Chapter 298 Bai Fumei

Seven mountains, two rivers and one field, Zhou Huan looked at the unrecognizable Yuhang County in front of him, and thought of the one field that Mrs. Jin said.

Looking around, there is at most half of the fields left in the village after the rainstorm.

"There are so many mountains, so many rivers, so many fields and so few fields."

Zhou Man stretched out his arms and said: "This one is not as good as ours, even if it's even, it's two
One mu of land per person. "

Zhou Huan wanted to say that our family didn't have its own field before, but she didn't say it.

In the past, they were poor, and their family was an exception. Many people in Youzhou lived a hundred times better than their fellows.

But in Yuhang County, this situation is normal, and there is no way to compare it.

"To the left is the gate, which has been washed away by the flood; to the right is the government building, which is the Anmin camp you passed by when you came here. As long as the refugees who were fished out of the flood are concentrated there.

It is estimated that we will have to start releasing food tonight, sister, do you have enough food? "

Zhou Huan smiled, that's enough, if you don't have it, you can do it again, it doesn't matter.

Hearing what Zhou Huan said, Zhou Man felt relieved.

Cheese is a good thing, but it is not easy to store when it is full. Although it has been placed in the ice cream along the way, the taste is not as good as when it was freshly made.

Zhou Man: "It's a blessing to be able to eat it. This food is good, and it keeps you full. It's good for your health. I believe that the health of these refugees will gradually get better."

"Yes, but these cows don't produce milk every day, and these things I can only help, not for long.

After this wave of eating is over, we still have to wait for the court to allocate food.

I think it would be best if the prince and Lord Hou can manage the place properly in this period of time, so that these farmers can plant some food as soon as possible.

Letting them be self-sufficient though is the real business. "

"What my sister said is that during the Dragon Boat Festival floods, there was a flood here, and the submerged farmland has not been rescued until now. The first thing is to control the flow of water.

Now we are looking at Yuhang County, and there is another Deqing County to the west, where there was also a flood. Shi Ziye passed away a long time ago, and he hasn't come back yet. I'm afraid the situation is not much better than here. "

"By the way, sister, you didn't meet Japanese pirates on the way, did you?"

Zhou Huan sighed, why didn't he touch it.

"Did you touch it? Then, are you injured? Let me see where it hurts."

Zhou Huan held down Zhou Man's flustered hand, "Don't worry, I didn't see you alive, and everyone I met was beaten to death by Lord Hou. Whoops, don't mention it soon. Speaking of which, the picture has surfaced again, and I want to see it again." Vomited."

Grabbing Zhou Man's hand instead, Zhou Huan stared blankly.

This touch is not right.

After turning it over and looking at it, he gasped, "Xiao Man, your hand! Why are there so many blood blisters on your hand!"

Zhou Man withdrew his hand, hid it in his sleeve, and pursed his lips, "It's okay, sister, I'm covered with scabs, and I'll be fine soon."

"What's the matter, show me quickly, your hands are for making a fuss, if the grandmas in the village see it, you might feel so distressed.

No, even if uncle and aunt can see it. "

Zhou Man tugged at his sleeves tightly, and if he didn't show it, he didn't show it. His muscles tensed and he explained, "It's nothing. Soon, just grind out the cocoons.

Besides, my sister, I just scratched my hand, and it's not that I can't lift a pen anymore. I can still write articles.

Now, if you let me write articles, I can write better than before.

You know why not?

Because I have seen a lot of things. What I heard, saw, and experienced along the way are all about people's livelihood and people's opinions. I can write a lot about their problems.

Also, "

"Little Man!"

A crisp call came from below the slope.

Just now, Zhou Man brought Zhou Huan to a high place to overlook Yuhang County.

When someone called them, they realized that it was getting dark unknowingly, and the road under their feet could not be seen clearly for a long time. Only a wooden lamp on the top of the mountain was faintly shining around them.

"who's that?"

The voice was quite nice, Zhou Huan waited with his mouth pursed.

I saw a fire light slowly walking towards them, under the light, there was a beautiful figure with two small buns coiled on the head, beautiful eyes looking forward, and the autumn waves flowing.

Zhou Huan let out a sigh of relief.

Such a beautiful Jiangnan girl.

"Xiao Man, you sneaked out again, didn't you! You caused me to look for you so hard, my skirt is wet, this is the last one, you pay me!" The little girl pinched her waist and walked up while getting angry He hummed.

When she came to the front, she raised her eyes, and the two people in front of her stared at her blankly, and her face turned red.

"This, this girl is..."

Zhou Huan looked at Zhou Man, and Zhou Man coughed twice as he imitated an adult, holding his empty fist, his eyes were floating in the air, and he didn't dare to fall on anyone.

See no evil. See no evil.

"Sister, this is the daughter of Imperial Physician Zhang; Ms. Zhang, this is my sister. They transported food from Youzhou."

Before the words were finished, the grown-up girl walked up to the two of them in one step, and as soon as the light shone, she could see clearly this time.

"You are Xiaoman's sister? My father said that you were the one who discovered the medicine for rhinitis? Isn't that right?"

Zhou Huan opened his mouth half-opened, and nodded, how familiar is this ancient girl?

"Xiao Man, didn't I tell you, don't call me Miss Zhang, but my name, Yuxiu!


Yuxiu has met her elder sister, so she will just call me Yuxiu from now on.

My father mentioned you to me, saying that my sister is a very smart girl, and he wants me to learn more from her.

Sister, let me help you down.

Sister, you follow me, I will torch again.

Xiao Man, you can follow behind, let you steal out without telling me, hum, I don't want to talk to you. "

Zhou Huan felt sweet in her heart when she heard the "sister" one after another.

The feeling of this elder sister is very different from that of my own sister. In addition to being sweet and greasy, there are pink bubbles in it.

Very psychedelic.

Especially Zhou Man under the firelight, since this girl appeared, the redness on his face has not subsided.

This is the first time she has seen her brother so shy.

"Sister, you go back and wait, I'll tell daddy, daddy will be very happy if he knows you're here."

"No, Miss Zhang, oh no, Yuxiu, we should be the ones to visit Imperial Physician Zhang, you go back and wait, don't let Imperial Physician Zhang come out, don't come out, just wait for us."

Zhang Yuxiu has crooked eyebrows, just standing in the lights, she is as pretty as a red peach in March, and said with a smile: "It's okay, Daddy won't be able to lie down, if he knows you're coming, he'll guarantee it before I mention it." Run out by yourself."

Zhou Huan didn't stop her, and as soon as she let go, Qianying ran away.

Isn't Jiangnan supposed to be a tactful school? Why is he so enthusiastic and unrestrained.

Look back at Zhou Man again.

So that's the case, it turns out that his younger brother likes bold and unrestrained people, not Xiaojiabiyu.

"Well, sister, don't take offense, Yuxiu is just like this, she has a quick temper."

(End of this chapter)

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