Chapter 111
"Third Master. Uncle Rui didn't tell you, if you come here, bring a quilt or something?"

Ye Hanzhi was packing up the brought things when suddenly Tang Zhixi's voice sounded behind him.

He turned to look at her and said, "Is there no quilt?"

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi said, "The cups here are damp and have a musty smell."

"Then you." Ye Hanzhi glanced at the bed behind her.

The quilt on the bed looked brand new.

He looked again at the bed on the other side.I didn't notice it just now, but now I realize that there are two quilts on the bed over there.

"It's okay." Ye Hanzhi immediately accepted the fact, "I'll just cover my clothes. But... where do I sleep? That bed?"

That bed was used by Tang Zhixi's grandmother for many years.

When she came back to clean that day, she looked at the bed board and found that the middle was bitten by bugs.

It's okay to put a quilt, but if you lie alone, the bed board will definitely break.

She stood by the bed for a while, then picked up the cup and the cushions on the bed, and let Ye Hanzhi hold it.

He pulled the single bed away by himself.

The single bed became a double bed.

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows, the bed looked like it was made by himself.Quite innovative, well designed.

"Sleep here."

Ye Hanzhi was still looking at the bed, and when he heard this, he was stunned: "Then what about you?"

"I sleep here too." Tang Zhixi said softly, "That bed is about to collapse, this bed was newly made a few years ago."

Ye Hanzhi hugged the quilt without moving.

No one told him that he had to undergo this kind of test when he came here.

"What's wrong?" Tang Zhixi asked seeing that he was not moving.

"Ah, that. I..." Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, not knowing what to say, "Isn't it inconvenient."

Tang Zhixi pulled the mattress out of his arms and spread it on the bed: "If you treat me as a man, you won't find it inconvenient."

The corner of Ye Hanzhi's mouth twitched.He, he probably couldn't.

She purposely took the double mattress, folded it together, and put it on the single bed.

Now that it's spread out, it might be a little chilly at night.

"Be, thrown on the bed."

Ye Hanzhi followed suit.

Tang Zhixi spread out the quilt and put it on the bed, then folded it over and put it on the outside.Pillows are also placed on the outside.

Then she took off her jacket and threw it inside, glanced at Ye Hanzhi who was still a little dazed, and said with a smile: "Master, what's the matter?"

"What do you think?" Ye Hanzhi looked at her with resentment in his eyes.

The smile on Tang Zhixi's face deepened, she patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

Ye Hanzhi narrowed his eyes, looked at her deeply and said, "Actually, I kind of hope that you will treat me well."

Tang Zhixi: "." Why did he speak so solemnly and calmly, even if he wanted to beat him, he couldn't hit him.

Ye Hanzhi laughed, rubbed the top of her hair and said, "Lie down first, I'll go wash your hands."

When Ye Hanzhi came back after washing his hands, Tang Zhixi was already lying down.

He just took off his jacket and let his hair fall loose.With one leg bent, his wrist resting on his eyes, he lay on the inside of the bed.There was no pillow, and only a piece of clothing covered her body.

Ye Hanzhi looked at the pillow and quilt on his side, lowered his head and smiled.

He is really offering him up as a noble young master.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Tang Zhixi said: "Half of the quilt is covered, and the other half is lying under the body, so as not to cause the bed to collapse."

"Turn off the lights?"

"You can do whatever you want." Tang Zhixi's voice was a little confused, "Stop talking to me, I'm going to sleep."

"Good night."

"En." Tang Zhixi responded, and after two seconds, she whispered, "Good night."

Then I put my legs down, turned over, lay on my side with my back facing outside, and fell asleep.

The speed of falling asleep.Ye Hanzhi sighed softly in his heart.

I don't know whether I believed him too much, or didn't take him seriously.Such a big man is still sleeping next to a man who has plans for her.

He fell asleep so peacefully.

After watching her for a while, Ye Hanzhi turned off the light.After getting used to the darkness, he walked gently to the bedside.

Then he picked up Tang Zhixi's clothes and put them aside.Covered her with a quilt.

"Huh?" Tang Zhixi suddenly made a sound.

Ye Hanzhi said softly: "It's okay, it's me. Go to sleep."

Tang Zhixi woke up a little, and looked up at the quilt on her body: "The bed board is rough."

"No." Ye Hanzhi's voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of waking her up completely, but also very gentle, "Cover it."

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi lay back on the bed again, "You should also cover it up, it's a bit cold at night."

While talking, the voice behind it became smaller and smaller, and finally there was no sound at all.

Ye Hanzhi smiled, and said, "You know it's cold, but you still put the quilt under me, and don't cover it yourself, are you stupid?"

Tang Zhixi frowned, ignored him, and fell asleep.

Ye Hanzhi gently supported her head again, and stuffed the pillow under her head.

This time Tang Zhixi didn't wake up again, she just moved to find a comfortable position.

In the dark night, with the two of them so close, it was inevitable that their thoughts would be a little charming.

So Ye Hanzhi looked at her for a while, then lowered his head and kissed her lightly on the face.

Then she lay on the side, looked at the night, and listened quietly to her light breathing.

When Tang Zhixi woke up the next day, Ye Hanzhi was no longer in bed.

And his half of the bed was neatly made, as if no one had slept in it last night.

She hugged the quilt, covered her head and lay down for a while,

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he opened his eyes again and glanced at the door.

"Are you awake?" Ye Hanzhi held a tray with both hands, on which were two bowls of porridge and a dish.

Almost the moment she saw him, Tang Zhixi smelled the aroma of rice, and her stomach let out a fit.

Ye Hanzhi put the tray on the desk, then leaned over and put her front hair back, and touched her face casually: "Get up and eat."

Tang Zhixi looked at the corners of his reddened eyes, then fell back under the quilt again, and said in a muffled voice, "It's cloudy outside."

"Well. It's a bit cold today. Wear more clothes later."

"Did you clean all the dishes?"

"Yeah. The chopsticks are moldy. I thought I would have to peel two wooden sticks to use as chopsticks for dinner today." Ye Hanzhi sat on the edge of the bed, stroked her hair, and joked, "Then I found stainless steel chopsticks."

Tang Zhixi laughed, "Thank you, Mr. San."

"Get up, the porridge will be cold in a while." Ye Hanzhi stood up and said, "I'm going out first, change my clothes and call me."

Tang Zhixi waved her hand, indicating that she knew.

After he closed the door, she got up from the bed, folded the quilt, took out the suitcase, and found sports clothes to change into.

Then use yesterday's hairpin to tie up the hair.

When she went out, Ye Hanzhi was pulling weeds in the yard.

This situation really shocked Tang Zhixi, choking on the saliva: "Cough Ye Hanzhi, don't pull it out, let it grow."

"It's okay, let's go wash up."

Tang Zhixi looked at him, hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing.Went to the kitchen to get the laundry.

There is a cabinet at the far end of the kitchen, and Tang Zhixi's toiletries are placed on the cabinet.

There is an extra copy today, Ye Hanzhi's.

Ye Hanzhi should have sorted it out, it was very tidy.And the dental appliances of the two were placed together.

All the things are separated by the two, only the toothbrush is next to each other.

Inexplicably, Tang Zhixi felt a warm feeling in her heart.

She looked at it for a while and smiled slightly.

While brushing her teeth in the yard, Tang Zhixi strolled around the courtyard wall.

Then I suddenly found a layer of rice spread out on the courtyard wall, to be precise, it was a layer of cooked rice.

Some are white, some are yellowish, and some are black.

Obviously overcooked.

Tang Zhixi rinsed her mouth, looked at the rice and said, "Ye Hanzhi, you cook porridge well."

Ye Hanzhi threw the pulled grass aside and turned to look at her.Seeing her looking at the rice, she smiled and said, "The first time the fire burned."

"Why did you put it here?"

"Let's feed it to the little animals." Ye Hanzhi said, "It's like inviting friends."


"They have been with you in the mountains for so many years. They are friends."

Today is cloudy, gray and windy.The leaves rustled, and the grass swayed back and forth.

Ye Hanzhi squatted on the ground and turned to look at her.Behind him is the grass, further away is the mountain, and further away, the mountain is hidden in the fog.

His quaint aristocratic demeanor suddenly took on a different flavor.

Tang Zhixi looked at him and listened to what he said.I feel his tenderness, romance, and the feeling of "love the house and the crow" here.

In fact, she was very envious of Ye Hanzhi's family, who had brought up such a him.

Then after a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Are you friends? Then some friends are delicious after being roasted."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

"Okay, please invite them." Tang Zhixi said, "It tastes better when it's fattened up."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

 Even less today.I want to write more tonight, but my head hurts.I really can't write anymore.

  I'm sorry everyone.

  Zhixi was really afraid of wronging the third master, the precious young master, and would give him everything.

  It's like giving him a bracelet, it's all within our ability, and it's the best for him.

(End of this chapter)

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