Is he teasing me

Chapter 328 I Can't Believe

As a prosperous international metropolis, Shenhai is rich in tourism resources and has many novel and interesting attractions.

In the next few days, Zhang Moyan spent 2 hours to go to the media company introduced by Jin Xueyang for a cutscene interview, and spent the rest of the time taking Sasha and the little grandma to visit the park, ancient town and scenic spots.

The Xiao family who came from afar almost stayed in the hospital to accompany the old man, and they were happy that someone took care of these two ancestors, so Sasha and the little grandma became Zhang Moyan's followers.

On this day, the Ocean Park, which was full of tourists during the summer vacation, finally arrived at the scheduled time. The little aunt got her wish and went to see the mermaid she was always thinking about.Because Xiao Xingyu was going to attend a political study meeting in Jiaotong University where he was not allowed to take leave, he asked Xiaowa to accompany Zhang Moyan. Zhou Xia also took Geng Jun to play with him happily because he had never been to Ocean Park before. lock up.

It was the first time for Zhang Moyan, who was not sociable, to organize a tour group with so many people. It was really a challenge for her to cope with such activities. Looking around the world, only Xiao Xingyu could make her work so willingly.

Fortunately, she knows people in the aquarium. Zhu Lili planned the tour route and the timetable for watching the animal performances for her early on. Even the time and place of the meal were very thoughtful. After this day, all the team members had a very good experience. Well, I was full of praise for Zhang Moyan's arrangement, and finally the tour group was upgraded to a wedding urging group by the way.

On the return journey, Zhang Moyan received a call from Huang Qin, saying that she would come to Zhang Moyan's house to see her at 6 o'clock in the evening.Zhang Moyan instantly thought of the traces of men's lives everywhere in the house, so she hung up the phone in fright and contacted Xiao Xingyu, stating the pros and cons.

Xiao Xingyu had just finished his political study task at that time, so he immediately drove back to Zhang Moyan's hut to clean up his belongings, but he couldn't find the little cat for a while. Zhang Moyan thought This is harmless, as long as the time comes, tell Huang Qin that she raised it by herself.

The car stopped at the gate of Yunshan Homeland, Xiao Xingyu was already waiting there, Xiao Wa put Zhang Moyan down, and took the rest of the group to find a restaurant for dinner according to Zhou Xia's arrangement.

Seeing Geng Jun waving goodbye to them from the car window with a smile on his face, Zhang Moyan couldn't help sighing: "Dean Geng is really kind to Zhou Xia. He took time out of his busy schedule to go to Ocean Park with Zhou Xia. Today is like a nurse. The Flower Messenger protects the pregnant mother, for fear that people will bump into Zhou Xia. Zhou Xia also said that Dean Geng supervised the curation this time in his spare time. It is really not easy. Xia takes it very seriously."

Xiao Xingyu and Zhang Moyan walked into the community side by side, and said as a matter of course: "He is right, the characteristic of a loving couple is that the man must be a love brain."

Zhang Moyan inexplicably felt that Xiao Xingyu was making a pun, couldn't help laughing, but at the same time thought of something, and turned worried: "The other day Xiao Huai said that if Zhou Xia insisted on staying with Dean Geng, resistance from the family would make them Bumped to the bone, can this be true?"

Xiao Xingyu looked at the sky from a distance, and shook his head: "I'm afraid it's an understatement to say that their heads are bleeding. I think they will have to peel off their skins if they don't die."

Zhang Moyan was stunned, and his eyelids twitched slightly.

After tidying up the house a bit, Zhang Moyan finally found the Rain God in the closet. Zhang Moyan was not sure that he could let him come out obediently, but he just tried to open a box of cans in front of the cat. The ghost couldn't bear the temptation at all, and without a word, he came out of the closet and followed Zhang Moyan to the living room to eat.

Less than 6 minutes after 5 o'clock, Huang Qin came.I don't know if it's because of traveling around several cities just now, but Huang Qin looks very tired, even a bit haggard with a large bag on her shoulders.

"Mom, why didn't Dad come with you?" Zhang Moyan welcomed Huang Qin in, "You haven't had dinner yet, I cooked eight-treasure porridge, and there are some side dishes at home, why don't you eat something here?"

Huang Qin paused for a while, then responded, "Oh, I haven't eaten yet...I'm not hungry."

Huang Qin has always been a very straightforward person. Zhang Moyan grew up beside her and had never seen her speak cautiously, so she couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Although Huang Qin said she wasn't hungry, Zhang Moyan still made dinner. After putting a few side dishes on the table, she went to serve Huang Qin eight-treasure porridge.

"Mom, do you want the porridge to be thicker or thinner?"

Zhang Moyan waited for a while and didn't hear back, so she filled a bowl with neither thick nor thin, and when she came out, she saw Huang Qin was looking at the little white cat curled up on the cushion in the corner with rapt attention, her expression seemed a little displeased .

"Mom, this is the kitten I brought back recently," Zhang Moyan looked at Huang Qin's face, put the bowl on the table, walked to her and introduced carefully, "It's a cat with different eyes, with two eyes. The color is different, very beautiful. It has a very good temper and a timid..."

"Cats are not allowed here." Huang Qin spoke suddenly, her voice was not loud, but she was very serious and decisive.

"Mom, this cat is really obedient and doesn't make noise at all, and it doesn't scratch or bite at home, and it also loves to be clean."

Huang Qin closed her eyes heavily to show that she didn't listen, turned around and almost blurted out: "We plan to sell this house, some buyers will mind houses with pets."

"Sell this house?" Zhang Moyan was stunned, obviously very surprised, she thought about it and asked, "Oh, did grandma and grandpa get their new house in advance?"

Huang Qin didn't answer, and looked at Zhang Moyan with a seemingly unfocused gaze, full of preoccupations.

"..." Zhang Moyan faintly felt that today's Huang Qin was very different from usual, and felt a little uneasy, "The sale is also very good. I read the news that the housing market is quite hot recently. If I want to sell this apartment, then I will Shouldn't you be moving back?"

Zhang Moyan seemed to have foreseen something, and asked cautiously.

Sure enough, Huang Qin was still silent. In the silence, she wanted to say something but stopped. She stared at Zhang Moyan and the two for a long, long time, and finally said painfully with determination: "No, you don't need to move back!"

Zhang Moyan was stunned for a few seconds, and just about to ask, "Where do I want to live?" Huang Qin bent over to find the large handbag on her chair, opened the button and took out a brown paper document bag from it.

"Here is the birth certificate of a house left to you by your biological mother, and the head of the household has already registered your name." Huang Qin's voice was depressing and flat, and she stuffed the file bag into Zhang Moyan's hands, " Because you were underage before, we acted as your guardians to manage this estate on your behalf. Later, when you grew up, we didn’t want you to know about our adoption of you, so we didn’t tell you. We wanted to do it for you when you got married. Dowry... This house has been rented out for so many years, and there is a bank card in the bag, with 20 years of rent on it... You can take the money to rent a house, or negotiate with the tenant to take it back, it doesn't matter. You can settle down."

Zhang Moyan looked straight at Huang Qin.

I couldn't believe it and suffocated for a long time before I realized what the other party said to me: "Mom, what happened? Why did you suddenly tell me this?"

"Don't call me mom!!!" Huang Qin suddenly screamed out of control, covering her ears tightly with her hands as if stimulated.

Engage in drama~

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