Chapter 105 Nine Streams ([-])

Ye Hanzhi was blocked by the Shangguan all the time, watching the two of them murmuring, he felt extremely upset inside.

So he stood up suddenly, walked between the two, and separated them abruptly.

Tang Zhixi took a step back a little later.

Looking at the person who suddenly appeared in sight, Shangguan slightly frowned.

But he didn't dare to provoke him, so he immediately smiled again.He raised his eyes and said, "Third Master."

Ye Hanzhi turned his head to look at Tang Zhixi, but ignored him.

Seeing this, Shangguan's heart skipped a beat.

It's over, it's over, this young master has really taken a fancy to you.

He quickly stood between the two of them again, and brought Tang Zhixi to his side: "Xiao Jiu. This is Third Master Ye of the Imperial Capital."

"Ah, it's Mr. Ye." Tang Zhixi smiled slightly, then reached out to shake his hand.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her hands and smiled.He firmly held her hand: "Sister Xi, will the word 'xi' be replaced by 'xi' in Jiuxi?"

"Third Master, whatever you want."

Ye Hanzhi squeezed her hand slightly, and brought her to his side.

Shangguan was stunned for a while and said, "You two know each other."

Tang Zhixi nodded lightly.

Shangguan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Say it earlier. I was worried for a long time."

Duan Nian really couldn't accept this fact, so he went to the bathroom to smoke two cigarettes before he calmed down a bit.

By the time he came back, everyone was seated and the auditions were about to begin.

He glanced at Tang Zhixi who was sitting next to Shangguan, walked over, and sat beside her.

Tang Zhixi was looking at the materials for the audition, when she saw someone sitting down, she looked over to the side: "Actor Duan is back?"

Duan Nian swallowed, looked at Ye Hanzhi who was sitting not far behind Tang Zhixi, then remained silent for two seconds and said, "Are you really the God of the River?"

Tang Zhixi looked at him again, but ignored him.

Did not get an answer, Duan Nian asked again after a while: "Really?"

"Is your IQ all contributed to acting?"

Shangguan laughed beside him when he heard this.

"I'll make you a fool for the next script. You can still act in your true colors."

Duan Nian took a deep breath, this feeling of being jealous was really too familiar.

"Damn it." Duan Nian cursed, "My River God is beside me, I haven't recognized it yet. And"

Duan Nianxiang's face moved closer to her: "You're still so young."

"Go aside."

"." Disliked, Duan Nian moved back, "God Xi, what have you experienced at such a young age? Writing so many sad and tragic books?"

Jiuxi has a great view on the script structure.personal feelings, family and country feelings
And almost all of them are be aesthetics.

It’s the kind that people can’t get out of after watching it for a few days.

Now Tang Zhixi was not the only one looking at him.Shangguan and Ye Hanzhi also started to look at him.

Duan Nian's back was chilled by the sight: "Well, I, I'll go to the side to see if I can help or something."

Not only Duan Nian, but also He Yuzhe was unable to react.

Ever since the word "Jiuxi" entered his ears, he has been silently looking at Tang Zhixi.

He thought it was too unreal.

After all, this name has become too familiar to him in recent years.

In each of Jiuxi's books, there will be a role for Shen Weixi to play.Every time, as long as his mother has time, she will definitely act.

And it won two awards.

This time, the script was passed to his mother again.

"Han Zhi." He Yuzhe said, "I won't hang out with you anymore, I want to hang out with my sister Xi. From now on, you will only be my brother-in-law."

Ye Hanzhi glanced at him and didn't bother to talk to him.Standing up, picking up the chair, she sat closer behind Tang Zhixi, so that she could touch her as soon as she reached out.

Auditions begin.

The few who came in next to each other were all big stars, all very beautiful, and their acting skills were also good, and they danced well.

Although everyone's performance method is different, the effect of the performance is not the same.

And when a few people came in, they were obviously surprised when they saw Tang Zhixi.

Although Tang Zhixi has just entered this circle, she doesn't have any works yet.

But it is also a person who has been on several hot searches.

And when it was on the hot search, besides Li Beimo, it was the producer and the Song family.

There was indeed a lot of noise.

Anyone who is a little gossip should have seen her.

And now she is sitting next to Shangguan, watching their audition, and has not announced her identity to the public.

Anyone will be curious and surprised.

Maybe someone said something bad after going out.

"Xiao Jiu, what do you think of these people?" Shangguan turned his head and asked her.

As a result, as soon as he finished asking this question, he saw Ye Hanzhi's fingers playing around the back of Tang Zhixi's clothes.

Tang Zhixi wore a long down jacket outside today, and a cotton skirt inside.There is a belt at the waist which is tied at the back.

She sat very straight in the seat without leaning back.

Ye Hanzhi's hand stretched out from the hollow gap in the back of the chair, playing with the strap behind her all the time.

Tang Zhixi noticed Shangguan's gaze, but pretended not to see it, and said, "The second and sixth are very beautiful."

Shangguan: " know how to look beautiful."

Ye Hanzhi laughed lightly from behind.

Tang Zhixi heard it and pulled the belt from her waist.

Ye Hanzhi's hand was brought forward by the belt, and he immediately whispered: "Stop laughing."

Shangguan blinked, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be something wrong with these two people.

"Isn't that because there is nothing that attracts me, so I just look at the looks?" Tang Zhixi said, "But I think the third one is quite suitable for the second female lead. What do you think?"

"I think the last one is suitable for the second female."

".All right, let's take a look."

In the next three hours, Tang Zhixi saw all kinds of beauties.While making myself seductive, I did not forget to work hard.

A lot of information is recorded behind each person's profile.

Because I remembered it quickly, the handwriting was very scribbled, and even shorthand symbols were used.

And Ye Hanzhi was not idle behind her.

After a while, reach out and give her a candy.After a while, I gave her a small pastry.After a while, another small cookie was sent.After a while, give her a small juice bag.

Sending and sending, I felt that her fingertips were cold.

He took out a small hand warmer from his pocket, in the shape of a kitten's claw, and put it in her hand.

Tang Zhixi ate and drank, but accepted it calmly.

But Shangguan is not so good.Every time I turned my head, I would see Ye Hanzhi's hand stretched out.

It was as if he would starve Tang Zhixi.

And the feeling is that his own cabbage has been kicked.

That is annoying.

 It should be here first today.

  Let's update it tomorrow.

  Tomorrow, Song Anrou will see Tang Zhixi sitting in the judges' seat.

  Goodnight everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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