Chapter 81

Xie Ying'an's retribution came quickly and urgently.

He just tore up Qingran's love letter in the morning, and when he took the book in class in the afternoon, five or six pink love letters fell out along the book at a time from the hole in the table.

In fact, receiving love letters has long been the norm in Xie Ying'an's place, but he didn't behave when he tore up the love letters in the morning.

Qingran glanced over indifferently, took a quick step to thank Ying'an, and bent over to pick up the love letter that fell on the ground.

Xie Ying'an panicked for a moment and then quickly calmed down. He pushed the two unmissed letters from the book to Qingran: "Tear it together, it's troublesome."

Qingran's hand holding the pink envelope froze.

Young man, your operation is a bit coquettish!
Xie Yingan waited frankly for Qingran to tear up the love letter for him.

Qingran suddenly lost her mood. She didn't know what kind of mood those girls who wrote the love letter were in, but she was always looking forward to a response, instead of being mercilessly thrown into the dirty and smelly trash can.

She pushed a few love letters across the desk to Xie Ying'an: "You can handle it yourself."

Xie Ying'an looked at her for a while, then lowered his eyes to look at those pink envelopes, tore them up in the same way, and threw them into the trash can.

The pen in Qingran's hand paused, and the ink on the nib left a small black spot on the book.

Xie Ying'an suddenly leaned over to get closer to her, the cool mint scent hit her, and Qingran heard him say: "I don't fall in love early, Li Qingran."

You don't fall in love early, and neither do I.

The young man's low voice revealed a youthful hoarseness, Qingran's hand holding the pen tightened suddenly, and the pen tip left a long mark on the book.

Qingran was flustered for a moment, but she calmed down again, and she responded lightly: "Oh."

Oh, I look forward to your face-slap next year.

Obviously, Xie Ying'an could see that Qingran didn't believe him, but he couldn't prove this kind of thing, he could only let time witness everything.


The school bully is a school bully, and the school bully's younger sister is also a school bully, this is really hard for other students to accept.

In the past few days, because of the school bully sister, there has been an endless stream of people cleaning up the playground every day.

That bastard Song Shize seemed to be addicted. He didn't go to clean people, so he went to block people at the door of their classrooms.

Regardless of men and women, as long as they are blocked by him, cleaning for one night will not solve the problem.

After Qingran got the second grade this time, it seems that some plots have been reversed. Not only Li Ce and Zheng Chunming, but even the students in Class [-] have gradually discovered her abnormality.

Very beautiful.

It's like seeing the sun again after the pearl is covered with dust.

Qingran's current appearance can be said to be even better than that of the school belle Roland.

On the way back from school, Huang Qianyu swung the dirt from his hands and cursed: "Damn it, Song Shize is a lunatic."

Zhang Ping and Chen Xiwen nodded in agreement. The faucet on the playground was cut off by Song Shize, and they didn't even have water to wash their hands after weeding.

There were five girls walking together, and Wang Yanru from Class Eight also mixed with them.

When she walked to the garden, Huang Qianyu was too lazy to leave. She sat down on the stone pier and looked at Sun Xin: "You, go and help us buy a few bottles of mineral water and wash your hands. I will transfer the money to your WeChat."

The canteen is a bit far away, Sun Xin nodded and walked outside the school, the canteen at the school gate is closer to here.

Zhang Ping and Chen Xiwen looked at each other, and they both saw schadenfreude in each other's eyes.

Only Wang Yanru, who was not in the same class as them, didn't know what was going on. She glanced at Sun Xin's back, and quietly asked Chen Xiwen, who was sitting closest to her: "Did Sun Xin offend Qianyu?"

Chen Xiwen nodded, and said in a low voice, "Sun Xin turned his elbow outward, Qian Yu got angry."

The relationship between girls is sometimes fragile and cold.

Wang Yanru curled her lips: "No wonder."

Sun Xin ran over with ten bottles of mineral water. The weather in mid-April was not too hot, but she was sweating all over, and her bangs were wet on her forehead.

Just like that, Zhang Ping was still complaining: "Why is it so slow?"

Sun Xin's face changed a few times, seeing Huang Qianyu also had a straight face, with impatience in her expression, she didn't respond after all.

Chen Xiwen took out a bottle of mineral water and unscrewed the bottle cap, and smiled at Huang Qianyu: "Qianyu, I'll pour water for you, you wash your hands first."

It's just a dog's leg.

After Huang Qianyu and the others washed their hands, there was less than one bottle of mineral water left. Sun Xin sat in the corner and drank the bottle of mineral water without washing his hands.

Huang Qianyu felt that he hadn't had enough rest, so he sat on the stone pier and took out his mobile phone to play.

Huang Qianyu didn't leave, and of course the other girls didn't dare to leave either.

Wang Yanru suddenly said: "Hey, have you noticed that Li Qingran in your class has become so pretty recently, is she wearing makeup?"

Zhang Ping shook her head: "I can't see the makeup. I also think that she has become so beautiful since she passed the exam. I wondered if she has undergone micro-surgery?"

"Impossible," Chen Xiwen interjected: "Li Qingran has never asked for leave, even if she had minor adjustments, it is impossible for her to recover so quickly."

Wang Yanru continued: "I used to think that her appearance was just the same, more than delicate, with an average appearance, but this time I saw that her whole person has completely changed, and I was shocked."

Huang Qianyu frowned and looked at Wang Yanru, and scolded impatiently, "What look are you in?"

Wang Yanru immediately fell silent, she forgot Huang Qianyu's taboo, she must never praise other girls for their good looks in front of Huang Qianyu.

But Li Qingran has become really good-looking during this period of time.

Apparently more than one person found out, even Ruan Ruan has been crazily eating Qingran's face recently.

"Fuck, my Ranran!" Ruan Ruan held the phone and looked at Qingran with a smug face: "Tell me, what facial cleanser did you secretly use recently?"

Qingran was sitting at the desk doing homework, she was a little dazed: "It's still the same brand we bought together last time."

Ruan Ruan didn't believe it: "Impossible! Ranran, you tell me secretly, I swear I will never tell anyone else."

As he spoke, he raised three fingers.

"Really," Qingran said helplessly, walking to the bathroom with her mobile phone, "I'll take a picture for you."

Ruan Ruan, who was desperate at the Yellow River, finally believed when she saw that Qingran had the same facial cleanser as hers.

"Woohoo!" She pretended to cry on the other end of the phone, and cried loudly: "Ranran, you must have grown it, when will I grow it?"

Qingran smiled: "Don't worry, maybe after sleeping tonight and waking up, it will bloom tomorrow."

"Yeah!" Ruan Ruan wiped away the tears that didn't exist with his sleeve, and suddenly said: "I said, why did God Ji come to you all the time? It turned out that God Ji of my family has sharp eyes. I can see it, you Little beauty, haha~"

Qingran was taken aback for a while, but couldn't recover for a long time.

During this period of time, she was busy taking exams, reviewing, and doing all kinds of papers, and she no longer had time to devote her energy to thinking about Ji Yanchen.

This villain has the same fate as her, and now he is far away in a foreign country. Will he repeat the same mistakes when he comes back three years later?
Or is it possible that his fate will be like hers, and there may be a turning point?
(End of this chapter)

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