Is he teasing me

Chapter 339 Enmity in the world is not so easy to write off

Chapter 339 The hatred in the world is not so easy to write off
Zhang Moyan thought that Xiao Xingyu's beauty could be practical, but never thought that the effect would be so exaggerated.

But looking at Xiao Xingyu, you can understand that as long as he stands there, he is a ray of light, so dazzling, it is too easy to attract the pursuit of the world.

Before laughing at myself, I wanted to remind him to tidy up, it was really unnecessary.

In the scene of tens of thousands of galloping horses, Xiaowa was the first to sprint to Xiao Xingyu's side, anxiously wanting to tell him about the shocking changes that have taken place here: "Brother Yu is not good..."

"Call the police!"

As soon as they met each other, Xiao Xingyu said decisively.

"Ah?" Xiaowa was stuck, a little confused.

"I said call the police." Xiao Xingyu took a hard look at Xiaowa.

Xiaowa immediately gave up the brain exercise, walked away without saying a word, and went to make a phone call.

In just three or four seconds, the rushing crowd arrived in front of him. Xiao Xingyu turned around and raised the corners of his mouth. He had already put on a handsome smile, and greeted the long guns and short guns in a friendly and generous manner.

In less than 5 minutes, the police from the local police station arrived. Seeing the chaotic scene, they immediately announced that the exhibition hall would be closed early today on the grounds of eliminating hidden dangers to public security and maintaining public order. The media audience present were quickly expelled like pesticides A clean, immediate effect.

Only then did Xiao Wa realize the purpose of calling the police.

The melon-eating media and the audience who were dreadful and didn't know what to do, he solved it as soon as Brother Yu came forward, and his sophistication was really amazing.

In the exhibition hall after the clearing, even Jin Xueyang was driven away, leaving only the protagonists of the incident.After Xiao Xingyu cooperated with the police and returned to the infield, Zhang Moyan couldn't help but shrink back when his eyes came to him.

"Where is Comrade Police?" Geng Baishan rushed up as soon as he saw Xiao Xingyu.

"It has been withdrawn," Xiao Xingyu brought Geng Baishan back, "Mr. Geng, what do you want?"

Geng Baishan was startled: "You know me?"

"Of course," Xiao Xingyu said curiously, "The three words Geng Baishan are as powerful as thunder, and everyone in China knows who doesn't. I have seen your demeanor on news TV since I was a child, and I have admired you for a long time."

Geng Baishan is a businessman, he is very kind to this kind of commercial flattery, and he won't lose his face in the first place, not to mention Xiao Xingyu's charming appearance.

"No, I still have to report the crime! The police must arrest Chen Guanfu today!" Geng Baishan thought of the top priority, pushed Xiao Xingyu away and pointed to the front, "I want to sue him for fraud!"

"Chen Guanfu?" Xiao Xingyu frowned slightly, the situation here seemed to be much more complicated than he expected.

"Grandpa," Geng Jun has already rushed over and took Geng Baishan, "Take care of yourself, I will take you out of here to calm down first!"

When Xiao Xingyu handed Geng Baishan to Geng Jun, he whispered to him: "Don't worry, I have already notified Grandpa to come!"

Geng Jun nodded gratefully to Xiao Xingyu.

Only Xiao Guotao can decide the matter between him and Zhou Xia.

"I won't go, I won't go!" Geng Baishan danced wildly in Geng Jun's hand, "Geng Jun, let's call 110 again. I'm desperate to ask Chen Guanfu to tell the whereabouts of the glaze today! Come on, you Go catch him first, don't let him get away!"

"Grandpa!" Geng Jun loudly suppressed Geng Baishan's commotion, and held his shoulders, "We have no evidence. He never had contact with us 20 years ago. Even if the police are called, the police will not believe our speculation. There is no way to take him!"

Geng Baishan was stunned, feeling frustrated, his body softened, and Geng Jun hurriedly pulled a chair to help him sit down.

Geng Jun tiredly helped Geng Baishan tidy up his crumpled clothes. At this moment, Zhou Xia's mother came up behind him: "Doctor Ge, you keep calling him Grandpa, please tell me what's going on?"

Geng Jun's figure froze, and it was difficult to face it. Geng Baishan, who was panting heavily on the chair, laughed: "What's going on? Isn't it obvious? His surname is Geng and he calls me grandpa, of course he is my good grandson! "

Zhou Xia's mother was shocked: "How come... Isn't your surname Ge? How could it be Geng?"

Knowing that it was time to face it, Geng Jun took a deep breath, stood up and turned around: "Auntie, I'm sorry, my surname is indeed Geng, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth in Ruzhou before."

"You..." Zhou Xia's mother was so stunned that she couldn't speak, she was at a loss for a while and then looked at Xiao Xingyu, "He is the doctor you introduced, right, and you don't know?"

Xiao Xingyu paused, then carefully and helplessly explained: "I know, but at that time Grandpa's condition was so critical, Geng Jun was the best doctor I could contact."

"You are confused!" Zhou Xia's mother burst out and reprimanded her severely, "Don't you know what kind of blood feud between our Xiao family and the Geng family is?! Who gave you the courage to contact the person surnamed Geng? I don't believe God. Only he can cure Uncle Guotao's illness, what you have done is making Uncle Guotao very unfilial!"

Facing the furious elders, especially the female elders, Xiao Xingyu knew that he could never refute and talk back.

"I'm sorry I was wrong!" He touched his nose and said sincerely, "But Geng Jun is really a good person, with excellent character and superb medical skills. Didn't you like him before and brought him special products. Now grandpa It is indeed thanks to Geng Jun that he recovered so well, can't we see that he has this kindness to turn an enemy into a friend?"

"Shut up!" Zhou Xia's mother blushed with hatred, "You can say things like turning an enemy into a friend! What kind of kindness? You lured the wolf into the house and asked Uncle Guotao to ask for favor from the enemy!... I'll ask you if you have a personal relationship with an enemy. Tell me, where do you put our ancestors who were murdered by the Geng family?! The enmity in the world is not so easy to write off, I really don't know how Xiao Weizhou educated you! Let you be so bold and lawless!"

As she said that, she grabbed Xiao Xingyu: "My daughter's exhibition does not welcome them! You let them go, today you must let them go, and draw a line with them from now on!"

Xiao Xingyu really didn't expect Zhou Xia's mother, who is usually amiable and kind, to react so strongly. It was really unexpected. He just wanted to comfort her, when Geng Baishan who was beside him suddenly sneered: "Fuck off? Why is your Xiao family so noble? You still have the face to teach others, why don't you take care of your own children first!"

The appearance of Chen Guanfu made Geng Baishan make a big fool of himself in front of people, and now he is completely willing to fight, and he is too lazy to pretend to be a big man.

When Zhou Xia's mother heard the bad words, she immediately lowered her face and turned to Geng Baishan: "Are you talking about me? What happened to my child?"

"Mom!" Zhou Xia, who was at a loss all the time, said in a hurry, almost begging to pull his mother away, "Let's stop here."

Zhou Xia's mother stared at the nervous Zhou Xia with vigilant eyes, and withdrew her hand from her: "No, I want him to speak clearly."

Zhou Xia's breath became short, and Geng Jun strode forward to support her shivering back, and stood in front of Zhou Xia's mother sincerely.

"Auntie, it's all my fault!" Geng Jun shook Zhou Xia's shoulder, "If you want to blame me, you can blame me, Zhou Xia and I really love each other! I'm sorry, the two of us didn't tell our parents... ...the certificate has been obtained!"

(End of this chapter)

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