Is he teasing me

Chapter 329 Questioning

Chapter 329 Questioning
Zhang Moyan was startled suddenly, and her outstretched hand froze in mid-air.

"Selling the house is a decision we have carefully considered." Huang Qin turned her head to avoid Zhang Moyan, her voice was firm and trembling, "Two weeks, please move out of here within two weeks."

"Also, we'd better not meet again in the future, as if we've never known each other before!"

"There will be an intermediary coming soon..."

Huang Qin spoke fragmented sentences incoherently, as if her whole thinking was chaotic, even so Zhang Moyan could perceive what she wanted to express from her voice.

"You..." Zhang Moyan opened and closed his lips several times before hesitating, "You... are you trying to sever ties with me?"

Huang Qin didn't answer, turned around and walked towards the door.

"Why is this? Can you tell me?"

Zhang Moyan stepped forward to hold Huang Qin's arms, but was thrown away by the other party: "Don't touch me!"

Huang Qin's sudden burst of strength caused Zhang Moyan to stagger two steps away.

Zhang Moyan froze in astonishment, staring at Huang Qin in a daze.

"I'm leaving, I have to go to the hospital," Huang Qin murmured in a flustered voice, "The two old people are in poor health and have been in the hospital recently."

"Grandpa and grandma are hospitalized?" Zhang Moyan quickly thought, "So you haven't traveled recently, right?"

She approached Huang Qin again: "Why did you hide it from me? Why did you let me move away from here suddenly? Mom, what happened to you? "

"Get out of the way!" Huang Qin tightly hugged her handbag and dealt with Zhang Moyan, with a hint of disgust in her eyes, "I told you, don't call me mom again!"

Zhang Moyan was stung by Huang Qin's eyes, but she was not willing to let it go.

"You tell me to leave here, yes, let me not contact you, yes,...but you must at least tell me why! How can you come here so vaguely to draw a line with me? Am I not What did you do wrong? If it was me, I would change it, I would definitely change it!...Wait, grandparents are hospitalized, do you want to sell the house because you need money? If so, how can you leave me alone, my money You can also take it out, why did you say such unfeeling words to me and drive me away..."


Huang Qin hissed up to the sky, interrupting Zhang Moyan's chatter, and the room was instantly quiet.

"Stop talking," Huang Qin gasped heavily, pressed Zhang Moyan heavily with her bloodshot eyes, and squeezed out a voice through her teeth, "Why?...Why?...Because as long as I see you and me You will think of my daughter who died unjustly!"

With a rumble in his ears, Zhang Moyan seemed to be firmly nailed in place by these words, and his whole body was icy cold.

It took her a full minute to find her own voice: "What are you talking about...a daughter who died wronged?"

She thought of something instantly, grabbed Huang Qin tightly tremblingly, and asked loudly: "Did Chen Guanfu look for you again? Didn't he?! Did he tell you anything? It's what he said that you will Isn't that right?!"

"Do you know?" Huang Qin choked, and looked into Zhang Moyan's eyes probing, as if wanting to confirm something.

"What do I know?" Zhang Moyan asked quickly, "What should I know?"

Huang Qin didn't say anything, struggling in Zhang Moyan's hands, heartbroken, unable to speak: "Let go of me...we don't want to hurt you...please don't ask me why, just do as I say... ...don't appear in front of us again..."

Zhang Moyan listened to Huang Qin's whining, this is a savage woman she has known for more than 20 years, but now she is as fragile as a glass man who can shatter when touched, Zhang Moyan's hands can't stop shaking.

During the distraction, Huang Qin pushed Zhang Moyan away and hit the dining table. The huge impact caused the table legs to rub against the ground and made a harsh sound, which startled the Rain God by the wall to "meow" in a low voice. Dodge and disappear.

The bowl of moderately thick eight-treasure porridge was knocked over, and the warm porridge juice was immediately spilled on the table. The porcelain bowl rolled twice and fell to the ground with a "bang" sound, and it fell apart, and the yellow file bag lay in front of Zhang Moyan.

The crisp sound made Huang Qin stunned on the spot. She looked at Zhang Moyan on the table and the broken bowl on the ground, not knowing what to do. The word "I'm sorry" collided repeatedly between her lips and teeth, but she couldn't say it.

"My God——" Huang Qin groaned and staggered open the door to escape.

"Mom! Don't go!" Zhang Moyan, who was hit hard in the abdomen by the corner of the table, didn't care about the pain, she subconsciously took the file bag and immediately chased him out!
"Mo Yan! Where are you going?!" Xiao Xingyu's voice came from behind.

Did Xiao Xingyu hear the dispute between himself and Huang Qin?
Zhang Moyan shuddered all over, a chill appeared on her back, and she stopped in her rapid descent down the stairs.

"Don't follow me!" At this moment, her thoughts were in a mess, and she gave Xiao Xingyu an order completely instinctively.

Her tone could not be vetoed, Xiao Xingyu stopped suddenly, and the two looked at each other through the five or six steps.

At this moment, Zhang Moyan felt that there was an insurmountable galaxy between them.

"Don't follow." Zhang Moyan, who was in tears, repeated in a low voice, and before Xiao Xingyu could respond, he turned around and continued to chase Huang Qin.

Sure enough, Xiao Xingyu did not follow.

He silently looked at Zhang Moyan's running figure, and thought to himself: Didn't he leave something to cause her to misunderstand?Does her family really care so much if her son-in-law is not a public prosecutor?

With the delay of more than ten seconds, Zhang Moyan couldn't find Huang Qin after leaving the unit building.She could only look for the gate of the community, and while running to the bus stop where Huang Qin might be sitting, she checked to see if there was Huang Qin in a nearby taxi.

However, how could Huang Qin, who wanted to avoid her, let her find him?

Zhang Moyan, who searched all over to no avail, hurriedly stopped a taxi to go to Huang Qin and Zhang Feng's home, but halfway through the journey, her messy mind calmed down a little.

At this time, the person she should be looking for most is Chen Guanfu!

She took out her mobile phone, turned to the address of Chen Guanfu who had been photographed by accident, and asked the driver to turn around.

Chen Guanfu's apartment is in a well-known villa area in Shenhai.

Zhang Moyan patiently dealt with several security inquiries, and by the time she arrived at the gate of Chen Guanfu's mansion, the anger in her chest was about to burst out.

After a series of rapid and continuous doorbells, the wooden door was opened from the inside, and Nanako Fujiwara looked at the person happily: "Xiao Qi, you are here! How did you come here?"

She didn't seem too surprised by Zhang Moyan's arrival.

"Is Chen Guanfu here?" Zhang Moyan ignored Nanako Fujiwara and walked into the yard to the main house with the lights on. "I have something to ask him!"

"Go slowly, sir is in the living room."

Zhang Moyan walked into the gate of the main house, and bumped into the bodyguard that Chen Guanfu brought to Huang Qin's house last time. The sturdy young man was about to block Zhang Moyan's way, when Chen Guanfu's voice sounded: "It's okay, let her Come in.".

The young man withdrew his body to make way for Zhang Moyan, and behind him was Chen Guanfu who was standing by the sofa and holding a thick book.

"Have you looked for my adoptive parents?" Zhang Moyan clenching his fists, walked towards Chen Guanfu step by step.

Chen Guanfu took off the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose with one hand, handed them to the young bodyguard together with the book in his hand, and told him peacefully: "You go down first!"

The young man nodded slightly, turned and walked out.

"What did you ask them for?" Zhang Moyan stared at Chen Guanfu, his voice seemed to be icy cold: "My adoptive mother came here to break up with me. Is this all thanks to you?"

"You think that's it." Facing such sharp accusations, Chen Guanfu didn't change his face. He spread his hands and said flatly, "I asked you to come back to me on my own initiative, but you refused. As I said , that's the gentlest way I can."

(End of this chapter)

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