perspective.

In front of them are endless green crops, the reason why they are still green crops is because the whole pond has been submerged by the Huai River.

Behind them was the tent set up by the army. It was said to be a tent, but in fact it was just a temporary tent built with tarpaulins. It was not enough to block the wind, but barely covered the sun.

The people crawling on the ground could no longer tell the difference between soldiers and civilians. They were lying on the ground in disorder, their clothes were torn, and their shoes had been washed away by the flood.

rice in the pot...

It's too blurry, 233 can't see it.

Zhou Huan sighed, and just about to raise his eyes, the picture in his mind was like a cloud, which dispersed when the wind blew.

"Eh? Why is it gone? I haven't seen what that girl looks like yet."

233: "...You women just like to gossip."

"Gossip is also a kind of concern, at least let me see what that girl looks like, is it Bai Fumei you said."

It was originally a blurry picture, I wondered if this girl was rich or not, but I couldn't see it, but Bai Hemei could still be seen.

As a result, this broken system was shut down just like that. Isn't this to stimulate people's appetite?

233 didn't speak.

Zhou Huan was about to say a few more words when he noticed movement at the door.

Before she could crawl out of the bed, people came in directly.

Zhou Huan was shocked.

They also know that they cannot be outsiders, and they all know that this room is their daughter's boudoir.

Old Mrs. Jin came in with a pair of straw sandals, without raising her heels, and asked when she saw someone, "I heard you are leaving?"

"You already know?! The news spread too fast."

Zhou Huan frowned and sat up, with his legs crossed and covered with a quilt, with an unhappy expression on his face.

Looking at it this way, it was true. It wasn't that she had heard it wrong, the old lady Jin was also discouraged.

Well, it's okay if Zhu's family is gone, why take Fuwa away.

Go to the place where there are seven mountains, two rivers and one field, or go to provide disaster relief. When will you be able to come back?

"They didn't take me away, they wanted to follow me."

Regardless of the order, Mrs. Jin, in her eyes, it all means the same thing.

It means that you're going on a long trip, and you don't know when you'll be back, and you're so happy that you're bothering her to take care of you.


This is arranged by whom.

The old lady Jin pointed casually, who else could it be, your old uncle.

Just now, your old uncle went to his house in a hurry, and asked him which of his two sons could go with him, and said that this time it would take a long time to start from the other side of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the opportunity is rare, but you can't give up just because of the opportunity In order to take care of the important things of farming at home.

Therefore, if you don't bring so many people, each family will make arrangements, and whoever leaves will stay, and by the way, she will be arranged to work.

"I said that I only listen to Boss Zhou's command, and I don't know anything about other people. I am the same when the king of heaven comes."

"and then?"

"The old lady Jin said, "Then Xiaozhu still has some nonsense, so she called all the men in the family away and went to the school for a meeting. "

At this time, in the central school, there were two rows of men sitting uniformly, and Zhu Wuliu was standing on the podium in front.

If we don't have a meeting, it won't work. If we don't have a meeting, it will be too late. We can't surprise others, so who can stand it.

You can see that Zhou Huan came back after being so stimulated, and he hasn't gotten up until now.

Then, as the head of the family, he must stand up and take care of things at this time.

Sun Dazhuang, who was sitting below, raised his hand first: "Brother, I'll go with you!"

Zhu Wuliu blinked slowly.

Very good, General No.1 is already in the bag.

Immediately afterwards, several families raised their hands one after another. This was all discussed below. Who would do farm work at home and who would come out to walk the darts.

Among them is Sun Xingwang's family.

In their family, Sun Xingwang decided to stay, and he gave Sun Xingde the opportunity voluntarily.


Sun Xingwang's family also has a daughter-in-law and children, and the children are still young, so they don't need it when they really go to work in the field, but if it all depends on the daughter-in-law, it will be too hard for the daughter-in-law.

Although Sun Xingde was able to help at home at that time, except for helping a few acres of land, he was not as good as himself in knowing whether others were hot or cold.

So, taking advantage of this opportunity, let Sun Xingde go out to exercise. The eldest brother has not had much ability in these years, and he can't talk about marriage, and he never got married.

Doesn't that man still have to have a wife when he gets old? ,

We can't let him grow old with his mother under the same roof.

As for whether Sun Xingde is willing or not, that's a hundred percent yes.

You must know that not everyone has such an opportunity. Brother Zhu won such an opportunity for them, and the number of places is limited.

And this time I went out to contribute to my bodyguard agency, but in fact I was working for the imperial court. More money and less money matter. If I go out to do something alone in the future, it will be very rewarding to say that I have had this experience. .

But this is just a beautiful misunderstanding.


Only the Zhu family knows that they are suffering.

On this side, Zhu Wuliu finished the meeting and had to tidy up the house when he turned around. When they left, the place would be vacated for Wu Youren and Li Chang Sun.

Yes, make them housekeepers.

He knew what his daughter-in-law said.

They have to go, and the land at home can't be deserted, so they can only let trusted people watch over the family.

If you haven't come back during the autumn harvest, you have to trouble someone to come out of this place.

Naturally, I am embarrassed to ask for food, so I will give them part of the score.

After thinking about this, Zhu Wuliu was also ready to rest.

Lying on the kang, his thoughts became clearer, and his mind cleared up a lot. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

Turning over, she pushed Sun Peifang and asked, "Why do you think Mr. Wang insists on letting Zhou Huan go with him?"

Sun Peifang was not willing to talk to him.

If you want to face me, then I will turn over.

Leave Zhu Wuliu with a back.

Said: "Didn't you say that because only Zhou Huan can make cheese, then if she doesn't go, who will go?"

"Hiss~ The more I think about it, the more wrong I am, the emperor should have received the letter by now, we just need to pass them a note to remind them, there are a lot of chefs who can make cheese.

Their chef who is close to the disaster area and who knows how to make cheese grabbed another handful, what's the matter?Could it be that the palace was reluctant to let him go?

That's impossible, could it be that he is bullying honest people, picking up soft persimmons, knowing that everyone in the palace has a background, so they can't be bothered?
That can't be..."

"You're never finished. If you don't want to sleep, just go out. It's useless to think so much. Why, I let you go. How dare you resist.

You have the guts to resist in order to save our life, the little duke? "

Zhu Wuliu squinted his eyes, yes, that's what he said, but let's discuss what's going on, isn't this a fall into a trap and a wisdom gained.

Don't let others torment us for nothing.

"Whether it was for nothing or not, only people know."


At the moment, on the south side of Qingmen County, Jiang Yuying was lying on the bed, expressing that she knew nothing and was more confused than the Zhu family.

Even if the people of the Zhu family are confused about this matter, what can they think of? They don't know much about Yanjing.

And she, who grew up there, knows exactly who is there and what skills those people have.

So she couldn't sleep either, so she pushed Wang Yan beside her, "Master, why did you let that girl go to Jiangsu and Zhejiang? It's not safe for a boatload of men."

(End of this chapter)

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