Is he teasing me

Chapter 338 The scene is getting out of control

Chapter 338 The scene is getting out of control
Zhou Xia, whose legs were so frightened, cast a grateful look at Zhang Moyan, with distress signals written in his eyes.

On the other side, Geng Baishan looked at Zhang Moyan, his originally relaxed face became serious.

Zhang Moyan was very uncomfortable being sized up, because Geng Baishan's eyes cast on her gradually made her feel as if she was looking for someone's shadow.

Who else?It must be Chen Yun.

Zhang Moyan turned her head away from Zhou Xia's parents with a guilty conscience, anxious why Xiao Xingyu hadn't arrived yet, suppressed her heartbeat and searched for words to continue talking to delay the time.

"Ancient meaning is the definition of an aesthetic category. Everyone's aesthetics are different. The grass is my treasure, and art is in various forms because of the difference in aesthetics from person to person. The era we live in is a new era of open-mindedness. All types of creators can have a stage to display their strengths. Those who learn from the past can pursue the sages, and the innovators can establish a school. Everyone can regard these differences as a division of labor, and we will work hard towards our own pursuits. All can achieve extraordinary success. The cultural undertakings of the motherland are thriving, and the people can appreciate various forms of artistic style. This must be a good thing. Mr. Geng, do you think what I said makes sense?"

Zhang Moyan spoke very slowly, and she finished a lot of long-winded speeches. She sincerely felt that her three years as a cultural reporter were not in vain, and she could output a basket of truths without digging too much. Not only can she delay time, but she also seems so reasonable and reasonable.

Sure enough, after her words fell, Geng Jun, who was like a savior, immediately applauded, and the audience burst into warm applause led by him.

Zhou Xia's mother greeted her even more excitedly, holding her hands tightly: "Miss Zhang, you are here too, long time no see, I am so glad to see you here!"

Geng Baishan's complexion was already very ugly, and he looked at Zhang Moyan displeasedly: "Which reporter are you? Your tone is really serious! You have such a high style, are you filming a news broadcast?"

Zhang Moyan was silent: "I'm not a reporter, just a passer-by."

Jin Xueyang stood up: "Not even journalists have the freedom of speech, right?"

Geng Baishan looked at Zhang Moyan: "Are you teaching me how to do things? How long have you been in contact with porcelain and how much do you know about its making?"

Geng Baishan's eyes were sharp, and the way of questioning was extremely oppressive. Zhang Moyan couldn't help thinking of running away. She resisted this thought and insisted: "I don't have to be someone who understands porcelain to speak?"

Geng Baishan frowned, and just as he was about to rush at her, a voice broke in.

"She is my sister-in-law!" It was Xiaowa who burst out, "Isn't she qualified to talk to you?!"

Zhang Mo opened his mouth in surprise.

"Your sister-in-law?" Geng Baishan looked up and down suspiciously at Xiaowa, "Who are you! Is it amazing that he is your sister-in-law?"

"Of course! I..."

"Little wow!" Zhang Moyan stopped him, and glanced at the reporters around.

Xiaowa hesitated for a moment between exposing his brother Yu's love affair, and puffed out his chest: "I'm Xiao Sheng's person, how about it?"

Geng Baishan seemed to be amused by his nonsensical "how?", and laughed: "Oh, from the Xiao family, is she really your step-mother-in-law? Why doesn't she let you tell?"

Xiaowa stared angrily, wanting to argue without words.

"If there is no clear matchmaker, just open your mouth!" Geng Baishan said coldly.

Xiaowa insisted on him: "Sooner or later!"

Zhang Moyan's temple buzzed, and he subconsciously looked at Chen Guanfu, and met Chen Guanfu's eyes who were squinting at her through the crowd.

In an instant, cold sweat broke out all over Zhang Moyan's body.

"The style of the Xiao family is really not as good as before," Geng Baishan sighed, "I heard that a junior of you was arrested this year, but I still didn't believe it. , there is nothing incredible!"

"Please don't say any more!" At this point, Geng Jun forcibly held down Geng Baishan regardless of the rules of respecting the elders.

But Geng Baishan's regretful sigh has caused the people who eat melons to explode.Amidst the uproarious voices, some people were wondering why Geng Baishan's speech was so targeted, some people spread the rumors that the Geng and Xiao families were incompatible, and some people went around asking who the Xiao family was involved in.

The scene gradually got out of control, and the host couldn't take it anymore and hurriedly applied for resignation with Zhou Xia.


Zhou Xia's father was furious: "Geng Baishan, what the hell are you doing here? If you find fault, you will find the wrong bully! He just helped us to say something fair, why are you so angry?"

"I became angry from embarrassment?" Geng Baishan sneered: "Do you think I will take a little girl's opinion to heart?"

Zhou Xia's father was about to go on stage to beat someone on impulse, but Zhou Xia's mother and the audience around him stopped him in time when they saw the situation!

Zhou Xia stared blankly at his parents and Geng Baishan who were at odds with each other, as if falling into an ice cave, standing in a daze at a loss.

"Is there something wrong with what she said?"

Suddenly a voice descended out of thin air, and the peaceful but powerful tone immediately quieted the scene.

"It's Professor Chen!"

"Professor Chen?"

"It is the professor in Japan who publicly searched for his relatives not long ago."

"Oh, I remember, it's him?"


Chen Guanfu had a lot of exposure because of his search for relatives. He took off his mask and was quickly recognized on the spot. The people standing in front of him instantly parted ways.

Chen Guanfu raised his head slightly and looked directly at Geng Baishan on the stage, and said steadily: "Passers-by are not worthy to talk to you. My biological granddaughter is qualified to give you some advice! However, she said that everyone should work hard towards their own pursuits, I have some additions to this point of view. That is, I think there is a difference between high and low success. If you follow and imitate the ancients, you will only become a second-rate ancient. Only by being unique can you become a first-rate yourself. Let the former suppress the latter!"

The back of Zhang Moyan's head seemed to be hit hard, his mind went blank, and the surrounding human language seemed to disappear suddenly, leaving only Chen Guanfu's voice hitting the eardrums word by word...

She stood startled.

What is Chen Guanfu talking about? !

He said that he was his biological granddaughter and disclosed their identity relationship!

it's here!
In front of the Geng family!
In front of the Xiao family!

He is so calm!

Zhou Xia's mother subconsciously took two steps back to keep her distance.

Xiaowa watched her eyeballs almost fly out.

Zhou Xia covered her mouth and looked at her in disbelief.


At this moment, Zhang Moyan seemed to be driven into a dark abyss, his consciousness sank rapidly, and he shuddered to the point that his life was ruined.

By the time she realized it, she was already surrounded by reporters swarming up. The crackling flashes dazzled her so much that she couldn't keep her eyes open, and even Jin Xueyang's struggling to pull her could not save her.

Before, because it was a self-made news, it only confessed to the public that Chen Guanfu had found a relative, and did not disclose any information about this relative.Now everyone suddenly caught her, a living body certified by Chen Guanfu, and the media reporters rushed over as if they had discovered the New World.

"Chen Guanfu!" It took a while to realize that Geng Baishan was still there. He jumped off the stage and rushed over to grab Chen Guanfu, "How dare you appear in front of me! Once you come, you won't be able to escape!"

It is so rare to see a celebrity lose his temper. Immediately, a wave of reporters diverted from Zhang Moyan to Geng Baishan and Chen Guanfu.Some reporters want to take care of both ends, and it is difficult to choose between the naked eyes. They take a few photos here and there, and come here to take a few photos later. They are as busy as ants on a hot pot.

At this time, the glass door of the exhibition hall was pushed open, and someone shouted: "Xiao Xingyu is here!!!"

Immediately, everyone fell silent, and turned their heads in unison to look at the entrance—a figure with broad shoulders and long legs was standing in front of the security inspection machine there.

The melon-eating crowd of media reporters who were entangled in encircling and suppressing Zhang Moyan or Chen Guanfu collectively uttered "Damn it", and in the next second, they evacuated from them and rushed towards Xiao Xingyu like a beast.

 I sorted out the outline of the following plot yesterday,
  I want to set a small goal,

  Finish the book before school starts on September 9st,
  Can't delay any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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