Buddhist small green plum

Chapter 80 Love Letters

Chapter 80 Love Letters
Since the mid-term exam, all classes in the second year of high school are very introverted.

Several class teachers got together and said that the children nowadays are under too much study pressure, and they usually have to give them time to breathe, and they can't leave too much homework.

While flipping through the textbooks to find explanations on various difficult and miscellaneous questions, I left a bunch of test papers for students to do homework.

The teachers of various subjects did not treat any student favorably, including the students who had to stay in physics class at night.

When the class representative collects homework every day, the wailing of students who have not done their homework can be heard in the class, which has almost become the norm.

Before Xie Yingan was at the same table with Qingran, he would not hand in homework nine times out of ten.

But since he was at the same table with Qingran, he got used to doing homework instead.

Even Qingran found it strange that many people who were not self-disciplined in the past were easily distracted by Xie Ying'an. They thought that homework masters didn't write, and they should be fine if they didn't write.

As a result, Xueba was still the stable No. [-] in the grade during the exam, and their grades did not know which country they fell to.

The class representative walked towards them again, Qingran handed in the homework, and Xie Ying'an also took out the homework and handed it to the class representative.

This is the second month that Xie Ying'an has handed in her homework honestly. The class representative picked up her jaw that dropped from shock, and left with her homework in her arms.

Qingran was a little puzzled, she glanced at Xie Yingan.

Xie Ying'an was looking at her.

The four eyes met, looking at it from the front, the tear mole in the corner of Xie Yingan's eyes was so red that it was seductive, Qingran couldn't help but take a second look.

Xie Ying'an slightly lowered his eyes and let her look at him.

A thin blush quickly spread on the boy's fair skin, and within a few seconds, he gave a fake cough as if he couldn't bear it, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qingran turned his eyes away and took out the exercise book that he made after meeting him yesterday, "The homework is done? Can you check the answer for me?"

Xie Ying'an was startled, a hint of disappointment flashed across his eyes, he nodded, and took the exercise book from Qingran.

Qingran deliberately folded the corner where she did it yesterday, not because she wanted to bother Xie Yingan, but mainly because Xie Yingan was the only one who had better grades than her in the class except the teacher.

Xie Ying'an's inspection was very fast, and only the last four questions of Qingran's test paper yesterday were wrong.

He circled the wrong questions, put the workbook between the two of them, and Qingran moved over.

"This question," Xie Ying'an circled a number with the tip of his pen, and preached: "When you solve the question, ignore the conditions that have been given..."

Zheng Chunming and Li Ce at the back table looked at each other.

Li Ce said with emotion: "Sure enough, those who work hard are all academic masters."

Zheng Chunming also sighed: "It seems that if you don't take the second grade in the exam, you don't even have the qualifications to ask Brother An's questions."

Li Cecai didn't agree with this, he lowered his voice: "Chunni, if you can grow like Qingran, I don't believe Brother An will not give you a lecture!"

Zheng Chunming "cut": "You think my brother An is as superficial as you? Just look at the face."

"You don't understand men." Li Ce scratched his head: "Only we men understand men."

The question Xie Yingan mentioned was indeed sloppy in Qingran, which led to the wrong calculation.

She quickly changed her mind according to Xie Ying'an's explanation, and Xie Ying'an didn't explain the last three questions to her, so it was obvious that she was writing indiscriminately.

Qingran took back the exercise book and turned to the back to see the approximate time of the notes. She did the last question before school, and Wen Shiyi came to ask the question before the first class in the afternoon.

In other words, if you touch Xie Yingan's hand once, you will probably not be affected by the halo of the heroine for about three hours.

Tsk!It's really cheap, she thought that at least the dream would last for a day.

During the break after class, Qingran and Ruan Ruan went to the bathroom together.

Su Chen leaned over and sat on the empty seat in front of Xie Ying'an, smiling a little embarrassedly: "Brother An, did you hear what Old Wu said just now?"

Xie Ying'an didn't pay attention at all: "What are you talking about?"

Su Chen knew this was the case, "It's the homework that was not handed in this time. I will write it ten times and hand it in tomorrow. Old Wu still has a list."

"Oh." Xie Ying'an responded.

"Then, then, then..." Su Chen rubbed his hands with a smile, and finally asked the purpose of this place: "Brother An, do you write it? Ten times!"

He also crossed his fingers to make a number ten.

Sure enough, Xie Ying'an did not disappoint him, and said flatly, "I won't write."

"Hey," Su Chen grinned: "Brother An, if you don't write, then I won't write either."

After that, he shook his head happily and left.

Li Ce who witnessed everything: "..."

Huh?How did he remember that Brother An handed in his homework today?

Xie Yingan will always remember the second day when Qingran was at the same table, when the class representative came to collect the homework, Qingran handed in the homework, and the class representative looked at him.

He didn't move for a long time, until Qingran looked over suspiciously, he was stunned for a long time, and squeezed out two words from his teeth: "I didn't write."

The class representative smiled awkwardly, and slipped away with a pile of homework in his arms.

Qingran took another look at him, then buried himself in his homework, but didn't say anything.

It's just that "it turns out that a good student is like this" eyes can make Xie Yingan remember him for a lifetime.

From then on, no matter how busy he was, no matter how much homework he had, he did it honestly and handed it in. He just didn't want to see Qingran look at him like that again.

That kind of look always made him feel as if there was a gap between the two of them, which he couldn't bridge no matter what.

As soon as Qingran returned to the classroom and sat down, the class bell rang.

This class was a biology class, and she hadn't had time to take out her biology book yet. Seeing that the biology teacher was about to walk to the podium, she hurriedly lowered her head to look for the biology book in the hole in the table.

I finally got the biology book before the biology teacher entered the podium, but I didn't want a powder blue envelope to be taken out along with the biology book.

The whole class is saying hello to the biology teacher.

At this juncture, Qingran pressed the pink-blue envelope with his hand.

When she sat down, her heart was beating a little fast. This feeling of worrying about being caught, even though she had done nothing wrong, was really uncomfortable.

Qingran was afraid that he would be affectionate, so he took a look at the words on the envelope, and it was indeed "Accepted by Qingran".

She sighed silently. She didn't need to open this pink-blue envelope, and she could guess what was in it. Apart from studying, the high school male and female students' minds were nothing more than these.

Maybe it's because she got good grades in the exam this time, and the person who wrote the letter couldn't tell whether it was because he liked her ranking or because he liked her, so he stuffed the love letter in without worrying about causing trouble to her life.

Maybe everyone at the age of first love will have an illusion of a good student and a good student. Like him (her) grades are equivalent to liking him (her). Oh, so I didn't like him (her) that much!

Qingran chose to ignore the letter, she was just about to put the letter back in the hole of the table, and deal with it after school.

Suddenly the envelope was taken away by the person next to him with quick eyes and hands, Qingran didn't even have time to hold it down.

Xie Ying'an held the envelope in his hand, looked sideways at Qingran, a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Love letter?"

"Give it to me first." Qingran lowered her voice while half lying on the desk, and stretched out her hand to him.

Xie Yingan didn't even have a half-smile on his face, and his expression suddenly turned cold: "You're promising, Li Qingran."

Xie Ying'an tore the envelope into shreds, rolled it up and threw it backwards, throwing it into the trash can without any mistakes.

Qingran: "..."

It was the first time in her life that she received a love letter, and she didn't even have time to take a look at the content. Could she say that she wanted to know how this person's writing was?

(End of this chapter)

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