Chapter 120 Yunji Consortium
Meng Lanyi had finished using the bathroom a long time ago, but she just stayed in there listening and didn't come out.

She knew of Tang Zhixi's existence and had investigated her identity.A wild girl from the countryside, and an illegitimate daughter.

When Ye Hanzhi fell in love with her, he thought she was beautiful and fit his usual aesthetics.

After all, in some respects, this Tang Zhixi and Lin Naiyi are somewhat similar.

Men, they prefer to look like their mothers.

But with Tang Zhixi's status, it is absolutely impossible for her to enter the Ye family.Ye Hanzhi must also know this very well, that is, to play with her.

But once Lin Nai suddenly fell in love with her, this matter is another matter.

Although it was introduced to Ye Tingjue, she had to guard against it.

Meng Lanyi waited for Lin Naiyi and Ye Tingjue to finish sending messages, and then waited for a while before coming out of the bathroom.

"Aunt Lin, I'm fine."

Lin Nai put away the phone, smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go back and see if there is anything we like."

"Okay." Meng Lanyi took her arm and chatted after leaving the bathroom, "The one in the bathroom just now seems to be a celebrity."

"You know him?" Lin Nai looked at her and said.

"I saw it on the Internet." Meng Lanyi said, "It seems to be called Tang Tang Zhixi."

"Tang Zhixi." Lin Naiyi repeated it, and said with a gentle smile, "Zhixi." It's a good name.

"I read online that it seems to belong to the Song family in Yancheng."

"The Song family?" Lin Nai glanced at Meng Lanyi again, and asked following her words, "Then why is your surname Tang? Is it the same as your mother's?"

"Well, I heard that her father had an affair with her." Meng Lanyi clicked and said softly, "I don't know if it's true. You can't believe many things on the Internet. Celebrities smear each other, It’s common to not get used to it. The entertainment industry is still relatively chaotic.”

The expression on Lin Nai's face didn't change at all, as if he was chatting normally: "That life experience is quite pitiful."

Meng Lanyi paused for a moment: "Yes, no one wants to bear the reputation of being an illegitimate daughter."

Lin Nai smiled, and naturally changed the topic.

When Tang Zhixi went out from the bathroom, she met Ye Hanzhi who came out within a few steps.

The moment Tang Zhixi saw him, she felt at ease for no reason.But this subconscious peace of mind was soon replaced by a deep-seated terror and apprehension.

She rubbed her fingertips, smiled and said, "Why did you come out?"

"You haven't gone back, I'll come out and take a look." After Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, he looked down at her clothes, "What's wrong with the clothes?"

Tang Zhixi: "." What should she say.

"Well, I met a lady, and she bumped into it by accident."

Ye Hanzhi looked at her, feeling that something was wrong: "Ma'am? Did you accidentally touch this?"

Such a large area seems to be intentional.

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi still decided not to make it clear.Otherwise, with Ye Hanzhi's temperament, he might take her to find Mrs. Ye right now.

She really doesn't want to.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her for a while: "Are you really all right?"

"It's really okay."

"That's fine." Ye Hanzhi said with a smile, "Do you want to go back or watch for a while."

Tang Zhixi looked at him, thought for a while and said, "Let's watch for a while."

"Okay." Ye Hanzhi took her hand and was stabbed by the coldness.He lowered his eyes and wrapped her hand in his palm.

After returning to the cubicle, Tang Zhixi flipped through the auction brochure.

Ye Hanzhi asked the Chu family outside to find a hand warmer for her.

"Is there anything you like?" Ye Hanzhi asked again what he said just now.

Tang Zhixi held the hand warmer, flipped through it again, then pointed to a small intelligent robot on it and said, "This one is good."

He Yuzhe, Lu Shang and Zhenlei all looked at her subconsciously.

Ye Hanzhi looked at the robot for a while, and said, "Like it?"

Tang Zhixi glanced at him and raised her eyebrows.The finger also deliberately clicked twice on Yunji's logo.

This small intelligent robot is used to facilitate life and prevent daily dangers.

Calculate according to the existing intelligent robots on the market.I'm afraid it will take more than ten years of research to catch up with Yunji's robot.

And Tang Zhixi knew very well that this was something that Yun Ji had researched with some reservations.

Because they put it up for auction to make this smart technology public.

As for Yunji's core technology, Yunji's focus and technologies that cannot be disclosed to the outside world.Still on a larger scale.Although it is now a private research, once the research is successful or the technical effect meets expectations, it will be handed over to the state.

This is what Tang Zhixi saw six years ago.It has great significance for safety construction.

"Zhixi, do you know something?" Ye Hanzhi looked at her and asked directly.

Tang Zhixi looked at him, and slightly curled the corner of her lips: "I know a lot."

The gaze that Ye Hanzhi and she looked at each other suddenly dimmed, and his eyes were stained with ruthlessness.The voice is also a little heavy: "Really?"

"Hmm." Tang Zhixi's behavior seemed to be facing the edge of a sword without fear, "I not only know that the Yunji Consortium produces some electronic products and artificial intelligence on the surface. I also know that the Yunji Consortium is secretly researching s things"

Tang Zhixi knew it was a secret, so she just clicked it and didn't say it: "And I also know that the Yunji Consortium's surname is Ye. Ye Hanzhi's Ye."

He Yuzhe clenched his fists tightly, goosebumps appeared on Lu Shang's body, and Zhenlei's expression was rare serious.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her with a serious and stern look in his eyes that he had never seen before.Almost no one knows what he did except his cronies.Not even his parents know.

How did she know, who was behind her?

Tang Zhixi also looked at him.

And He Yuzhe and the three of them had almost the same idea in their heads.They all know that this woman cannot be underestimated, but now it seems that they still underestimated.

But Ye Hanzhi looked at her for a while, then suddenly smiled, and his hostility dissipated.Then he glanced at the robot in the manual: "Do you like it? If you like it, I'll send some over for you to play with."

Tang Zhixi looked at him without moving or speaking.

Seeing Ye Hanzhi's attitude, the other three seemed to want to say something, but they didn't say anything in the end.


Tang Zhixi lowered her gaze, looked at the manual, and shook her head.After a while, he joked, "Don't you want to kill me or something?"

"If it was someone else, it would be very miserable." Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows and said.

Ye Hanzhi believed that she would not do anything to Yunji, and also believed that she would not speak out.

And he has faith in himself.

Even six years ago, Jiushen paralyzed the entire Yunji, and couldn't touch the core of Yunji.At most, they just know what they are studying at a deeper level.

Because the things they study secretly are also separate from Yunji.

What's more, they have strengthened the secrecy afterwards.

It's just that the more people know, the more trouble they will have.

For example, someone will lead someone directly to Yunji's territory to grab the technology.

Although he is not serious.But if there is one thing less, there is still one thing less.

So, if the person who said those words just now was not Tang Zhixi.Now this person, even the people behind him, don't think about it.

Tang Zhixi smiled slightly, and looked at the auction below.

The thumb kept rubbing the hand warmer in his hand, rubbing off the thin layer of skin on it.

(End of this chapter)

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