Is he teasing me

Chapter 308 Bitten

Young cats need to be fed 3-5 times a day, and when encountering the rain god, who will give you a hungry ghost reincarnation breed no matter how much food you put in, feeding it is a must for any adult who has a serious job. item burden.We Yushen were lucky enough to meet Zhang Moyan, who left his job and spent a lot of time at home, at a young age.

Zhang Moyan has just left her job for three days, and she is not in a hurry to find a job. Yushen's five meals a day have become the focus of her life. She feeds four meals during the day and prepares extra meals for Xiao Xingyu at night. reserved.She has always been serious in her work, buying fish and meat, mixing raw and cooked, and shoveling excrement and sand, so she is actually very busy every day.Of course, these were all carried out when Xiao Xingyu was not at home.

It's not that she never thought of getting the God of Rain to serve her in her home, so as to save her from running into Xiao Xingyu's room like a voyeur several times a day, but that little guy was born as a cat but is as timid as a mouse, Zhang Mo The smoke is delicious and delicious, and it has been supported for three days, but so far it has never touched a cat hair, let alone tricked it into taking a step out of the gate.

Zhang Moyan had no choice but to continue coaxing the cat owner to put down his guard as soon as possible and gain some trust in her.

"Rain God came out to eat...Rain God? Where did he hide?"

At twelve noon, Zhang Moyan chopped and cooked the fresh pigeon meat bought in the imported supermarket in the morning, mixed it with peas and dried cranberries, served it to the master in the luxurious cat room, and entered another day. A veritable peek-a-boo session.

Zhang Moyan called around in a soft voice, the room was quiet, she settled at the door of Xiao Xingyu's bedroom, looking at the German custom-made big bed worth 300 million according to Xiao Wow, hesitated again and again, and gave up the burglary search .

Of course not ashamed!Rather, not entering such a private place as the bedroom is the minimum quality of being a human being. Besides, it's getting late. She made an appointment with Chen Guanfu at 01:30 in the afternoon to get the report at the paternity testing center. Today is the day for the report.

The relationship between her and Chen Guanfu is about to have a scientific and authoritative conclusion, and it is a conclusion that can be guessed with a high probability. Zhang Moyan has been so nervous since the night before that she can't sleep, her mind is full of various thoughts, but Looking back and thinking about it, there was nothing.

She really has to thank Xiao Xingyu for giving her this job of feeding cats, so that she has something to divert her attention from, otherwise, with her divergent thinking, people are bound to be stuck in restless anxiety all day long. Extricate yourself.

After replacing the water in the feeder, Zhang Moyan got up and looked around, but still did not see the Rain God.

"Okay, I'm leaving, come out later and eat slowly." Zhang Moyan told the air, the guy with the bad ear didn't know if he didn't hear it again, maybe he didn't. What kind of reaction is it? I only dare to wait for people to leave before coming out to eat.Zhang Moyan shook his head with a broken smile and stepped back, the next second——

"Meow!" With a tragic meow, something jumped up from Zhang Moyan's feet and bit her right ankle mercilessly!


Zhang Moyan flicked his foot in pain, and immediately a snow-white ball of hair drew a short arc at low altitude, and landed on the thick carpet of the cat room.

"Rain God?!...Are you alright?" Zhang Moyan held his feet and stood alone.

Rain God was also frightened to death, buried his head and hid behind the cat stand, shaking his face against the wall like a sieve.

Zhang Moyan bent down to look at her ankle, and there were two bright red blood spots. She took a breath and recalled what happened.

When she stepped back just now, she seemed to have stepped on something under her feet. Now that she thinks about the feeling of the foot—it is most likely the tail of the Rain God... It seems that when she was changing the water for the feeder just now, the little Rain God probably had a cat on her foot side, but she stepped on it without noticing it (o_0)
Fortunately, he only stepped on his tail, Zhang Moyan was glad.

Thinking about it, maybe this is an initiative approached by the Rain God with all the courage to try. Unexpectedly, the first time he showed his favor, he was trampled on his tail and kicked away.

"Rain God, I didn't see you just now, so I didn't know you were behind me. I threw you, and you bit me, so we're even...Come on, show me you?" Zhang Moyan was tolerant But the closer she got, the more Yushen squeezed himself into the gap between the cat shelf and the wall, trembling until the whole cat had ghosts.

Zhang Moyan gave up, endured the pain and stood up, limping out of Xiao Xingyu's house as originally planned.

When she got home, Zhang Moyan found her mobile phone first, called out the number that Xiaowa had left for her, and dialed it.

Two 10 minutes ago.

Xiao Xingyu had just finished a certain cultural exchange event held at the International Conference Center. A crowd of reporters stared at him, an Internet celebrity, chasing and intercepting him. Xiaowa finally managed to kill him with close cooperation with the security guards on the scene before he escaped. After leaving, the two went down to the parking lot via the VIP elevator.

"Brother Yu, wait for me here, I'll drive the car over here!" Xiaowa picked up the T-shirt that was scratched on his chest, and let Xiao Xingyu stay in the air-conditioned elevator room.

"Oh, thank you for your hard work." Xiao Xingyu looked down at the few nail marks on Xiaowa's arm that had been scratched and the hairstyle that had been destroyed like a chicken coop.

"It's nothing! Those reporters are a bunch of weak chickens!" Xiaowa was so touched that he walked out of the automatic glass door with a wave of his hand. It didn't take long before he used Xiao Xingyu to cover up his status as a rich man, but ordinary people still have to get loans The GLS300, which can only be bought for hundreds of thousands, drove to him.

Xiao Xingyu opened the door and sat in the co-pilot, then threw the bag in the back seat and began to loosen his tie.

"Brother Yu, are we going back to the research institute now?"

Xiao Xingyu pulled half of his tie and glanced at Xiaowa: "Why are you in a hurry, why don't you eat? If you don't eat, I have to eat too."

"Oh!" Xiaowa desperately pressed the corners of her upturned mouth, "I thought you forgot! Brother Yu, where do you want to eat now?"

Xiao Xingyu straightened the tie he took off with both hands, and said casually: "Today is ample time, let's go to Magpie Palace."

"What?" Xiaowa was shocked, and stayed for a few seconds to confirm with Xiao Xingyu, "Que, Quegong?"

Xiao Xingyu: "What's the matter, isn't it the restaurant that you kept in your favorites for more than half a year and every time you look at it, it makes you laugh?"

"Brother Yu, do you call that place a restaurant?"

Xiao Xingyu looked back at Xiaowa strangely: "If you don't call it a restaurant, isn't it just a restaurant that has received several foreign dignitaries? You don't want to go?"

Well, return to the restaurant.

"I want to go, I really want to go!" Xiaowaxin said, it doesn't matter whether it's a restaurant or a restaurant, anyway, the per capita 6888 seems impossible to be paid by me, "Brother Yu, we can go wherever we want!"

Xiaowa drove the car out of the basement, followed the ground instructions to drive out of the International Conference Center, and merged into the traffic coming and going in the city.The hot sun at noon made the road shine golden. While driving, Xiaowa was thinking about the M9+ pure blood Wagyu beef, caviar, and lobster that he was about to enjoy, and he was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear.

Suddenly, the ringtone from his trouser pocket interrupted his fragrant thoughts. With one hand driving, he struggled to find his mobile phone from the squashed fabric. When he saw the name of the caller, he immediately reported: "Brother Yu, it's sister-in-law!"

Xiao Xingyu was reading emails on his mobile phone, when he heard this, he raised his head, and after 1 second, he said, "Pick it up."

Xiaowa then led the order to do so.

"Hey, good afternoon, sister-in-law! Is there something wrong?"

"Little Wow," it's rare that Zhang Moyan didn't correct his address as soon as he came in the past two days, "I want to ask you, has the Rain God been vaccinated?"

"Yes, the first injection is finished. This vaccine can only be given to cats who have been at least three months old, so I took it for the vaccination about ten days ago, and the second injection can only be given after 21 days. There are still seven or eight God! Why do you ask this, sister-in-law?"

"Ask her if she was bitten by a cat?" Xiao Xingyu, who was smart and smart, interjected in a deep voice, guessing what happened from their conversation before Xiaowa asked the question stupidly.

Xiaowa got stuck for a while, and then asked the phone like a toolman: "Brother Yu asked if you were bitten by a cat?"

"...Yes, but the Rain God didn't care," Zhang Moyan continued, half asking and half talking to himself, "After the first injection, it should already have antibodies in its body, right?"

"Rain God biting someone?!" Xiaowa was startled and suspicious, his eyes confused, "I don't know if I have antibodies or not. According to the vaccination list, I need to get four injections..."

"Turn around at the intersection ahead and go back to Yunshan's homeland!" Before Xiaowa finished speaking, he had already received the order from the co-pilot.

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