The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 115 Is Not Here To Clarify, It Is To Smash People

Chapter 115 Is Not Here To Clarify, It Is To Smash People

The next day, when Tang Zhixi woke up, the sky outside was still a little gray.

She turned her head and saw Ye Hanzhi sleeping beside her.

He was still in the same position before going to sleep, lying on his side, pillowing his arm.And the other hand was holding his hand all the time.

Tang Zhixi looked at him for a while.

His skin is fine and smooth.The eyebrows are very long, the eyelashes are also very dense, the bridge of the nose is high and straight, the lip color is like cinnabar, and the red is coquettish.

If Mrs. Ye had given birth to a daughter at that time, it must have been a sexy and alluring beauty.

She is a beauty who is constantly being paid for a smile.

But it is better to be a man, the quaint gentleman has a flirtatious and evil face, and there is a mysterious sense of oppression on his body.

Contradictions collide, but they are extraordinarily harmonious and attractive.

If there really is a creator of the world, when he created Ye Hanzhi, he must have thought carefully, carefully, carefully, over and over again, and slowly carved him out.

It must be his most satisfying work in this world.

Tang Zhixi looked at it for a while, then pulled her hand out slightly, remembering.

But she only moved a little, and Ye Hanzhi suddenly opened his eyes.

Eyes are sleepy, the fundus is a little red, and there are some bloodshot eyes.More like a fairy.

Eyes met, Ye Hanzhi first smiled: "Are you awake?"

Tang Zhixi immediately sat up, and withdrew her hand from his, "Yes."

Ye Hanzhi followed her and sat up, rubbing his numb arm, "It's still early, sleep a little longer, I'll cook."

"No." Tang Zhixi stroked her hair and said, "I'll go to the mountain and talk to grandma. It's a bit far away."

Ye Hanzhi glanced at her and said, "Okay, I'll cook for you at home. Be careful."


Tang Zhixi came down from the mountain, the two of them ate, packed up their belongings, tidied up the house again, and left.

Both of them drove, so they could only go back one by one.

Ye Hanzhi was in front, and Tang Zhixi drove behind him.

The mountain road twisted and twisted, and finally drove out of the mountain in the afternoon.

When they arrived at a place with a signal, both of their mobile phones rang.

But the two of them drove the car and ignored it.

It was not until the rest area that the two checked the messages on their phones.

Only then did Tang Zhixi realize that her little vest had fallen off.

Ye Hanzhi naturally saw it too.He got into Tang Zhixi's co-pilot, knowing that she had seen the news, he said directly: "Zhenlei found Song Anrou."

Tang Zhixi also received a message from Luo Nanchen, not only Song Anrou, but also Yang Qing, and the initial account was a star's trumpet.

"Yu Zhe sent the evidence of her buying the Navy to Antin."

Tang Zhixi looked up at Ye Hanzhi, paused for two seconds, and smiled: "There really is him."

Seeing that she didn't take this matter to heart, Ye Hanzhi was a little relieved.He also smiled: "He said that he is not good at solving problems, but he is best at creating problems for others."

"I have a pretty clear understanding of myself." Tang Zhixi said while replying a message to Shangguan and Zhou Kening, telling them not to worry about it.

Then said: "Let's go to the city to find a hotel at night. I will return to the Imperial Capital tomorrow."

"it is good."

Song Anrou and Anting stayed in the imperial capital for one night, and then returned to Yancheng.

It wasn't until the evening, when An Ting came home and turned on the computer to deal with things, that he found the evidence of buying the navy in the mailbox.

A screenshot of the chat history, as well as Song Anrou's bank card transaction information and real-name registration information.

Song Anrou didn't go home at night, just after taking a shower, she came to the study to look for him: "An Ting, do you have work to do?"

An Ting looked away from the computer and looked at her.

It was the first time Song Anrou saw An Ting looking at her so expressionlessly, and her heart skipped a beat: "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Antin looked away, and looked at the computer again: "Come here, take a look."

"What is it, making it so serious." Song Anrou walked to him while talking.

There was still a cute smile on his face, but after seeing the things on the computer.Her pupils suddenly shrank deeply.

There was a buzzing sound as if something hit his ear hard.

The hairs all over his body stood on end.

She obviously deleted the chat history, why did these things appear in Antin's computer.

"Where did this come from?"

An Ting looked up at the people around him: "Someone sent it to me anonymously."

Song Anrou clenched her hands tightly, trying to keep herself calm.

"An Rou, I can understand that you don't like Tang Zhixi. But why did you buy the navy to blackmail her." An Ting asked in a deep voice, "Those are all grievances from the previous generation, and she is also a victim. She is not willing either. Carrying the reputation of an illegitimate daughter."

"I just want to tell everyone the truth, how could she be Jiuxi." Song Anrou stared at the computer and said.

"Why can't she be Jiuxi." An Ting asked, "If you guide public opinion like this, it will cause her a lot of trouble."

Song Anrou looked at him sharply, using her hands so hard that her veins bulged: "It's not like you haven't read Jiuxi's script. Tang Zhixi grew up in Hanqing Village and didn't even go to school. She can write Jiuxi's script. Is that the script?"

An Ting didn't speak, but looked at Song Anrou.

Even though she was trying to restrain herself, he still felt a completely different her from usual.

Normally, she is well-behaved, sensible, kind, and always considers others in everything.Right now, she seemed to have an evil beast in her body.If you are not careful, you will rush out.

"That's a way for her and the monks to clean up."

"Okay, you can have your doubts. Everyone has the right to question," An Ting said, "but why do you want to guide the direction of public opinion?"

"I just let everyone see her true face."

"An Rou." An Ting's voice raised a little, "If she is Jiuxi, your behavior is slanderous and spreading rumors."

"An Ting, so you are arguing with me because of Tang Zhixi!"

"I'm talking about this behavior of yours."

"What did I do?" Song Anrou said anxiously, "You are the boss of Fengshang Entertainment, shouldn't you be used to this kind of behavior? Those artists under your command, who has clean hands. They can do it, but I can't."

"Are you the same as them?" An Ting asked sternly.

Song Anrou looked at him for a while, then turned around, slammed the door and left.

Looking at the closed door, An Ting let out a long breath, then squeezed the space between his eyebrows.

Before today, he really thought that Song Anrou was very kind to Tang Zhixi.After all, she has always been called "sister, sister", and she has also shown that she is very active in identifying relatives with the Song family.

Antin sighed again, got up and went out to find someone.

The next day, after eleven o'clock in the morning, Tang Zhixi's plane landed.

After getting off the plane, the two went to get their luggage.Tang Zhixi looked at the phone and said, "Ye Hanzhi, let's go separately."


"I asked someone to disclose my flight information yesterday. I heard that there are many people waiting for me outside."

Ye Hanzhi stopped where he was and looked at her.

Seeing him stop, Tang Zhixi walked out two steps and came back again: "What's wrong?"

"So many people, you let me go first." Ye Hanzhi looked at her and said, "What if someone hurts you?"

Tang Zhixi looked at him for a while and said, "If you want to stay, you can just say so."

Ye Hanzhi laughed, helped her straighten her hair, and said softly, "I'll be your bodyguard."

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi replied in a low voice, took a mask from his pocket and gave it to him, "Put it on. You're so conspicuous."

"it is good."

Sure enough, after going out, there were many people around, including reporters.

Tang Zhixi's eyes were so recognizable that she was recognized as soon as she appeared.

The crowd was restless for a moment, and the mobile phones and cameras clicked and snapped.

Although there were airport security guards blocking her, Ye Hanzhi was still worried and stood by her side the whole time, never leaving her.

"Jiuxi, Jiuxi, are you Jiuxi?"

"Tang Zhixi, are you and Jiuxi the same person?"

"Are you really Jiuxi? Really?"

Tang Zhixi glanced at the crowd and took off her mask.

For a moment, the crowd suddenly fell silent, and there was no one who spoke.

They all stared at her cold and gorgeous face.

Tang Zhixi looked at her camera again and said, "The camera is on."

The elder brother who was carrying the camera nodded in a daze.

Tang Zhixi also nodded, with her fingers hooked on the mask, looking at the camera, she said casually: "I know, something has been raging on the Internet these days. I didn't respond in time. Because I just came out of Hanqing Village yesterday, There is a signal."

Suddenly, a few people gasped after hearing Tang Zhixi's flat, cold voice.

"Since everyone is here, let me tell you something." Tang Zhixi said, "I am indeed Jiuxi. That's why I went to the audition scene to cast a role that day."

"I know, I just said that, it doesn't prove that I am Jiuxi. But those people who questioned on the Internet are all rumor makers who have nothing to do with me. How can I prove to you that I am me? You are not worthy of letting me Work hard."

There was no superfluous expression on Tang Zhixi's face, nor was there any ups and downs in her voice.

But that kind of arrogance, disdain, goes straight to the bottom of people's hearts.It has the effect of killing the heart.

Ye Hanzhi couldn't hold it back, he lowered his eyes, his eyes curved into laughter.

"Also, those people who said that I will act in other dramas and be the second female lead in other dramas. What's the matter? I don't want to act in my own script, I want to go out and have fun, do I still have to apply to you?"

"Oh, there are still people who laugh at me for not going to school." Tang Zhixi said, "Is there any big conflict between not going to school and my own reading?"

"Then I would like to ask, those trolls on the Internet have high education, why their quality is so poor. You shouldn't reflect on yourself, are people like you a waste of educational resources?"

Everyone was stunned. They thought they came here to listen to the clarification, but they didn't expect to come to listen to her slander.

"Also. Said I was young." Tang Zhixi paused, "Thank you first. I am indeed very young."

Ye Hanzhi laughed out loud.

Fortunately, someone in the crowd laughed, covering his voice.

"But youth and ability are not directly linked. So, uncles and aunts, don't deny the ability and strength of our young people."

"As for saying that I have an affair with Shangguan," Tang Zhixi frowned, "Shangguan, I haven't seen anything he likes except for making movies and TV series. Men are not interested."

The laughter in the crowd grew louder.

"In the end... you still think I'm pretending to be someone from Jiuxi, you should sue me. Don't hide on the Internet."

"I've said everything I wanted to say, thank you all for coming." Tang Zhixi bowed her body and thanked her with a bow, ""Begonia Falling" was finished a few years ago, and it's my first serious drama. I hope that when it airs, everyone A lot of support."

"Support Jiuxi." Someone in the crowd shouted.

Then everyone shouted together again.

A huge wave of sound rushed into his ears, Tang Zhixi took a step back, his eyelids trembled involuntarily.

Ye Hanzhi also subconsciously reached out to support her.

Tang Zhixi glanced at Ye Hanzhi, then looked at the crowd and said, "Thank you for your support, thank you. I'll be leaving first."


As soon as she said she was going to leave, someone in the crowd suddenly stopped her.Hearing that voice seemed to be a little frightened, it trembled and broke.

"Huh?" Tang Zhixi looked at her.

"Yes, can I sign my name?" The girl looked like a college student, maybe she was a little nervous when she saw her idol, or maybe Tang Zhixi's sense of alienation was a little frightening, her hands were shaking, and her voice was shaking, "I Since your first script, I have always liked you. I, I want to be closer to you, so I took the screenwriting test at the Imperial Film Academy, and I will be a sophomore this year."

Everyone's eyes fell on the two of them. Tang Zhixi looked at her without moving, but the little girl's face quickly flushed red.

"No, no, no, no"

"give it to me."

The little girl looked up at her in surprise, and immediately handed her her notebook and pen: "Thank you."

"What is your name."

"Just, just write the pseudonym. Qing Chen. Qing Leng Qing, Dust of Dust."

Tang Zhixi took a pen and wrote down her name, wrote another sentence of blessing, and then signed Jiuxi's name.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her writing on the side, and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

This word is different from what she usually writes.This pen is strong, majestic, and full of momentum.

Why is it still familiar.
(End of this chapter)

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