Chapter 112 Little girl

The Chinese New Year is the time to move around.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Song Anrou, An Ting and his elder brother Song Chengyou went to He's house in the capital to celebrate the New Year.

The He family has always doted on He Yanxin, and her brother and sister-in-law dote on her.

So much so that he dotes on He Yanxin's son and daughter, just like his own son and daughter, especially Song Anrou.

And now that they are married to the An family, they have always wanted to curry favor with An Lin, so they are also very polite to An Ting.

They arrived early in the morning, and everyone chatted in the living room.

Song Anrou was tired of listening to the side, so she leaned on An Ting's shoulder and played with her mobile phone.

An Ting also helped her peel nuts while chatting.

"Have you two planned when to get married?" My aunt looked at them and asked with a smile.

An Ting turned his head to look at Song Anrou, and said, "The two of us have been discussing this matter recently, and we think it will be around June."

"It's good if you have a plan." The uncle said, "But after you think it over, you must tell your family in advance. Our family only has one daughter, and both families dote on it. The wedding must be a big one, and many things have to be taken care of. .So you have to say it in advance.”

"Understood, uncle." Song Anju said, "I will be the first to tell you when the time comes."

"Talk to your mother first, then to me."

"Okay, okay, I got it." Song Anrou smiled obediently.

After she finished speaking, she stopped participating in their conversation.Quietly looking at the phone.

After watching the video, I opened Weibo again.

It was just paddling boringly.

Suddenly, a Weibo post caught her attention.

[Is there still a clean place now?The water in the entertainment industry is also too dirty.Any little actor who is nothing at all @唐迪兵 can sit next to a big director and choose a role.I really don't know what she could pick?I don't know why she can sit there, why she sits there. @尚官@九溪.I really like the drama of the two, and I also regard the two as idols.But I won't watch it again in the future, I find it disgusting and dirty. ]
There are two more photos below, which are the photos of Tang Zhixi sitting next to Shangguan in the audition that day.

It should be a candid shot, a little blurry.But it was still very clear that it was Tang Zhixi, the official monk.

The Weibo account is a small account, usually sharing some delicious food and so on, and the number of followers is not many.

So no one has seen it yet.

Song Anrou looked at this Weibo and her heart beat wildly.Finally someone spoke, finally someone said this matter.

She gripped the phone tightly, not showing it on her face.After talking to the people in the living room, I went out to make a phone call, and then hurried to the yard to call Yang Qing.told her about it.

Yang Qing was also a little excited when he received the call: "I knew that there would be people who would be dissatisfied. Those big stars are very proud. How could they be commented by a little girl and still do nothing. That must be who It came from the trumpet of the star."

"Yes." Song Anrou held back her anger for several days, and finally let out some, "The heat should go up soon."

"At this time, we also need to add fire." Yang Qingdao, "Mo Changhuan's words are good, this Tang Zhixi has a trick. Even a difficult person like Shangguan can be dealt with."

"It's all just low-handed means." Song Anju said.

"In a poor place like Hanqing Village, the level of education is generally low. Who knows how she lived in the countryside for so many years." Yang Qing said, "I have learned such things so well."

Song Anrou sneered: "Shangguan is too conceited, he dared to bring her to the audition place, and let her sit beside him, letting her point out."

"Shangguan is used to doing things in his own way." Yang asked, "He feels that he is great and self-proclaimed, and it seems that the entertainment industry cannot survive without him. This time, let him see how this traffic era He was kicked out of this circle. Don't worry, not only Tang Zhixi, but even Shangguan should not think about it."

"I don't know if Jiuxi is involved."

"Who knows? But he didn't show up. As long as he doesn't speak for Shangguan now, he shouldn't be able to touch him in this incident." Yang Qing said, "With Jiuxi's status, if you want to be wise and protect yourself, you will definitely not be able to do so in the future. The Monk has cooperated. You reminded me that our company has contracted directors, so we can win over Jiuxi."

"That's what I mean too." Song Anrou smiled, "I'm just afraid that he won't be easy to deal with..."

"Shangguan is down, so she has to find the director." Yang Qing said, "I'll go and talk. In this life, what I like is nothing more than fame and fortune. He has the fame. As for the profit, just pay a little more money."

After hanging up the phone, Song Anrou stood in the yard with a sinister smile on her lips, looking at everything pleasing to the eye.

Suddenly a voice sounded from behind, in a carefree tone: "What bad idea are you holding back?"

Hearing the sound, Song Anrou lowered her eyes and turned around.But the viciousness in his eyes did not restrain at all.He is a different person from the usual well-behaved and sensible person.

"Cousin, why did you come out?"

He Zhuo looked at her and smiled.He should be the only one in the family who knows Song Anrou's true face.This woman even deceived her own parents and brother severely.

Pretend to be well-behaved and sensible in front of them, pretending to be a little white rabbit.It has never been revealed before, so they are convinced.

If it wasn't for when I was a child, I ran into her beating up my classmates in the alley.He must now think her innocent and innocent.

Ever since he broke through that time, Song Anrou never pretended in front of him again.

One appearance in front of others, another appearance in front of oneself.

He really felt that her cousin had a split personality.

"If they continue to talk about it, it should be me. Of course I have to come out quickly."

"It's time for you to do something serious." Song Anju said, "Don't make uncle angry all the time."

"I've been very quiet all year, okay?" He Zhuo finished speaking, looked at her and said, "I heard that your father wants to admit that illegitimate daughter back?"

"Let's talk about it after he can recognize it." Song Anrou looked at the phone, watching the popularity of that Weibo gradually increase.

"Another bad idea?" He Zhuo put his hands on her shoulders and said in a low voice, "That girl is very beautiful, let me play with it, is it okay?"

Song Anrou's expression paused, and calculation flashed across his eyes for a moment: "You can do whatever you want, but that woman is dishonest, so don't catch any disease."

He Zhuo laughed suddenly, with a wretched face: "Don't worry, I have my sense of proportion."

A storm was brewing outside, while the two people in Hanqing Village, isolated from the world, were still pulling weeds in the yard.

Who would have thought that the third master of Dijing would drive to Hanqing Village by himself.

Who would have thought that the third master who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth not only came to Hanqing Village, but also pulled weeds here.

Speaking out, I'm afraid it will scare everyone's heads off.

"Third Master, in fact, it's fine if you don't pull it out. It will grow again next year."

After the two had breakfast, Ye Hanzhi continued to clean up the grass.This was the third time Tang Zhixi had spoken to persuade her.

"Reluctant to let me work?"

Tang Zhixi turned her head to look at him, and gave him a look of "Just say another word, believe it or not, I'll leave you here".

Ye Hanzhi understood what she meant, and said with a smile, "If I don't come, you will definitely clean up the yard, right?"

Tang Zhixi looked away, did not make a sound, and acquiesced.

"Since there are still people coming back, there's no reason to abandon the yard." Ye Hanzhi squatted on another leg, "If it grows next year, then we'll pull it out next year."

Listening to what he said, Tang Zhixi's hand squeezed hard and cut off the grass in his hand.

Why is there a person who understands her so well.

"Sister Xi, let's discuss something."


"Don't call me San Ye." Ye Hanzhi said, "Call me by your name."

"What if I don't." Tang Zhixi said coldly, without any emotion.

"Then..." Ye Hanzhi looked at her, narrowed his eyes dangerously, and said with a smile, "I'm going to bully you here in this barren mountain, lonely and widowed."

Tang Zhixi threw the dew in the grass onto his face: "What are you dreaming about, Third Master?"

She bit the word "Third Master" a little bit hard.

Being thrown with water all over his face, Ye Hanzhi closed his eyes and rubbed his face with his arm.She didn't have any temper at all, and said with a smile: "Little girl, you are sure that I won't do anything to you, it's really becoming more and more unscrupulous."

Tang Zhixi had no expression on her face, she just looked at him.Then he lowered his head, picked up a bit of soil with his fingertips, and threw it on Ye Hanzhi's shoes.


Hearing his gnashing of teeth and helpless voice, sporadic smiles appeared in Tang Zhixi's eyes.

Seeing her smile, Ye Hanzhi felt happy.He wanted to raise his hand to pinch her face, but his hand was a little dirty, so he could only rub the back of his hand against her face, and said dotingly, "Little girl."

Just a little girl, no matter how strong she looks, no matter how mature, no matter how indifferent, she is still a little girl inside.

It's not good to be naughty.

 Welcome to watch how Ye Sanye walked into Tang Zhixi's heart step by step.

  The first step is to look good against the sky,

(End of this chapter)

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