Chapter 319

The common people in the past were dumbfounded.

They are watching the fun, and naturally the more violent the noise is, the more they like to watch it. This is much more eye-catching than the stories on the stage.

The invisible and intangible things on the stage are all fake, but the things in front of you are all real.

As for who can really care about the whole story of this matter, it is only the people on both sides of the confrontation.

There is also Zhu Wuliu.

He didn't leave, and had been peeking around Zhou Huan the whole time.

Who said that the eldest niece and daughter-in-law can only choose one or the other, he is an adult, and he can completely realize everything by himself.

The other side hurriedly picked up Sun Peifang, and followed behind Zhou Huan with Sun Peifang.

Ever since Zhou Huan and Jiang He went to the restaurant to watch a play, he and Sun Peifang had been squatting at the door and looking up at their every move.

Sun Peifang held the sugar figurine in her hand, and her heart was not sweet anymore.

What's going on, the two of you agreed to go on a date, just like back then, why did you become a petty thief and follow the girl.

And let her look up, what are you looking at.

"Do you see what's on the table?"

Zhu Wuliu pushed Sun Peifang, who was unhappy, and Sun Peifang looked up. It was so far away, and the place where their cat was in the dark, who could see what was on it.

Zhu Wuliu said, "It's deer fetal ointment."

"Cut—it's just deer fetus paste—" Sun Peifang waved her hand, isn't it deer fetus paste? Zhu Wuliu also gave her such a good thing when she was young. It was fashionable to give this, especially in the border of Youzhou. If the house girl holds this thing in her hand, it proves that she has the owner, which is very enviable.

Recalling the past, Sun Peifang still pursed her lips and smiled, and after laughing for a while, suddenly her heart seemed to open up.

Countless question marks emerged from it.

"What? Deer placenta cream?" Sun Peifang heard right, did they hear deer placenta cream in front of them?
How could Zhou Huan have such a thing?

Facing Sun Peifang's repeated questions, Zhu Wuliu snorted.

Let's just say he's not at ease, let's just follow along, just wait and see, the two of you are destined for a showdown, our niece's temper definitely can't stand the twitchy big man.

Seeing Hou Ye's expression, his face turns red and white, it must be asked by our niece.

"Ah? What's the matter? Will that Huan'er offend Lord Hou?"

"Offended?" Zhu Wuliu curled his lips, "Why didn't he feel offended when he gave our niece deer birth cream.

Oh, he's a man, so he can do whatever he wants, and he has to follow whoever he likes?

What's the point of being a concubine when our common people's girls like to be concubines?Our niece has the ability to support herself, so what can she do for her. "

Zhu Wuliu has great confidence in the girls in his family. No matter Zhou Huan or Xibao Yuanbao, they are all well-educated by him, and their three views are very upright.

But not long after, the two upstairs started to move, and as soon as Jiang He got up to leave, the couple hurried into the shadows.

As soon as he raised his head again, he saw Zhou Huan put the deer placenta cream into his arms again, and just as he was wondering, there was a commotion not far away.

At this moment, Zhu Wuliu stepped forward and grabbed the people on both sides. He would not ask what happened, because he saw everything in his eyes.

His appearance was not for fairness and justice, but for protecting the calf.

Besides, he may be suspicious of others saying that there is a problem with the mountain goods, but if the words come from the mouths of Youzhou people or from Sun Xingde, then he is 100% sure in his heart, and Sun Xingde is right. .

Reasonable, he will take action.

"Hey, are there any helpers?" The stall owner immediately began to sit and play when he saw that there were more and more people.

"God, have pity on me, an old thing. The century-old ginseng that has been preserved for decades is now called a fake by a group of outsiders. There is really no place to reason—"

Seeing the person fell to the ground, Zhou Huan subconsciously took a step back.

Good guy, I was almost touched by someone.

There is no monitoring here, so who will judge it.

Jiang He stood sideways in front of Zhou Huan, and picked up the weak old stall owner from the ground, "If you have something to say, you can talk to the yamen, don't make trouble in the street."

What kind of hat is this wearing?
The stall owner's pupils froze, and he tried to shake off Jiang He's hand, but every time he shook off, the other party's grip would only get tighter.

When he rolled his eyes, he could only grin his teeth and yell out loudly, "Help, life is worthless."

"Shut up." With a straight face, Jiang He grabbed the stall owner's arm with one hand and took out his waist card from his waist with the other. Before the stall owner could understand, he said, "Leave something to the government."

The words on it were too dark to read clearly, but he could hear the other party's words clearly.

The word "government" is too intimidating to ordinary people. One is because they have a guilty conscience, and there are a lot of troubles in the street, but they didn't say that they entered the government because of fighting among the common people. of.

Even if you want to file a complaint with the government, you can't go in all the time.

People don't care about trivial matters.

Another one, the current county lord is different from the previous ones. He is very serious in his work, a little more serious.

The mouth is always teaching the people what not to do with evil.

The meaning behind the words is to clean up Yuhang County, to turn Yuhang County into a civilized city that does not close its doors at night and does not pick up lost things on the road.

The face is merciful, but the means are ruthless.

Not a single bit was spared.

So now the common people are afraid of troubles, very afraid of causing troubles, they almost settle things by themselves with money and smiling faces, they would rather pay money than go into the government office, that would be too much suffering.

At this moment, the stall owner's legs were weak from fright, and his whole body was bent into a comma, trying to drag him back.

"No, don't go to the government. If we have something to say, let's settle it face to face. It's late at night, so don't disturb the county magistrate's rest.

You just patted your ass and left, but I will suffer in the future. "

"You still dare to slander the county master?" Zhu Wuliu pointed at the stall owner and said seriously: "That is the upright Master Qingtian. What do you mean by saying that the parents are officials? You mean that people are small-minded and give you small shoes, right?!"

"No! By heaven, I definitely didn't mean that!" The stall owner swallowed hard, unable to argue.

Jiang He didn't care about those vain rhetoric, and was only responsible for leading people to the county government.

Sun Peifang looked at Jiang He who was silent, feeling a little scared.

In the past, this Hou Ye would always be a small face to them no matter what, with a dimple on the corner of his mouth when he smiled, just like Mr. Pianpian who came out of a book.

Unexpectedly, when something serious happened, the murderous look on her face could intimidate her from afar.

"Do you really want to go to the Yamen?"

Sun Peifang couldn't reach Zhu Wuliu with his first hand. Seeing that he led the brothers forward vigorously, he could only follow behind Zhou Huan.

Zhou Huan nodded heavily.

Of course we have to go, everyone in the world bullies the weak and fears the strong, and this old man is so bad that he dares to touch porcelain. If he had met a difficult Hades here, they might be the ones who were blackmailed today.

(End of this chapter)

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