Chapter 320
In Daye’s yamen, apart from the size, the prison cells inside are all exactly the same, with iron doors, iron windows, and iron chains.

At the end of the stone wall is a value house.

There were several straight yamen guards standing at the door, and the leader of the cell personally pushed the old man who was selling fake ginseng inside.

The stall owner staggered and almost lost his footing. The "wrong" in his mouth changed to "forgive me" the moment the gavel fell.

Zhu Wuliu and others watched this man being dragged down by the yamen servants, from the moment he came in and knelt down to the moment he went out and stood up, it took only a cup of tea.

Zhu Wuliu glanced secretly at the magistrate of Yuhang County who was sitting in front of the hall, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a dry throat.

This man had thin eyebrows and a thin face, and his cheekbones became slightly sunken. If he were not dressed in official robes, no one would have recognized him as a magistrate while walking on the street.

But wearing this suit of clothes on him seemed to be integrated with him, sitting upright with no anger in his eyes.

At this moment, the magistrate of Yuhang County got up and was talking to Jiang He.

Zhu Wuliu and the others were watching and talking at the door.

Sun Dazhuang muttered softly: "Brother, did the county magistrate take care of Lord Hou's face, so he cleaned up that profiteer so quickly?"

Sun Xingde interjected: "There is no guarantee that this county magistrate is really as good as these people say. You can see that bad people are afraid of him, and good people praise him, so he is designated as a good official."

Zhu Wulu gave them a look, signaling them to speak carefully.

Turning his back and stroking his beard, he said: "In my opinion, this county magistrate still knows some things about ginseng. He wasn't fooled by others casually, and he didn't just look at Jiang He's face. Look at his eyes. When you look at a person, it's as if you can see a blade."

Just as he was talking about the blade, Sun Peifang glanced at Zhu Wuliu.

This person told others to be careful about what they said, but he started to comment on the county magistrate's appearance.

A few people were muttering in low voices, and Jiang He was coming this way after finishing his speech. Yuhang County Magistrate followed him and glanced at a few people, and finally his eyes fell on Zhou Huan, who was the smallest.

"Is this the famous Boss Zhou from Youzhou?"

"Ah?" Zhou Huan was taken aback, "This, ah haha, you are too polite, my lord, the little girl is not some boss Zhou, but just a small business."

The county magistrate had been keeping a straight face just now, and he rarely showed a smile, showing a bit of softness, "Boss Zhou is humble. There are not many businessmen like Boss Zhou who are self-denying and respectful, and serve the country and the people."

He sighed and laughed at himself: "This time Yuhang is in trouble, if Boss Zhou didn't give his all to help save Yuhang from the fire, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my black hat."

"Master Song is serious. If there is no Master Song in Yuhang, I don't know what it would be like now. Master Song's official virtue is well known throughout the court."

"That's right." Zhou Huan smiled, and then said: "Minnv's family has heard from the people in the village that Mr. Song is an upright official and always thinks of the people. Everyone is grateful for Mr. Song's kindness.

Seeing him now, Mr. Song is indeed an upright and upright parent official, which is admirable. "

County Magistrate Song was praised so much, not only did not waver, but even more embarrassed to laugh, he waved his hands and said: "Where is it? It's just taking on one's own responsibility. With the appreciation of Lord Hou, you can also contribute to the court for a few more years."

Sending the county magistrate and Jiang He's eyes a pair, the meaning is self-evident.

Afterwards, Zhou Huan found out that this hard-working county magistrate was recommended to Yuhang County by the Hou Mansion.

When they were in Qingzhou, the two formed a team together, Jiang He was the striker, and Song County Magistrate was the best support.

Jiang He said that County Magistrate Song has always been a helper and not a relative. In the 20 years he has been an official, he has never been greedy for a cent of the people's money.

If the people dare not think, he will think for the people; if the people dare not fight, he will fight for the people.

So, with this bad face and arrogance, he has not been promoted for 20 years and has always been the county magistrate.

He is like a torch that lights up wherever it is needed.

The family said that when this man first became an official, he ignited a big fire in the court.Xu Shi offended Mr. Shoufu, and the Yanjing Gang still looks down on him.

"Yanjing Gang?" Zhou Huan turned his head and asked, "There is this gang?"

The two walked slowly, Jiang He smiled, "The court is like a river and lake, so naturally it has its own gang."

The girl beside him stopped talking, but Jiang He spoke as if he still had something to say, and asked with a wink in his eyes, "You don't want to know what gang is in our house?"

"Do not want to."

Xu Shi didn't expect Zhou Huan to answer so simply, Jiang He's expression froze, and he returned to normal after a while.

"That's right, your business has always been about profit over justice."

If Zhou Huan can't hear praise or criticism, then these two lifetimes are wasted.

She stopped in her tracks and almost lost her manners. She turned her words around again and again, "What do you mean, Master Hou?"

Jiang He turned around and rubbed his nose, "So you remember being angry with me, I thought you didn't feel anything I said."

"I," Zhou Huan felt like a stick in his throat, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

A general who is a good thief, no wonder he can win battles, the aggressive general method is used well.

"Minnv's family works conscientiously for the Hou's Mansion and Prince You's Mansion. Hearing what Lord Hou said, of course she will be angry, like..."

"It's like being a donkey with good intentions, with a hot face and a cold butt?"

Zhou Huan's eyes widened, and he looked at Jiang He. This man was full of nonsense, he was from the Hou family, and his manner of speaking was not as good as Xiao Man's.

Jiang He laughed and pinched his waist, "Don't be angry, I'm a hot face, I'm willing to stick a cold ass, right?"

Zhou Huan was angry: "You're the one with a cold ass!"

The sound was not trivial, but the group of people walking in front continued to move forward as if they hadn't heard it.

Zhu Wuliu thought to himself: We don't dare to look back, if we take a second look, accidents will easily happen.Niece, what is the relationship between the two of you? You were quite reserved in the front, but why are you and me in the back?

Others thought: I didn’t hear it, I didn’t hear it, I didn’t hear anything.

At this moment, there was a shout from behind.

"The strong man—the strong man stays—"

The brothers looked at each other.

Who is it?Are you calling us?Should we turn back?Can I go back?

"The strong man—the strong man selling ginseng—"

I understand, this is Sun Xingde.

Sun Xingde coughed, shook his shoulders, and looked back as if nothing had happened, only to see the old man who bought ginseng before he was released was running towards them panting.

One didn't stop the car and almost rushed into the arms of the person.

The man must go there, wiped his sweat with a smile and said: "The strong man left in a hurry just now, and Qian has not had time to thank the strong man."

Sun Xingde looked at the man talking and pulling out his sleeves, thinking that he was asking for money, he hurriedly said: "Don't, don't, I just can't see others being cheated. You don't have to thank me so much, it's too wasteful, it's not appropriate."

Before he finished speaking, the other party pulled out a handkerchief from his sleeve.

It's too ugly to wipe the sweat on the sleeves, so it's best to use a handkerchief.

Sun Xingde: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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