Chapter 116

Because there is the first one to sign, the courage of the people after that will grow up.

Although Tang Zhixi seemed difficult to approach, she didn't refuse any of them.

So it took more than half an hour to sign the signature.

Zhenlei drove to pick them up, seeing so many people from a distance, he didn't dare to approach them.

It wasn't until the two came over that he quickly ran two steps to help them carry the box.

"Miss Tang, happy new year." He smiled.

"Happy New Year." Tang Zhixi replied.

After getting in the car, Tang Zhixi leaned on the seat and closed her eyes.

Ye Hanzhi pinched her fingers and said with a smile, "Tired?"

"It's a bit noisy." Tang Zhixi closed her eyes and said, "I no longer recognize the word Jiuxi."

Ye Hanzhi smiled.

"Being a star is not easy."

It's not that Tang Zhixi is tired, it's mainly because she can't bear the noisy and courteous environment.

"Third Master, those media must have caught you, do you want to deal with it?" Zhen Lei asked when they saw that they were silent.

"Why, I can't see anyone?" Ye Hanzhi looked at him and said.

Zhenlei met his gaze from the rearview mirror, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "No, no, how is it possible."

Hearing his strong desire to survive, Tang Zhixi curled her lower lip, then opened her eyes and said, "Let's deal with it."

Zhen Lei immediately said: "Okay, I'll make a call right away."

Ye Hanzhi's gaze shifted from Tang Zhixi to Zhen Lei.Then raised his eyebrows.I'm afraid this person has forgotten who he is messing with.

Zhenlei's so-called phone call is to call Lu Shang, tell him the matter, and let him take care of it.

After he finished the call, Ye Hanzhi looked at his phone and said, "Zhenlei, have you broken into Tianshu's defense system?"

Zhenlei's back stiffened, and he visibly wilted: "No."

Tang Zhixi looked at Zhen Lei, she had never seen such a listless Zhen Lei.

Ye Hanzhi snorted and laughed: "Where are we now?"

"It's here." Zhen Lei became even more listless.His third master did it on purpose, because he didn't listen to him just now.Ms. Tang couldn't help it, so she just messed with his mentality, "It's still at that stage, there is no progress."

"Should I go to Tianshu to snatch a hacker and replace you?"

Tang Zhixi took a look at Ye Han.

"Third Master. That defense system was built by Jiushen. Except for Jiushen himself, there is probably no one in this world who can break through it." Zhenlei's voice became smaller and smaller, "You can't do it unless you snatch Luo Nanchen Come here, otherwise the person who snatched back may not be as good as me. Luo Nanchen can't break through."

Ye Hanzhi was silent for a while and said, "Is there any news about Nine Gods?"

"No." Zhen Lei said, "There is no trace at all. Sometimes I wonder if he is still alive."

Tang Zhixi: "."

"And he paralyzed all the programs in our entire building. You issued an arrest warrant at that time." Zhen Lei said, "If I were him, I would not come out. I am afraid that your hands will be chopped off, I Afraid of being beaten to death by you."

Tang Zhixi scratched her cheek with her fingers, and looked out of the car.

"Although he belongs to Tianshu now, Luo Nanchen certainly doesn't know where he is at his level." Zhenlei was still saying, "The only way now is to break through Tianshu's system and force him out. Wait for him to come out." Come out, we can directly encircle Tianshu and force Luo Nanchen to surrender."

Tang Zhixi: "."

"At that time, Jiushen can be used by us, and we can forget the past." Zhenlei said with enthusiasm, as if the next second, Jiushen appeared in front of him, "If he doesn't follow, then chop off his hand first, Then chop off his feet, then knock his head off, and then"

"Shut up." Ye Hanzhi said softly.

Zhenlei talked so happily that he forgot about Tang Zhixi's existence, and hurriedly said: "Miss Tang, I'm just joking. It's all just for fun. We are usually sunny."

Tang Zhixi gave him a look of "Do you believe me?"

"Really." Zhen Lei said, "When we face our enemies, we generally use love to influence them."

"You have such an idea, I'll give you the boss position." Ye Hanzhi said.

"No, no, no. Third master. I was wrong. I just said it casually. "

"If you continue to be so useless, only eating food and not working, I'll chop off your hands first." Ye Hanzhi didn't even look at him, his voice was soft and ruthless.

Zhenlei's little heart trembled, he swallowed, and dared not speak.

Ye Hanzhi ignored him, turned his head to look at Tang Zhixi, and said, "Let's go back after playing in the Imperial Capital for a few more days."

Tang Zhixi thought for a while and said, "It's also possible."

"In a few days, there will be an auction at Doomsday Hotel." Ye Hanzhi said, "Let's go and have a look."

Tang Zhixi remembered last year when the two of them didn't know each other, they robbed things at the doomsday hotel auction.I haven't snatched him yet.

She looked sideways at him.

Ye Hanzhi smiled, held her hand and said, "I will pay for what I like this time, and I will never steal it again."

Tang Zhixi also smiled lightly.

"We...we don't know each other anymore."

Tang Zhixi looked at him and nodded for a moment.It's true that they don't know each other. Six years ago, she blackened and paralyzed the entire building of his Yunji Consortium.

It was also at that time that I found out that there was such a person as Ye Hanzhi.

Although I didn't see the appearance, but thinking about it now, I also had a respect in my heart at that time.

That's why I got out in time.

She was so kind back then.If she had used him then, maybe she had escaped early, maybe.
Forget it, there are so many maybe.

Tang Zhixi's interview response caused a big storm on the Internet.

Both Tang Zhixi and Jiuxi's Weibo followers increased a lot.

Even people who have never heard of Jiuxi, because of her appearance, turned into pink.

Some people actually liked her flat, cold, somewhat lazy voice and became fans.

More than a comment asking her to be a voice actress, it has hundreds of thousands of likes.

Of course, everything has two sides, and there are also scolding voices, among which are scolding her for dragging, scolding her for being unapproachable, as if she is superior to others.

Naturally, there are still doubts that she is not from Jiuxi.

Then that night, someone posted Jiuxi's signature in the morning, and at Duan Nian's birthday party two years ago, there was a postcard in a bunch of sunflowers that Jiuxi sent.

There are six big characters written on it: happy birthday.The inscription is Jiuxi.

Duan Nian asked Tang Zhixi for this bouquet of flowers a month before his birthday.

A message every day, telling her when her birthday is, lest she forget it.

Then after I received it on my birthday, I was hugging it almost all the time at the birthday party.

The postcard is not big, hidden in the flowers is very inconspicuous, but sharp-eyed fans still found it and took pictures.

In fact, it has been discussed on a small scale. Jiuxi's handwriting is very beautiful, and he is a very educated person at first glance.

With the same signature before and after, and the same handwriting, the voice of questioning is much less.

Then, nearly an hour after this Weibo post, Duan Nian took a photo of the postcard from that year and posted it online.

A few minutes later another video was posted.It was the screen recording of my mobile phone, and I also said: [Let me appreciate the voice of Jiuxi. ]
The content of the screen recording is the chat history between Tang Zhixi and him a year ago.

At the top is the specific time of the chat at the beginning, and then a 30-second speech.Then there were three voices from Tang Zhixi, which lasted more than 50 seconds.

The cause was that Duan Nian and Shangguan had a dispute over a scene.

Under the stalemate between the two, Duan Nian went to Jiuxi, but the monk Jiuxi had the same idea.

Duan Nian was about to speak in a hurry, suddenly.But Tang Zhixi still had that flat voice, unhurried.It's just that the obvious impatience can be heard in the back.

In the end, the conversation ended with Tang Zhixi saying, "You shoot both versions, and then see the effect".

After Duan Nian posted this Weibo, he commented on his own Weibo: [When the two editions were filmed, Director Shang kept praising the edition I wanted.Then the version he wanted was used in the final movie. ]
There was a lot of ridicule below this comment.

"Hahahaha", Duan Nian didn't even know the word.

And just when everyone felt that this matter had come to an end, it was exactly nine o'clock the next morning.

The former director of the National Theater has spoken out.

The old man is almost 80 years old and has been retired for a long time, but his prestige has always been there.

Anyone who has studied in film school, anyone with a major related to this industry.There will always be a special class, which is about the great achievements of the old man.

A legendary figure.

The old man didn't have his own social account, so he used the video posted by his granddaughter's Weibo.

Wearing a Tang suit, he sat upright on a chair, looked at the camera, and said in a straight voice: "In the past two days during the Chinese New Year, I saw some news on the Internet. After much deliberation, I decided to say a few words."

The old man reached out and took a photo from the table, which was newly developed.Holding the photo, he pointed at the camera and said, "Can you see clearly?"

"Grandpa, put the photo down a little bit, and down a little bit, that's it." A female voice said.

"I met that girl in Jiuxi once. She was very young and very beautiful. This was a photo of us secretly taken by my granddaughter at that time, and Shangguan was also there. She kept it all the time. Although it is very bad to take photos secretly, at least... It's evidence."

"You scolded me all afternoon yesterday." The granddaughter said suddenly, "You even hit me with a cane."

"You deserve it." The old man glared at her and continued, "I've also read Jiuxi's script. It's not only good-looking, but most importantly, it's very meaningful. I hope some of our domestic screenwriters can learn from it."

"Jiuxi is about the same age as my granddaughter. That little girl gave me a new understanding of this generation of young people, and she is also a new force in our society. As a senior, I feel that in this industry, there are such juniors. So proud and so relieved.”

"I know that our industry has such young people's inheritance, even after a hundred years, I can leave with peace of mind."

"So. I hope that our industry will not chill the hearts of young people. I also hope that the atmosphere in this industry can be corrected, not to be too impetuous, and not to always engage in those dirty tricks." The old man said while Hit the floor with a cane.

"We are public figures, we want to establish a positive image for young people and guide them to be positive."

"Okay, that's all I have to say. I hope that during the Chinese New Year, everyone will spend good time with their families and stop talking about irrelevant things on the Internet. Goodbye, everyone."

The video ended here, and the photo the old man was holding was sent out again later.

Although there is no date to prove when the photo was taken, no one dares to question when it was taken.

Because the Shangguan at that time still had long hair reaching his shoulders, and he was wearing a brown cotton jacket with ripped elbows.

Shangguan only cut his hair short the year before last, and the iconic ragged padded jacket was snatched away by monkeys during a filming last year.

So Duan Nian also posted on Weibo.Tell a little about his tragic experience.

And the comments are all celebrating Shang Dao finally being able to change into a new padded jacket.

 Zhen Lei: "We all use love to influence the enemy."

  "What love? Marriage?"

  Some still remember the first time Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi met at the Doomsday Hotel.

  First we met in the elevator.

  After Tang Zhixi went back to the hotel room, she saw Ye Hanzhi and He Yuzhe at the door of the next room.

  Tang Zhixi didn't know who they were at the time.

  Seeing them coming out of the next room, I thought it was related to 319.

  So there was a lot of hostility at the time.

  But after hearing Ye Hanzhi's name in the newspaper, her hostility subsided.

  It wasn't because he was from the Ye family, but because Tang Zhixi hacked the Yunji consortium back then, knew what Ye Hanzhi did, and knew that he was not a bad person, so the hostility subsided.

(End of this chapter)

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