Is he teasing me

Chapter 309 There is actually a woman that Brother Yu can't hook? !

Xiaowa seemed to hear the sound of magpie palace dishes smashing to pieces.

He held the mobile phone and looked at the impeccable young talent with sword-browed eyebrows and side profile on the right, showing Cui Yingying's pitiful expression of being abandoned from beginning to end, but he still did not forget to reply to the phone: "Sister-in-law, wait at home, I and Brother Yu is on his way back, and he will be there in 15 minutes at most, hey, hang up first!"

Xiaowa quickly hung up the phone, afraid that he would cry if he said one more word.

"Don't do this, listen to me." Xiao Xingyu also felt that he had lost his morality, so he transferred the account to Xiaowa on his mobile phone very sensiblely, and said with a smile, "such a good environment, let's go What to eat? I heard that you dated that little internet celebrity recently? Girls who don’t have a sugar daddy to talk about feelings are too rare now, take care of it and don’t be shabby, transfer you 2 to find time to take girls to feel feelings, okay? ?”

It's not a restaurant anymore, it's a good environment.

"Sure!" Although Xiao Wow felt that Xiao Xingyu was playing with his emotions completely, but considering his brother's compensation was very sincere, the crying expression was instantly wiped away, and he was slightly pleased She looked shy, "You know everything about me? Well, it's not really a date, it's just a friend first."

Xiao Xingyu patted Xiaowa's strong shoulder with a big hand: "Be confident! Distill and refine your experience in more than 100 love idol dramas, and then combine theory with practice, it will be enough to embrace the beauty. If not, brother will give you Come out..."

"No, no, no!" Xiaowa flatly rejected Xiao Xingyu's kindness in shock, "Brother Yu, if you come forward, what's the matter with me behind this? Girls usually can't move when they see you. You haven't seen Jiaotong University?" Those female college students are peeping at the wall with their neighbors every day, and they are almost tearing apart the fence of our research institute. If you talk to people a few more times, if they still don’t empathize with you, it means you don’t want to marry them?”

"Yo, the girls next door know that watching dramas is also useful for improving literary literacy?" Xiao Xingyu lazily turned back and leaned against the back of the car seat, looking ahead without much embarrassment, "I wish I had this ability. Already!"

Not long after, the car drove into Yunshan's home, and from a distance, they saw Zhang Moyan in a light green dress waiting downstairs with a bag on his back.Xiaowa murmured, "Why is my sister-in-law waiting down there in such a hot day?", while driving the car towards Zhang Moyan, when he got close, he waved to her poorly, motioning her to get in the car.

"I'll go down for a while." Xiao Xingyu said.

"Oh, good." Xiaowa pulled the car aside dully, watching Xiao Xingyu push the door into the 38°C high temperature with distress, and he didn't dare to neglect Maliu to turn off the engine, and got out of the car to follow Xiao Xingyu.

Zhang Moyan saw Xiao Xingyu get off the car, and quickly walked down the stairs in the corridor to meet him: "What do you want me to wait for?"

"Sister-in-law, I'm really sorry." Xiaowa took the lead and apologized again and again, "Rain God is too outrageous! It has eaten the heart of a bear, and I will definitely teach it a lesson later!"

"Take you to the hospital for rabies vaccination," Xiao Xingyu looked at Zhang Moyan from head to toe, "Where did you get bitten? Let me see."

"Now?" Zhang Moyan was a little dazed, and didn't answer the question about the bite.

Xiao Xingyu observed the red spots on her ankles through her flesh-colored stockings, raised her trouser legs and squatted down on one knee to check: "I saw blood from the bite, that cat is really not familiar with it, don't cook for it in the future Die!"

The ankle was scrutinized like a cultural relic by Xiao Xingyu. Zhang Moyan felt that her right heel to the knee was itchy all over her calf. She glanced at Xiaowa. conservative.

Zhang Moyan couldn't help but move her right leg and left leg slightly with her toes, but after finishing, she felt that this movement seemed a bit... flirtatious.

Sure enough, Xiao Xingyu raised his head, and the two of them fixed their eyes on each other for 3 seconds. Xiao Xingyu quietly said, "It's the same as someone."

His eyes might be talking about legs, but this abrupt sentence was followed by him saying that Xiao Yu was not familiar with her. Zhang Moyan was stunned, thinking that this unfamiliar 'someone' was talking about her, or Xiao Huai?

While thinking about it, Xiao Xingyu stood up and urged: "Let's go, go to the hospital to get a rabies vaccine. You can't delay the bite of this kind of animal." He grabbed Zhang Moyan's wrist and left, but Zhang Moyan didn't move.

Seeing this scene, Xiaowa was slightly taken aback. There was actually a woman he couldn't hook up with Brother Yu? ! ! !

On the other hand, Xiao Xingyu wasn't embarrassed or shocked at all, he put his hands in his trouser pockets and turned around calmly.

However, he walked two or three steps away, felt that the people behind him had not followed, and then stopped and turned his head, only then did he look puzzled at Zhang Moyan who was standing there.

"Brother Yu is right, you must not delay being bitten by a kitten or puppy," Xiao Wa hurriedly greeted Zhang Moyan, "Let's get in the car and go to the hospital!"

"Now?" Zhang Moyan asked.

"Yes, now." Xiaowa remembered that this was Zhang Moyan's second confirmation of the time, and their actions were unclear, so they wanted to take her to get vaccinated now?

"Not now, I have an appointment with someone at 01:30 and I have something to do."

Xiaowa: "Oh..."

Xiao Xingyu looked at his watch: "The Yushen vaccine is not finished, so you should not take it lightly if you are bitten by it. The dog injury clinic registration and injection are very fast, and the hospital is only 4 kilometers away. I suggest you get the injection first. You We need to get things done and we'll take you there."

Xiao Xingyu's tone and attitude were very solemn, and the arrangements were reasonable, but Zhang Moyan, who was always easy to talk, was abnormally uncooperative: "No, I searched the Internet just now, and the online doctors said that within 24 hours Just get the first shot of rabies vaccine. I’ll get it right away when I’m done.”

"That's what 24 hours said," Xiao Xingyu first affirmed Zhang Moyan's statement, and then said patiently, "but the sooner the vaccine is injected, the better. Many people in the world are bitten by animals every year after being injected with rabies vaccine. Still died of rabies attack. Do you know why? Because once a person is infected with rabies virus, the virus will start to replicate and reproduce in the body. Everyone’s constitution is different. Some people’s body virus reproduces very quickly. Vaccines are in a race against the virus, whoever replicates the most soldiers wins, so if you can get the vaccine as soon as possible, try to get it as soon as possible.”

Zhang Moyan opened her eyes slightly. She didn't know this knowledge before, and now she couldn't help but feel a little scared when she heard it, but... She is going to the Paternity Test Center and Chen Guanfu to get the test report, which is very important.

And Xiao Xingyu still can't know.

"Yes, yes," Xiaowa said with a serious expression, "If you're not afraid of [-], you're afraid of the eventuality. If you contract rabies, there is no cure for it once it breaks out, and the death is extremely miserable. You are afraid of light, water, and go crazy... Oh, hello, what a shame! Although the Rain God hasn't been out much, he can take precautions and get an injection to rest assured."

Xiaowa felt that what she said was earnest, but the audience, Zhang Moyan, still had no intention of conforming to public opinion.

Xiao Xingyu looked at Zhang Moyan strangely, and asked casually: "What are you going to do, and how long will it be?"

Zhang Moyan was taken aback, never thought that Xiao Xingyu would ask this, and his head stuck for a moment: "Oh, I'm going to an interview, and I made an appointment with the other party's HR for the interview time at 01:30."

It was a well-made excuse, and it was reasonable for a young woman who was out of work to look for a job.

Xiao Xingyu pursed his lips for a moment, and then swiped open the phone to operate, and found a video of a rabies patient in two or three times, and decided to use the textbook to speak: "You have a look at this."

There was a human-like animal sound in the air filled with cicadas. Zhang Moyan looked down at the mobile phone that Xiao Xingyu held out to her, only to see a live video played on the screen. .

A grinning fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy was tied up to a tree stump with heavy ties. His eyes were bulging, his lips were chapped, and he was hysterical.I don't know how long the boy has been tied up. He seems to be hoarse, but he is still struggling and twisting his body frantically, spitting and cursing at the crowd of onlookers, and biting his teeth from time to time. .The men, women and children who were talking about him all stayed away from him, and everyone looked at him with sympathy and regret.

After a while, a thin woman wearing an old sari walked into the camera. She looked sad and hopeless, holding a bowl of water in her hand. She was the only person in the whole picture who dared to walk into the boy. It seemed that she should be the boy's mother.Although she couldn't understand what she was saying, but from her pleading and comforting body language, it could be inferred that she saw that the child was about to collapse, and hoped that he would drink some water.

The out-of-control boy didn't know whether he recognized his mother or was completely afraid of the water in his mother's hand. He stopped cursing, but changed into a look of extreme horror.He shrugged his shoulders and tried to hide, and what he said in his mouth should be begging for mercy or hoping that his mother would not come near... The whole picture was desperate and heartbreaking, Zhang Moyan couldn't bear to look at it anymore, and looked away.

The educational effect has been achieved, and Xiao Xingyu also put away the phone at the right time: "Work is so important, you can contact that HR and tell her the situation, the report may be a little later, it's still early, so let's hurry up. 01 :30 can arrive."

"Ah, that's right," Xiaowa rattled the key in his hand, "My driver-level driving skills will definitely not lose the chain!"

Zhang Moyan's palms broke out in cold sweat: "This is too much trouble for you, don't you have to work in the afternoon? It's also very convenient for me to take the subway."

Xiaowa continued: "There is really no arrangement this afternoon. Brother Yu has no experiments and no meetings, no classes and no reception!"

"Oh..." Zhang Moyan felt bad, his face turned purple.

The scorching sun made people sweat, Xiao Xingyu picked up the collar of his shirt: "Are we talking here?... All right, I'll go to the interview with you first, let's get in the car!"

Xiao Xingyu went to interview with her?Zhang Moyan was stunned, how could she try noodles well!
There is a saying "It's easier to expose a lie than to hunt down a lame dog". She didn't believe it before, but now she believes it, but how can this situation be broken?
"Are you in a hurry?" Xiao Xingyu gradually noticed the abnormality from Zhang Moyan's dullness.

Zhang Moyan faltered and said stubbornly: "You guys better not send me off, my job is very low wages, and it's not good to take such a good car as soon as someone sees me interviewing for this interview.... "

"Such a good car?" Xiao Xingyu frowned. If his previous cars could say this, it seems that this car with a total of more than 80 on the road is not worthy.

"That's right," Zhang Moyan tried hard, "It's a Mercedes after all."

Xiao Wahaha interjected: "Mercedes-Benz is also divided into three, six, and nine grades, and there are a lot of people running on the street now! Let's get in the car quickly, it's too hot outside."

Zhang Moyan was a little bit anxious: "I really don't need to send me off, thank you! I can't tell you more, let's go first!"

Xiao Xingyu looked at Zhang Moyan, a little suspicious of her repeated rejections.

"What's the name of the company you're interviewing for? Where's the address?" Xiao Xingyu asked suddenly.

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