Chapter 107
The audition started at around 01:30 in the afternoon and didn't end until after [-]:[-] in the evening.

Because it was too late, they ate directly at this hotel.

When I came out after eating, I don't know when snowflakes fell outside.The ground is already a thin layer.

"It's snowing." Zhou Kening said.

"It's quite big." He Yuzhe picked up his mobile phone and took a few photos of the streetlight opposite while talking, "I thought I couldn't see snow years ago."

"Then let's go back to our respective houses." Shangguan said, "Let's go quickly, the road will be difficult when we grow up."

A group of people separated at the hotel entrance.

Ye Hanzhi turned his head to look at Tang Zhixi who was watching the snow, thought for a while and said, "Yu Zhe, take Miss Zhou back. Let's go for a walk. I'll send the address to your phone."

"Okay." He Yuzhe readily agreed, "Sister Ning, let's go, I'll see you off."

"Thank you less."

After they left, Ye Hanzhi pulled up the zipper on Tang Zhixi's down jacket, and then put on a hat for her: "Like snow?"

Tang Zhixi looked at him: "Maybe. It's quite rare."

Ye Hanzhi met her eyes and smiled.Then he took her hand and put it in his pocket.He took her hand and walked along the street.

"The lowest temperature in Hanqing Village is [-] to [-] degrees a year." He said, "Will it be uncomfortable to come here?"

"It's okay." Tang Zhixi stretched out her other hand to catch the snowflakes.Instantly, "I'm pretty adaptable."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows when he heard this.I thought to myself: That's good, as long as I can get used to it.

The two walked quietly for a while, and Ye Hanzhi said, "When will you go back to Hanqing Village?"

Tang Zhixi's hands were covered with snow-melted water, and she felt some pain in the knuckles of her fingers, so she withdrew her hand and shook the water: "Number three. Number four is New Year's Eve. Go there and clean up."

Ye Hanzhi put the hand he was holding into the pocket of her down jacket.Walking to the other side of her, he wiped the water off her hands.

He held her cold hand in his palm: "Do you want to go back by yourself?"

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi felt the warmth of his palm, "Everyone is going home for the New Year."

Ye Hanzhi lowered his eyes and was silent for a while: "When will you be back?"

"It's past the seventh day." Tang Zhixi said, "Director Fang just said that his play won't start until the fifteenth day. Anyway, there's nothing to do. I don't usually go back. Just stay a few more days by the way."

"Hanqing Village doesn't have internet." Ye Hanzhi suddenly said, "The signal is also very bad."

It took Tang Zhixi two seconds to react, and then she laughed: "Then I'll come back and say New Year greetings to the third master."

Seeing that she still had no plans to come back early, Ye Hanzhi sighed softly: "All right."

Tang Zhixi did not return to Yancheng, and stayed in the imperial capital until the third.They flew directly from the Imperial Capital to the province where Hanqing Village belongs.

Before boarding the plane at the airport, Luo Nanchen even called her.

Ask her if she wants to come to the Imperial Capital to celebrate the New Year.

As a result, Tang Zhixi told him that he had been in the imperial capital for six days and was going to leave today.

Luo Nanchen was so angry on the phone that he almost didn't come up.

Hang up the phone directly.

But when he called again, Tang Zhixi's phone was already turned off.

It's a flight of more than three hours.After landing, Tang Zhixi rented an off-road vehicle.

After lunch, we drove to Hanqing Village.It was okay at the beginning, but as soon as it entered the mountainous area, it was very difficult to walk around.

It wasn't until after eight o'clock in the evening that I arrived at Hanqing Village.

They don't live in the village, but on a hillside one kilometer away from the village.I hardly communicate with the people in the village.

The car couldn't go up, so Tang Zhixi had to lock the car, carry the suitcase, and walk up.

The two very simple houses are not large in size.One lives and one cooks.

There is also a small yard made of stones.The courtyard wall is only a little above the waist.

Not to mention beautiful, anyway, it can shelter from wind and rain.

I haven't come back for a year, and the yard is full of grass.Vines also climbed the stone walls.

Tang Zhixi entered the yard, took out the key, and opened the door of the room where she lived.

The moment the wooden door opened to both sides, many terrifying scenes flashed before Tang Zhixi's eyes.

Messy room, blood all over the floor.

But after opening the door, there is only infinite darkness.

There is also a slight musty smell.

When she left last time, she put aromatherapy in the house.But the weather here is humid and the temperature is high.If no one lives there, no one takes care of it, there will inevitably be a smell.

She fumbled for the switch on the wall and turned on the light.

Dim lights came on, and the lights were very weak.I don't know whether it drives away the darkness or brings deeper darkness.

Nothing in the room has changed.

From the door as the boundary, there is a square table facing the door.There is a single bed next to the wall on the east and west sides.

There are two tables beside the bed, and there are many books on both tables.Various, Chinese, English, history, mathematics
It's neat and neat.

Tang Zhixi stood at the door and watched everything in the room, until the light flickered, and she gradually recovered.

The electricity in the village is sometimes unreliable.

She put the suitcase away, took off her coat, and rolled up the sleeves.I plan to clean the dust in the room before resting.

Ye Hanzhi has been staring at his phone since Tang Zhixi sent him a message in the afternoon telling him that he had gone into the mountains.Looking at the few messages I sent that no one replied.

After a while, I made a few more phone calls.

Even after calling several times, it was not in the service area.

He felt that what he said was wrong.

The signal in Hanqing Village is not very bad, but there is no signal at all.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve.

Ye Hanzhi and his wife also came to the old house and were chatting with their parents in the living room.

"Mom, what's wrong with him?" When Ye Hanxiu got home at night, he saw the brooding expression on his brother's face.

And as time goes by, the shadow of prey gets deeper and deeper.

Lin Nai shook his head: "I don't know. It's been like this since the afternoon. Why don't you ask?"

"I won't go." Ye Hanxiu refused very simply, as if he was afraid of getting something terrible, "I'm afraid he will choke me."

Lin Nai glared at him, then looked at her husband again: "Go and ask."

"Me?" Ye Lin rolled his eyes at Ye Hanzhi, "I'm not going. He's so old, it's not normal to have a worry. He's not a child anymore, why worry about him?"

"You are also afraid of being choked."

"How is it possible!" Ye Lin's reaction was as if he was trying to cover up after being seen through, "I am his father! I can be afraid of him!"

Full of confidence and loud voice.

Ye Hanzhi stood by the window and immediately raised his eyelids to look over.

His long and narrow eyes were full of oppression when he was not smiling.After a while, he said, "Dad, I heard that you secretly poured the medicine into the flower pot the day before yesterday."

Hearing this frighteningly calm voice, Ye Lin's momentum suddenly became shorter: "I, I accidentally spilled it."

Ye Hanxiu, his wife and Lin Nai laughed secretly.

"Then it was sprinkled quite coincidentally, it happened to be sprinkled in that potted flower."

"Can't you!" Ye Lin insisted and asked back.

Both Ye Hanxiu and Ye Hanbei were almost beaten by their fathers from childhood to adulthood.So Ye Hanxiu is fifty years old, and he is afraid of his father.

Ye Hanzhi is different, old man.

And it looks like Lin Naiyi.

He has been favored since childhood.Ye Lin was old at that time, and he didn't like to do anything anymore.

Even when he wanted to make a move, Ye Han ran away, but he couldn't keep up.

So in the end, the youngest son was raised to be fearless.

Especially when he grows up, he still dares to train Lao Tzu.

Sometimes Ye Lin doesn't know who is who.

And everyone in the family knew that Ye Lin was quite obedient to what the youngest son said.So if there was anything, he would tell Ye Hanzhi.

"Okay." Ye Hanzhi looked at him expressionlessly, "You poisoned that potted flower to death. Wouldn't your conscience be condemned? It's fine, and it paid its own price just because you didn't want to drink the medicine willfully. life."

The corner of Ye Lin's mouth twitched.

"My mother finally made the prescription for you." Ye Hanzhi continued, "You pour it as you say. What you pour is not medicine. It's my mother's wish."

Ye Lin's eyes widened, and he hurriedly said, "Ma'am, I don't have one."

Ye Hanzhi didn't intend to let him go, and continued: "I know. The two of you will get tired of being together for a long time. In the past, you would always take my mother's words to heart. Now, I'm tired of it. My mother worked so hard to make up the prescription to nourish your body, but you will fall if you say so. In the end, I still don’t care about it.”

"Ye Hanzhi, you!" Ye Lin quickly took Lin Naiyi's hand, "Ma'am, I absolutely didn't mean that. You will always be number one in my heart."

Lin Naiyi was very cooperative with Ye Hanzhi, and gave a soft snort.

"If you really care about it, no matter how bitter the medicine your loved one dispenses, it will still taste sweet when you drink it." Ye Hanzhi added.

"Alas—" Lin Nai pulled his hand out of Ye Lin's and stood up from the sofa.With a sad look on my face, I didn't even look at Ye Lin beside me, "You guys talk, I'm going back to my room."

After speaking, he went out.

"Ma'am, ma'am, don't listen to his nonsense, ma'am." Ye Lin grabbed his walking stick and chased outside. When he reached the door, he looked at Ye Hanzhi and scolded, "You bastard! I knew you were born. It would be better than a bowl of abortion pills poisoning you bastard."

"It's too late to say now. The bastard is already this big."

"Go away!" Ye Lin finished cursing, and hurried to chase outside, "Ma'am! Ma'am! I was wrong! I will drink medicine properly in the future! Don't be angry."

After walking for a while, Ye Hanzhi looked down at his phone again, but there was still no movement.

He sighed silently in his heart.

Then he looked at the couple who were still sitting on the sofa.

Ye Hanxiu felt his gaze and looked up.

The moment I looked at him, my heart skipped a beat.The kid's eyes didn't hold back any good intentions.

Sure enough, in the next second, he heard Ye Hanzhi's deep, devil-like voice.


"Huh? What's the matter, Han Zhi?"

Ye Hanzhi looked at his brother and said, "My brother asked Ting Jue for 100 yuan a few days ago."

Ye Hanxiu wanted to take a sip of tea to suppress his shock, but after hearing what he said, his hands were scalded by the tea.


"He bought a pack of cigarettes." Ye Hanzhi said softly, "He probably hasn't finished smoking yet. You can ask him."

"Ye Hanzhi, you"

"Ye Hanxiu! You smoke behind my back and ask your son for money!"


"You go back to the room with me, let's have a good talk!"

Before Ye Hanxiu left, he looked at Ye Hanzhi and gave him a look that you were waiting for.

After everyone left, Ye Hanzhi looked at the silent cell phone again, feeling a little more balanced in his heart.

 Ye Hanzhi: I'm having a hard time today, I can't hear from my daughter-in-law.Then don't think about it.

  Although there are two chapters updated today.

  But these two chapters are the same volume as yesterday's three chapters.

  I will try my best tomorrow, and I will try to update more every day.

  I didn't expect Calvin today.

  Goodnight everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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