Chapter 299 The Girl's Mind

My sister understands that my sister has never eaten pork, but my sister has seen pigs running, many, many pigs running.

What should a boy like a girl be like, sister, let me tell you, there is no standard answer to this matter.

Let's use an analogy, you see our uncle likes his aunt, so he is very caring, wishing to get close to her every day to please her.

What I like is very blatant.

But if you look at Shizi, you can tell just by looking at it. Although Li Chengqi's eyes are not always on Jiang Yueying, he has built a flower house in his heart for Jiang Yueying.

This kind of man's liking is cautious.

Of course, there is another kind of man who just doesn’t say he likes you, but still avoids you when he thinks about you. Whenever you get close to others, he will be sour on himself. This kind of person is just his own awkward type. .

Xiaoman, do you think the last type my sister mentioned resembles you?
You are a boy whose face turns red when he sees a girl he likes, and he can't say anything good, but he still has a thousand words in his heart.

Are you suffering? You.

After returning to the tent for a while, the whole family got up.

We must not let Imperial Physician Zhang come to see them, they should go to see Imperial Doctor Zhang.

As a result, the camp was not big, and there were only two tents between the two families. The two families went out together, walked in the middle, and bumped into each other.

"Miss Zhou, long time no see."

Listening to the tongue-in-cheek accent that belonged exclusively to Imperial Physician Zhang, Zhou Huan almost forgot that this man's tongue cannot be rolled.

But after careful recollection, it seems that Zhang Yuxiu has no accent. When she introduced herself, she said "Zhang" instead of "jiang". In this point, she followed her mother.

"I've seen Imperial Physician Zhang, Xibao Yuanbao, hurry up and say hello to Imperial Physician Zhang."

"Quick, kowtow." Zhu Wuliu anxiously pressed the heads of the children and was about to go down.

So excited, the past is vivid in my mind.

It was you who saved us in the snowstorm; this time, we came with food and people to rescue you in the flood.

Doctor Zhang, long time no see, Mr. Lou asked me to say hello to you on his behalf.

Doctor Zhang stomped his feet with a smile, "I am angry when I talk about Lou Dehua. He didn't inform me earlier when you came. If I don't know, let me forget it. Why didn't I send a message to Shizi and Xiaoman?" .

You see.

We haven't prepared anything. "

"You don't need to prepare, we should prepare, go, go into the house quickly, and taste our hometown pickles."

Yes, dry choking pickles, besides this, don’t you have nothing else to do?
I can't give you cheese either, no one else has eaten it.

Zhu's family politely took Dr. Zhang's father and daughter into the camp.

Doctor Zhang had just sat down when he heard Zhou Huan say: "Mr. Lou said he sent a letter, but I heard from Lord Hou on the way that there are floods and Japanese pirates along the way. It is not easy to send a letter." .”

Grand Physician Zhang nodded, that's what happened, if it wasn't for the disaster here, it wouldn't be a problem to send it six hundred miles to expedite it.

But when there was a disaster, the mountains in some places fell down, the roads were blocked, and many people were killed.

Therefore, if people here want to go in or go out, besides detours, they only have to use the flying in the sky and the sea to pass the news.

Fortunately, after Lord Hou sent the envoy from the Western Regions back to his hometown, the envoy sent an eagle to Lord Hou. That's why we spread the news so quickly.

Otherwise, many people will be sent away tonight.

Physician Zhang sighed after finishing speaking.

Zhu Wuliu also sighed.

The messenger was talking about Tianbao, Tianbao, Godfather, I'm sorry, your eagle is now kept in the village, and I don't know if it is dead or alive.

"I don't know who this is?"

Doctor Zhang turned his head to look at the girl standing beside him, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "You guys are laughing, this is the little girl Yuxiu, she is obviously a big girl, she is still childish, I won't let her come out with me, She insisted on coming out.

I couldn't resist it, so I had to bring it out.

Quick, I met you, Uncle Zhu. "

"Daddy made a mistake again. Uncle Zhu, he is Xiao Man's uncle, so I should be called uncle." Zhang Yuxiu smiled and bowed to Zhu Wuliu, "Yuxiu has met uncle."

Zhu Wulu's heart skipped a beat.

It's not Xiaoman, what's the matter?

Your name is uncle, she is called uncle, what is the relationship between you two?Who am I?

"Yuxiu!" Doctor Zhang looked at the eldest daughter who was useless, and was really worried, "Don't be rude, this is Xiaoman's uncle and what does it have to do with you."

Zhang Yuxiu buried her head in blushing as if she didn't see the look in her father's eyes, and only glanced at Zhou Man's glowing red profile from the corner of her eye.

"Stop gossiping, Xiao Zhu, I will follow Lou Dehua in calling you Xiao Zhu.

When the lights come on tonight, we'll have to help distribute the food.

I'm going to see a doctor for the victims later. There are few doctors here, so I won't follow you when you go to distribute food. "

Zhu Wuliu nodded, yes, he understood that since he came, he didn't intend to rest.

Everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high, don't worry, they will become a new force in the team.

"Father, I want to help Doctor Zhang."

Before Zhu Wuliu finished speaking, he turned his head abruptly and saw Xibao walking over with the medicine box on his shoulders, his heart tightened.

"Why are you following me? How long have you been studying? Be obedient and don't make trouble. You follow your cousin to distribute food to refugees."

Zhu Wuliu squinted vigorously, but Xibao just didn't nod.

Doctor Zhang looked around and asked with a chuckle, "What's the matter? Has your eldest daughter gone to study medicine?"

Zhu Wuliu smiled apologetically and said, "What did you learn? I just ran a medical clinic with my former brother, and I did it as I learned. This girl is very stupid, and she hasn't become an apprentice yet."

"That's just right. Why don't you follow me, and I'll take her in person. I see that your daughter is very smart. She shouldn't be the stupid person you call her."

Imperial Physician Zhang smiled, "Don't worry, she followed me to the refugees for medical treatment. I only let her be my assistant and not let her touch those people."

Zhu Wuliu seemed to have been stabbed in the spine, almost unable to hide his embarrassment.

"Then, then you go, everything is under the orders of Imperial Physician Zhang, and you are not allowed to act without permission."

Xibao smiled, "Okay!"

The evening drum outside the house rang three times, and the lights instantly illuminated the darkness like day.

Zhang Yuxiu helped Imperial Physician Zhang stand up and looked into the distance, then turned around and said, "Let's go, we should go out too."


The Zhu family was divided into three teams.

Xibao was alone in a team, and followed by Doctor Zhang's side.

Zhu Wuliu led Zhou Huan and Sun Dazhuang to join the food distribution team.

Sun Peifang took Yuanbao and Sanliang to form another team, the logistics support team, which was dedicated to serving the family members.

The one called a handkerchief at the other end and the dishcloth at the other end had to be prepared by her, and she had to hold a child in each hand.

Obviously not involved in front-line work, but busier than anyone else in the family, busy feet hit the back of the head.

(End of this chapter)

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