Chapter 106
"Is there any more sugar?"

Taking advantage of no one coming in, Tang Zhixi turned around and asked.

Ye Hanzhi dug into his coat pocket and gave her two.

"You two look very much like those who steal food at the front and back desks when you were in school." He Yuzhe commented while sitting behind.

Shangguan watched from the sidelines, unable to comment at all.

He was tempted to object to the marriage.

But when he saw the usual high-ranking Ye Sanye with gentle and doting eyes, he couldn't say a word.

"The person who auditioned just now knows you." Tang Zhixi put the candy in her mouth and looked at Ye Hanzhi.

"Huh?" Ye Hanzhi looked at her, "Which one?"

Tang Zhixi pulled out the documents on the table, and brought them to Ye Hanzhi: "Ruan Qianxi."

He Yuzhe smiled beside him.

He didn't expect to see Ye Sanye panic a lot in his lifetime.

It's really one thing and one thing.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Tang Zhixi said: "When Director Shang asked her something, she looked at you several times and even smiled at you."

Ye Hanzhi's forehead twitched: "I'm not very familiar, I've only met a few times."

Tang Zhixi took the information in her hand and looked at it: "She said on the information that she is Xia Luoqing's apprentice. Does she accept apprentices?"

"Yeah. We just met a few times at the Chu family." Ye Hanzhi clenched his fingertips back and forth, and said truthfully, "Mrs. Chu selects students every year. But after so many years, she has only accepted her."

Tang Zhixi looked at the ID photo on the file.

The person is very beautiful, from the appearance, it is the place that is very eye-catching.There is a sense of arrogance in this person's facial features.

And the dancing is great.

"For so many years, Mrs. Chu has only been such a disciple. Apart from dancing well, she should also be a good person." Tang Zhixi murmured as if to herself.

"I haven't had much contact with it, so I don't know much about it." Ye Hanzhi immediately separated the relationship.

Tang Zhixi gave him a strange look.Then he looked at Shangguan and said, "Director Shang. I'm quite optimistic about this Ruan Qianxi."

"I like her quite a bit too." Shangguan said, "Even if I haven't acted before, the performance just now was quite young."

Ye Hanzhi: "." He was nervous for a long time, but ended up asking him for news.

"And there are actors you can't train?"

"That's not a problem." Shang Guan said, "It's just that if we choose her, we have to negotiate with the dance association. It has happened before that people from the dance association sneaked out to act. Half of the performance was called away."

Many industries feel that the atmosphere in the entertainment industry is too impetuous, so they don't like to let their employees be contaminated.

Dance associations may also have such regulations.

Afraid of the dancers, I took a stroll outside and came back.If you are impetuous, you will not be able to create good works at that time.

"Let's take a look first." Shangguan said, "If there is no one more suitable than her, I will talk to her."


There are a lot of people auditioning, and if you want to find the right actors, you have to look carefully one by one.In addition to the heroine, there are several other main characters.

Almost everyone thinks it is appropriate, and they will let them act it out.

All those who choose the roles, their eyes are sore.

Duan Nian was on the sidelines helping with the play, and it was a little tiring.

So take a 5 minute break.

Tang Zhixi flipped through the documents in her hand, recalling them one by one.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her, stood behind her for a while, and pressed his fingers lightly on the back of her neck: "Take a break."

"Not tired."

"Shangguan has gone out for a walk." Ye Hanzhi stood behind her, looked at the words written on her information, and suddenly narrowed his eyes.

The handwriting is scribbled and not pretty.

But it is definitely much more beautiful than her usual handwriting of a primary school student.

"He's a cigarette addict." Tang Zhixi said.

Ye Hanzhi looked away from what she wrote, and saw that her hair was loose.Then he took off the hairpin and tied her hair up again.

And Tang Zhixi just lowered her head and went about her own business, as if she was used to it, waiting for Ye Hanzhi to curl her hair.

Outside the audition room, it was Song Anrou's turn soon.

They were waiting at the door, Yang Qing held Song Anrou's hand and said: "Don't be nervous, I'll go in with you in a while. Shangguan and we have met a few times. Although he has a bad temper, but the people I brought, He will also save face. You just need to perform well."

"I'm not nervous." Song Anju said, "I read all the script you gave me the day before yesterday. I think it's quite simple."

"That means you are talented." Yang Qing said with a smile.

"I don't know what's going on with my sister." Song Anrou suddenly said, "Why didn't she come out after entering?"

"Whatever she is doing. Duan Nian took her in, and she must have stayed inside because of Duan Nian's face." Yang Qing snorted and said with a smile, "I just went to ask around, and they almost always I will try every role. This shows that there are no confirmed candidates for all the roles. Tang Zhixi must not have been selected."

Song Anrou lowered her head and smiled lightly.

"Her kind of vase can't be made even if Duan Nian recommends it." Yang Qing said, "A person like her has a thick skin, just like Zhou Kening. Even if she can't be selected, she still has to rub it in it. She's skinless. No face."

"There is a back door in the room." Mo Changhuan said, "Maybe he has gone out with Duan Nian. This is the hotel, how convenient it is."

"Shut up." Now that she speaks, Yang Qing is afraid that something will happen to her, "Why did I tell you, please be careful outside. Let me take care of your mouth. "


5 minutes passed quickly.

Auditions continue.

Tang Zhixi suddenly remembered that the role reserved for Shen Weixi had never been tried.

But Shen Weixi never gave an answer.

So she asked He Yuzhe if Shen Weixi had time.

She was talking to He Yuzhe in a low voice.The door was pushed open and someone came in.

Then I heard Yang Qing's voice: "Director Shang, hello. These are my two artists."

Tang Zhixi ignored it, but He Yuzhe looked up while talking, but quickly looked away.

"The one my mother is shooting now will be finished soon. She told me that she wants to take it." He Yuzhe said, "Maybe the company notified me, if something went wrong, I'll ask."


After Tang Zhixi asked, she immediately turned around.

When they turned around, Song Anrou was standing in the middle introducing herself.

"I have been learning dance since I was five years old, and now I am a dancer of Yancheng Dance Troupe"

Song Anrou had a decent smile on his face, and his face was full of confidence that he was bound to win.But after seeing Tang Zhixi's face, he suddenly got stuck.

The whole face was quickly frightened to the point of twisting and looking at the person in front of him.

Yang Qing and Mo Changhuan were waiting at the back. When they saw her, they were also shocked and unbelievable.

Mo Changhuan was still holding Song Anrou's coat, which fell to the ground.

And after seeing her, Yang Qing suddenly found Zhou Kening among the group of people inside.

Zhou Kening sat on a single sofa at the end, drinking tea and eating snacks, exchanging a few words with Fang Hong from time to time.

When Yang Qing looked over, he looked at her triumphantly while sipping tea leisurely.

That cozy gesture almost made Yang Qing fall to the ground in anger.

Shangguan was listening to Song Anrou's self-introduction while looking at her profile.Suddenly hearing no sound, he looked up.

Seeing her staring at Jiuxi in a daze, there was clearly hatred and disgust in her eyes.

He frowned and said seriously, "What's wrong?"

Mo Changhuan's voice came out almost at the same time as his: "Why are you here!"

The tone was so harsh that almost everyone looked at her.

And Mo Changhuan not only spoke, but also pointed at Tang Zhixi.

It's like coming to fight, pointing at people and scolding.

Tang Zhixi's expression was flat, looking at them was like looking at a group of strangers.

But Shangguan's face immediately pulled down: "What are you doing? This is your home. If you can try, if you can't try, get out."

Yang Qing was the first to react, and pulled Mo Changhuan behind him: "I'm sorry Director Shang, don't mind."

"If you say you don't mind, I don't mind." Shangguan took off his glasses, slowly took out the glasses cloth and wiped the lenses slowly.Without the hindrance of the lens, the sharpness of those phoenix eyes was fully revealed, "She ran to my territory, acting crazy in front of my face. Is my place a mental hospital? Let the lunatics run wild here."

Tang Zhixi's left eyebrow moved slightly, she stopped looking at them, and looked down at the information on the desktop.

Then Ye Hanzhi reached out and gave her a small bag of nuts.

When Tang Zhixi put her hand under the table to take it, Ye Hanzhi took the opportunity to pinch her fingertips.

Small movements of two people.

But Shangguan is still exporting.

"Director Shang."

"Yang Qing, you are also a gold medal agent in the industry. Is this the kind of person brought out by a gold medal agent?" Shang Guan couldn't see Mo Changhuan, so he poured all the fire on Yang Qing, "I came here to choose a role It’s not because you’ve been here for so long and you’ve been scolded by someone.”

Without giving any face, Yang Qing felt a little embarrassed.

"I don't dare to use this kind of person." Shangguan put his glasses on the table, "If this is patted, scold me. I can't stand my bad temper."

He Yuzhe laughed very deliberately.

He smiled, and the other staff beside him also smiled.

Song Anrou stood in the middle, her face flushed red, as if all the voices and ridicules were aimed at her.

I can't wait to find a ground seam and drill directly into it.

"Nowadays some artists have fans, and their tails are going up to the sky. I feel like I'm superior to others." Shangguan continued, "In the crew, I'm like someone else's father. I have to be served. I don't spend money to buy my father Yes. People like this get out of here, I can’t afford it.”

Yang Qing was used to being flattered by others, how could he bear such humiliation.

Glancing at Shangguan and Tang Zhixi, he turned around and pulled Mo Changhuan and slammed the door out.

Seeing them leaving, Shangguan looked at Song Anrou: "Do you want to continue?"

Song Anrou glanced at them in a panic, bowed to them, turned around and left as if fleeing.
"There is a personal grievance." Shangguan tilted his head and saw Tang Zhixi slap the back of Ye Hanzhi's hand.

Ye Hanzhi retracted his hand resentfully.

Shangguan: "."

"Probably." Tang Zhixi knew that this person usually lived an isolated life.If she didn't tell about what happened to Li Beimo last time, he wouldn't know about it either.

So there is no explanation.

"Are you relieved?"

"It's okay." Tang Zhixi took a look at the glasses he had put aside, and there was no prescription at all, "This is a decoration."

"Well, it looks like a gentleman."

Tang Zhixi let him go, and said with a speechless expression, "I thought it was reading glasses."

Shangguan: "."

 Kavin card, I forgot to update
(End of this chapter)

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