Chapter 108
The next day is New Year's Eve.

Tang Zhixi didn't sleep much all night, and woke up just after dawn.

She took two bottles of wine and three goblets from the suitcase, and walked up the mountain.

After walking for a long time, I reached the top of a mountain.

The mountain is full of green shade, and there is an old tree that should be a hundred years old.

The trunk is so thick that two adults cannot hug it.

Because it faces the sun, the entire luxuriant and wide canopy extends southward.

A good place to enjoy the shade is covered below.

But in this cool place, there are two tombstones facing south.

One belonged to my grandmother Tang Peihua, and the other was an empty tombstone with nothing written on it.

Standing on the top of the mountain facing the sun.Looking at the mountains stretching thousands of miles, looking at the world outside Hanqing Village.

Tang Zhixi didn't come over for a whole year, and some weeds grew beside the tombstone.

She put down the wine and glasses, and cleaned up the weeds around.Then wiped the two tombstones again.

After everything was done, she squatted in front of the two tombstones and looked at them for a while.Then he opened a bottle of wine and poured all three glasses.

One was placed in front of a tombstone, and one was taken by himself.

She sat between the two tombstones and looked out, too, at the rugged and endless mountains.
The sun is getting higher and higher, and the temperature is also rising.

The wind from the top of the mountain blew past, brushed the grass on the ground, moved the trees above his head, and messed Tang Zhixi's hair.Even the wine in the glass moved.

Tang Zhixi's pupils became shallower and shallower under the sun, and she remained motionless.The usual coldness has also faded a lot.

The whole person was a little dazed, expressionless.

It is a very relaxed state, not only the relaxation of the body and mind, but also the relaxation of one's own thoughts.

Even a little decadent.

Another gust of wind blew by.Blowing down the hair that was messed up on her cheeks.

It was as if a pair of invisible hands helped her smooth her hair.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and finally she gradually regained her senses, and she also returned to the state, and looked at the blank tombstone beside her.

Then the corner of his mouth hooked slightly, and he took a sip of wine.

"I brought the wine you like to drink." She said, "Today is Chinese New Year, you can drink more."

After finishing speaking, she took the wine glass and knocked it on the other two glasses, and said: "I met Song Zhengde. How should I say it? I don't have much ability, but my temper is not small. At such an old age, I yell at every turn, Not calm at all."

"I'm still very uninitiated, so I know to listen to my father. Once I'm old, I can't tell right from wrong. What does old man Song say and what is he?" Tang Zhixi thought for a while and said, "Be filial."

She glanced at Tang Peihua's tombstone, "Grandma's picky eyes on her son-in-law are a bit bad."

"But it can't be said that he has no ability at all. He manages the company well." Tang Zhixi said, "It's a good thing that he didn't raise him in his family. His family has three problems."

"Compared to grandma's upbringing, that's really a world of difference, there's no way to compare." Tang Zhixi immediately said nice things again.

"I also went to act in a play." Tang Zhixi probably didn't say as much this year as she said today, "I walked steadily from the bottom to the top step by step, and I have a good experience of the whole selection of the script. , audition, reading training... a series of processes. It should be a complete process, and nothing is left behind."

"I almost realized the unspoken rules. I should have realized it. The role that auditioned well was almost replaced by someone else."

"On this one drama, I have almost experienced everything that should be experienced. So the next drama will not be so long-winded. Just experience it once, otherwise why do I write scripts and get so famous."

Tang Zhixi leaned against the blank tombstone next to her: "You say so."

Tang Zhixi talked for a long time, almost everything she wanted to say about this year.

I was tired, and finally fell asleep leaning on the tombstone.

It wasn't until it was dark that someone started to set off fireworks, and she watched the fireworks with them on the top of the mountain for a while, and then slowly went down the mountain.

When she returned to the room on the hillside, she glanced at the mobile phone with only 18.00% battery left, and it was already past twelve o'clock.

This phone is useless here except for lighting or checking the time.

Not a single message comes in.

She charges her phone.

Then he took out three buckets of instant noodles from the suitcase and went to the next room.

The room next door is for cooking.There is a neat row of wood on the right side of the door.Fortunately, it has not rained recently, so it can be used directly.

As soon as you enter the door, there is a stove and a big pot.

There are a lot of electrical appliances for cooking in the room, all of which were bought by her once.But...compared to the electricity in Hanqing Village, the power is too high.

Use it once, and the whole village is at risk of power outage.

It's a big Chinese New Year, it's better not to move.

So she built a fire, put water in a pot, and cooked three buckets of noodles.Sitting on the small bench in front of the stove, I ate it all.

After eating, she cleaned the room again before going to bed.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Ye Hanzhi woke up early to pay New Year's greetings to his parents.

Then, without waiting for Ye Hanxiu's family of four, he drove to Chu's house by himself.

It was only half an hour at Chu's house, and I came back.

At this time, the Ye family had just sent away a group of guests.Ye Hanxiu's family is planning to go to the Chu family.Seeing Ye Hanzhi say hello in the front hall, he went back to his yard.

Soon after, he was seen coming out with two suitcases.

Although his expression was serious, it could be seen that he was a little anxious.

I didn't use the servants to carry them, I thought they were too slow.

Ye Lin and his wife, Ye Hanxiu's family of four, and servants all over the yard looked at him.

When had they ever seen Ye Hanzhi in such a hurry, even carrying the box by himself?

"For Chinese New Year, where are you going?" Ye Hanxiu asked.

"Go out and pay New Year's greetings." Ye Hanzhi said.

Ye Hanxiu looked at his parents and then at his wife.I feel like I'm dreaming: "Is there any relative in our family who needs you to pay New Year's greetings in person? Still carrying luggage? Who is so big on face?"

Ye Hanzhi looked at his parents: "Mom and Dad, I'm going to the south for a vacation, and I'll be back after the seventh day."

Then he looked at Ye Hanxiu: "Brother, stay at home with your parents. I'm leaving."

After speaking, without waiting for these people to say anything, Ye Hanzhi left the main courtyard in a hurry.

And by the time the people in the room came back to their senses, they had already left.

"Nizi! You don't stay at home every day, and now you don't even come home during the Chinese New Year!" Ye Lin scolded.

Ye Hanxiu also felt abnormal.This old man hardly sees anyone except to pay New Year's greetings to the old man of the Chu family every year.

Of course, there are no relatives in his family, and the people who come to visit are all towards him and his father.

Ye Hanzhi has never been in charge of entertaining. At home, he is either teasing the birds or watering the flowers.

But running outside was the first time in so many years.

"Ting Jue, why did he go?" Ye Hanxiu suddenly looked at his son.

Ye Tingjue stood at the end of the group of people, looking down at the message He Yuzhe sent him.

[Is your third uncle in a bad mood these days? ]
[Just the Miss Tang I told you about, the Miss Tang who made your third uncle's iron tree bloom.I went back to Hanqing Village for the New Year, and I didn’t come back until after the seventh day. ]
[Hanqing Village, you should know that your family is in the poverty alleviation project.Hanqing Village is marked with an asterisk.There is no internet or signal there. ]
[Your third uncle can't get in touch with anyone, he must be dying of anxiety.I would like to advise you, don't provoke him recently, and be careful of suffering. ]
Ye Tingjue quickly screened the phone, looked up at his father, and said in a deep voice, "How do I know about the third uncle?"

"You two stick together all day, don't you know about him?"

"Dad, since September, I only saw Third Uncle yesterday." Ye Tingjue said.

Ye Hanxiu choked, "You're two years older than him, and you don't usually know how to take care of him. If there's anything wrong, you'll have to run outside after the Chinese New Year. This kid doesn't make you worry at all."

Insider Ye Tingjue: "."

What can happen, he just went to talk about love.

(End of this chapter)

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