Chapter 104 Nine Streams ([-])

"Zhixi, I met Director Shang once before." Zhou Kening said as he walked towards the audition room, "He is quite arrogant, and sometimes he doesn't sound very nice when he speaks. If you say something to him, you Don't take it to heart."


"Anyone who engages in art has a bit of a temper, and they are proud of themselves." Zhou Kening said, "You just have to behave well. Be sure to keep your temper in check and don't quarrel with him."


Duan Nian glanced at the two people who were muttering something, and said with a smile: "Don't worry. Director Shang is quite good. Under normal circumstances, he is quite normal."

"What about the unusual situation?" Tang Zhixi asked.

"Unusually, you just treat him as a mad dog biting people. It's fine after the bite." Duan Nian said.

The corner of Zhou Kening's mouth twitched.Sure enough, he is the actor, how dare he say that about a great director.

But Tang Zhixi suddenly smiled.

The audition room door was pushed open.

Duan Nian stood at the door, Tang Zhixi was behind him.

The door was wide open, and everyone inside could be seen clearly from the door.

But Tang Zhixi saw Ye Hanzhi sitting inside for the first time.

Ye Hanzhi also looked over when he heard the movement.Originally, there was no expression on that coquettish face, and there was still a faint ruthlessness in his eyes.It's pretty scary.

But after seeing that it was Tang Zhixi, a smile appeared in his eyes immediately.

Tang Zhixi looked at him and slightly narrowed her eyes.If he was not allowed to follow, he just sat inside first.this man is really
Ye Hanzhi felt the scrutiny in Tang Zhixi's eyes, and his smile became more obvious.

He Yuzhe watched from the side as the two flirted with so many people, endured and endured, but still couldn't hold back, and rolled his eyes.

The Shangguan in the room also looked over when he heard the voice.

He glanced at Duan Nian who walked into the room, and didn't even mean to say hello.He just looked at him to show that he had seen him coming.

Then he looked back, and when he saw Tang Zhixi's face, he stood up abruptly.

The other director on the side was still chatting with him, and seeing his unclear reaction, he also looked at the door.But he only saw Duan Nian.

I'm still thinking, as expected of a leading male lead, so it's still waiting to be seen by the director.

Because of his reaction, Duan Nian stood where he was.

A face full of horror.

How is this going?I haven't seen you for a few months, why are you suddenly so enthusiastic about yourself?Don't you miss yourself too much?
However, Shangguan hurried towards them, passed Duan Nian straight away, and even bumped into him when he passed him, causing him to stagger to the side.

He was supported by an assistant.

Duan Nian: "?"

"Xiao Jiu." Shangguan stood directly in front of Tang Zhixi, so excited that he grabbed her hand, "You are here, I was worried that you would let me go."

"Director Shang." Tang Zhixi looked at him and said, "It's not bad, I haven't grown old much."

Ye Hanzhi didn't pay much attention to Shangguan's title, but his eyes fell on his hand holding Tang Zhixi's.

It was as cold as an ice knife, as if he wanted to chop off that hand.

"You stinky girl, tell me I'm old when you meet me." Shangguan was dressed in a suit and must be at least [-] to [-] tall.A pair of red phoenix eyes, wearing a gold-rimmed glasses.

Very mature man's charm.

Tang Zhixi smiled slightly, caught Ye Hanzhi's gaze from the corner of the eye, and pulled out her hand calmly.

"Come on, sit down first, I'll tell them to start."

Shangguan was about to take her inside, but just as he took a step, Duan Nian grabbed his arm.

"Director Shang." Duan Nian's whole face was so shocked that he stiffened. He glanced at Tang Zhixi stiffly, and then asked, "You, what did you call her just now?"

"What's what?" Shangguan said, seeing his expression.

Suddenly he reacted and said: "Didn't you two film together? Don't you know she is Jiuxi?"

The room is so big, the sound can naturally be heard by anyone.

Those sitting inside, when they heard the word "Jiuxi", they all stood up and looked at her.

In addition to the shock in the eyes, there is admiration and respect.

And Zhou Kening looked at the group of people standing there, then at Shangguan and Tang Zhixi.Suddenly his legs went limp.

Almost fell to the ground.

Tang Zhixi scooped her up quickly with quick eyes and hands, and supported her.

"Miss Ning."

Zhou Kening leaned half of her body on her body, raised her hand tremblingly and pointed at her: "You, you, you."

"I am." Tang Zhixi was as calm as ever, "I said, Jiuxi will come today."

Zhou Kening poured on her again.

Her heart and body really couldn't bear it.

Shangguan looked at the frozen Duan Nian again: "No, what's the matter with you two? You have been filming together for several months, and you don't know who the other party is?"

Shangguan looked at Tang Zhixi again: "Why are you still covering your vest?"

"I told him twice." Tang Zhixi said lightly, "He doesn't believe it."

After a pause, she added, "He also swore to me that if I stood in front of him, he would recognize me at a glance."

The corner of Shangguan's mouth twitched.Then nodded and said: "Indeed. Sometimes the head is not enough. I understand, I understand."

"He just said you were a mad dog."

"He's a mad dog." Shangguan threw him where he was, and took Tang Zhixi away.

"Everyone sit down, everyone sit down." Shangguan is in a good mood today, and he speaks softer than usual, "Come on, Xiao Jiu. Let me introduce you, this is Fang Hong, Fang Dao."

"Xi Shen." Fang Hong stretched out his hand first, and lowered his posture, "We met at the dotting ceremony. Do you remember?"

Tang Zhixi reached out and shook his hand: "Director Fang."

Seeing that there was a job, Zhou Kening suddenly came back to his senses.He stood up straight and shook hands with Fang Hong: "Hello, Director Fang. Remember. We also kept contact information with each other. I still want to audition when your play is cast."

"Xi Shen can come, it is our crew's luck." Fang Hong's palms were sweating, "We will give you the news as soon as the crew is ready."

"Okay, okay, that's it."

When Zhou Kening was talking, Tang Zhixi glanced at Ye Hanzhi who had been looking at her.Then he whispered to Shang Guan: "You did it on purpose."

Shangguan also noticed Ye Hanzhi's gaze.

Jiuxi's beauty is so dazzling, he can't let this dude fall in love with him.

So he came to take a coquettish position with no expression on his face, directly blocking the sight of the two of them.

Tang Zhixi: "."

Ye Hanzhi frowned: "."

Shangguan also whispered: "Don't you want to act in his play? I happen to know him. I knew you would come today, so I brought him here."

Shangguan felt that he wasn't blocking it tightly enough, so he moved again, completely blocking Ye Hanzhi: "I won't save you from going to the audition. There were so many messy things last time, so it doesn't bother you. Just experience the messy process once. What's the matter? Are you still experiencing addiction? It's not like we don't have that condition."

(End of this chapter)

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