Chapter 297
As soon as he let go, Zhu Wuliu was also dumbfounded.

When did this kid become like this?Is the water and soil in the south of the Yangtze River so good?How come I haven't seen you for half a year, and I'm almost catching up with him in size?
"Sister! Uncle! Aunt! Big brother!"

Zhu Wuliu, Sun Peifang, Sun Dazhuang: "Hey!"

"Brother, brother."

"Brother Man."

In the past, Zhou Manxibao looked at her head up, but now she needs to look up, "Brother Man has grown a lot taller."

Yes, there are many, let's just look at Zhou Man and Sanliang, if these two walk together, if they don't look at their faces but only look at their backs, others will definitely think that this is Zhou Man's son.

"Oh my god, Xiao Man, why are you so tall, even taller than me."

Zhou Man held San Liang in one arm and Yuan Bao in the other. His younger brother and sister hid at Zhou Man's feet like two penguins, and he had to raise his head high to see the human chin.

"Hey, no matter how tall I am, I'm still my sister's younger brother!

Sister, why are you here?Don't say a word when you come! "

"What? Are you dissatisfied with our coming?"

"Why, why, what did my sister say? I am so happy that you are here."


"True! I swear!"

Zhou Huan smiled "puchi" and rubbed Zhou Man's head.

This kid is still a muscle, exactly the same as before, and now she can rest assured that this is still her good brother, from the inside out to her good brother.

Sun Peifang glanced at Zhou Huan, patted Zhou Man on the shoulder and said, "Don't listen to your sister teasing you, your sister is getting more and more out of shape without your restraint.

Quick, come to my aunt and let my aunt have a look, our handsome young man, tell my aunt quickly, do you eat well here, sleep well, do you feel homesick, aunt will bring you something to eat , all made by ourselves, secretly put in the ice mirror..."

Before she finished speaking, Sun Peifang choked up, and she was looked down upon by Zhu Wuliu. They are reuniting here, and you are here again, can you be happy?

That is to say, Huzi curled his lips.

This group of people was like this last time, crying when they saw it, and didn't care about the eyes of others.

Let's just say if we can go back and talk about what we have in mind, let's first confirm where we live?
Didn't you see the big troops watching you sensationalize behind you?

Really don't cry, don't cry with joy here, there are still many refugees on this earth who can't find their families.

Can we calm down a bit and stop bringing up other people's sad things?

"Yes, I confiscated it. Let's talk back if we have something to say. I'm sorry, my lords."

Huzi smiled, "It's okay, I understand, let's go first?"

Zhu Wuliu waved his hand, "Let's go, let's go now, please trouble your lord."

After apologizing here, I cupped my hands above my head, I'm sorry for the adults behind, it's really out of love.

The group of people who love each other held hands, Zhu Wuliu had to hold Xiaoman's hand before they left for a stick of incense, and the Zhu family arrived.

A row of camp tents came into view, Sun Peifang dragged the child left and right, startled.

This is where Xiaoman lives?Is this place really sheltered from the wind and rain?
In the end, the unspoken words turned into gulps. There are tigers beside her, and Jiang He leading the way. There are many high-ranking officials in this tent, and the eldest son Bao Buqi also lives here, so she will Stop talking nonsense, and wait for the person in front to speak in a daze.

Xiaoman pointed to the two tents and said: "Sister, the space is limited, our family will live in this one, Big Brother and the others will feel a little bit wronged, they have to squeeze the big brothers into another room with soldiers, okay? ?”

"Sure, there's nothing wrong with it. It doesn't matter where we live, as long as there is a place where we can take off our shoes!" Fatty Wang rubbed his nose happily. Down, even on the ground.

Zhou Man smiled, looking at Zhou Huan who was in a daze, but he was not sure.

He knows how spoiled my sister is. When I lived on the kang, even a soybean under the quilt would make me panic. This place is not as good as the thatched cottage in Songshu Village. My sister,,,

"Wow - this place is really nice, the backside is lush and lush, just look at the mood, this tent is also really good, it looks strong at first glance.

Let me look inside... Wow, it's so big inside.

That's great, we can rest later, Xibao, let's pull a piece of cloth inside later, as before, let them be on the male side and our female side. "

"Good cousin."

Zhou Man was stunned: "Sister, don't you think this..."

Zhu Wuliu pushed Zhou Man's back, what's the point of talking so much nonsense, just help him carry things in.

The family has a lot to say, so cherish the time.

"Yes!" Zhou Man's chest heaved, he didn't know what expression to put on his face, and hurriedly followed behind his family.

Huzi looked at the family rushing into the tent in a hurry, and scratched his head in a daze.

It's just a tent. As for being so happy, the girl is really fussing this week, she has never even seen a tent.

Jiang He gave him a sharp look, and unceremoniously threw the reins in Huzi's face.

"What do you know, go and take the horses to the woods and tie them up."


"Xiao Man, have you been living in this place?"

Zhou Man tied the bed curtain and jumped down from the stool, and said with a smile: "Not only me, but also Doctor Zhang's family and Shizi also live here, and the young master also lives here when he comes.

Aunt, it’s good for us to live here now. The refugees you saw just now can only live in sheds that can’t keep out the wind and rain.

But even that kind of place was built for them after we arrived. "

Sun Peifang choked up a few times, and held back bitterly.

Holding Zhou Man's hand and sitting cross-legged on the straw mat, he opened the bundle and showed it to Zhou Man, "Look at what Auntie brought you, this jar is all pickled vegetables from our family, and other things brought It’s going to be broken, so I can only bring this, and you can eat porridge with pickles from tomorrow morning.”


According to Zhou Man, people here only eat rice soup, and the rice in a bowl of rice soup can be counted on one hand.

In this way, if they don't come, they won't be able to survive the end of this month.

Yuan Bao murmured: "Jiangnan is beautiful, the scenery is familiar to us in the past, the river is red like fire at sunrise, and the river is green like blue in spring."

The voice gradually weakened, and the child's eyes were full of disappointment.

Yes, they are still young and don't know what they are here for, but they have heard from their husband that when they come out, they will turn Jiangnan into the former Jiangnan, into that good Jiangnan.

Zhou Huan touched Yuan Bao's head, smiled and said: "Yes, we are here, you forgot that your sister is a little lucky star, we will definitely be able to rebuild this place."

Zhou Man: "Well! My sister is right. The days are getting better every day. Many people died when I came here, but we have saved many people. Now that my sister has brought food, I will definitely be able to help. more people."

Zhou Man stood up and held Zhou Huan's hand, "Sister, are you tired? If not, I'll take you out to get acquainted with this place."

Does this mean you want to be a little tour guide?

Zhou Huan nodded, comforted his siblings who couldn't go out together, turned around and left the camp.

Zhu Wuliu had just finished laying the mattresses, and was so happy that he wanted to talk to the child for a while, but when he turned around, there was no one there.

Sun Peifang: "It's not that I won't come back. Take a look at you. You are hypocritical, and you are jealous every day with your niece."

(End of this chapter)

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