The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 121 When to give a name

Chapter 121 When to give a name

Ye Hanzhi brought people to the auction to play, and it was a bit unreasonable not to take something home.

There is a dressing box at the back, which was made by a master craftsman during the Republic of China.

The material, workmanship and carving are all very good.

So Ye Hanzhi asked Zhen Lei to bid.

But... from the cubicle in the southeast corner upstairs, there was also the sound of bidding.

I thought I would give up after calling a few times.

But I didn't expect that the one in the southeast corner followed the bar.

And he didn't mean to show weakness at all, he chased very closely.

Tang Zhixi was sitting on the side, chatting with Ye Hanzhi normally, but half of her mind had already flown away.

Thinking about other things.

So I didn't think much about it, thinking that the dressing box was for his mother.

She had seen Ye Hanzhi's richness and grandeur, and he would not give up until he reached his goal, so she had been quietly watching Zhenlei bid there.

Seeing the stalemate between the two, no one would let the other.The downstairs has become a spectator, and the auction, which is coming to an end, can't go on.

So people from the Chu family came forward to mediate.

Although they didn't know who was in the cubicle, the Chu family did.So the Chu family came to Ye Hanzhi first to inform the details.

There was a knock on the compartment door.

Lu Shang went to open the door, said a few words with the Chu family, and then came in again.

"Third Master." Lu Shang stood beside Ye Hanzhi and leaned over, "The one who is asking the price is Madam."

Zhenlei just called up another price, and when he heard this, he suddenly looked at Ye Hanzhi.Almost broke his neck.

"My mother?" Ye Hanzhi looked at Lu Shang.

Lu Shang nodded, with a tragic expression: "Yes."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Half of Tang Zhixi's mind was thinking about other things, but she still laughed.

Raise prices on your own and your own.
"Zhenlei, let my mother buy it." Ye Hanzhi said softly, "When we go to get things later, we have to come over."

The corner of Zhenlei's mouth twitched, even his own mother was cheated.

So when the auction was over, Ye Hanzhi went to Lin Naiyi's car first when he went to get his things.

"Why are you here?" Lin Nai looked at him and asked.

Meng Lanyi was also on the back seat, and the moment she saw Ye Hanzhi, her eyes lit up: "Third Master."

Ye Hanzhi responded, but didn't look at her.Looking at Lin Nai together: "Mom, give me the dressing box."

"Huh? What do you want that thing for?" Lin Nai finished speaking, and said again, "You couldn't be the one who bargained with me just now!"

"Cough, Mom, that one."

"Wait a minute!" Lin Nai sat behind the driver, leaned over suddenly, grabbed his left wrist, looked at the Chen Xiang bracelet on his wrist, and said, "Ye Hanzhi, what is this?"

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Every time before going home, he would take off the strings, for fear that his parents would gossip.After all, he hasn't caught up yet, so he is easily ridiculed by the crowd.

I forgot to wear it on my hand today.

His mother deserves to have the eyes that she developed from singing opera since she was a child.

Meng Lanyi also looked at it together, and her expression darkened instantly.But the car was dark, and no one noticed her.

"This." Ye Hanzhi looked at the bracelet and suddenly raised the corner of his mouth.

When did Lin Nai see his son smile like this.This is obviously the boy Huaichun.

Well, this description is not appropriate, after all, he is almost thirty.

That's not the point, the point is
"Ye Hanzhi, you, you" Lin Naiyi gripped his wrist again, exerting force, "When will I hold my grandson? It's February, so it's okay at the end of the year. It's okay, it's okay."

Meng Lanyi moved to the dark place, clenched her back molars, and clenched her hands.

"So now I have to hurry up and prepare the bride price."

Ye Hanzhi: "Mom, me."

Before Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, Lin Nai grabbed his wrist and turned his fingers on his veins: "Let me see if you will hinder me from holding my grandson."

Ye Hanzhi quickly grabbed his mother's hand and pulled her hand away from his wrist.His face was a little blue.But this is his mother, he didn't dare to do anything, he could only helplessly say: "Mom's dressing box."

"Oh. I understand, I understand." Lin Nai smiled, "Just treat it as a gift for my daughter-in-law. When will you bring it home? Let us see, too, me"

"Mom, I'll go first then."

Ye Hanzhi shook her hand, quickly opened the door, got out of the car and left.

Lin Nai twitched the corner of his mouth, and after a few seconds, he looked at his fingertips.

He didn't let himself feel his pulse, could it be?
Lin Nai took a deep breath, and immediately decided to go back and study the prescription.

After talking to his mother, Ye Hanzhi went back with Tang Zhixi first.

Let Zhenlei wait to get the dressing box.

After sending Tang Zhixi home, the car stopped at the gate of the courtyard, and Ye Hanzhi walked in with Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi put her hands in her jacket pocket, walked slowly and said, "I thought you took the vanity box for Mrs. Ye."

Ye Hanzhi put his left hand behind his back, smiled when he heard her words, and repeated softly: "Madam Ye."

Tang Zhixi: "."

"Zhixi." Ye Hanzhi stopped and called her.

Tang Zhixi had already gone up a step, and when she heard him speak, she turned and looked at him.

"Zhixi." Ye Hanzhi took another step forward, held his fingertips, looked down at her slightly and said, "When can Zhixi give me a title. A...boyfriend's title."

Tang Zhixi looked up at him, froze for a moment, her eyelashes flickered twice in a daze.

There was a sudden pain in my heart.

Seeing that she was silent, Ye Hanzhi raised his hand to touch her face, and said in a gentle voice, "It's okay, there's no rush. This is a lifetime event, and it needs to be carefully considered."

Tang Zhixi looked at him and pursed her lips slightly.

"Go back." Ye Hanzhi said, "It's too late, I won't go in."


When Tang Zhixi went back, Nan Cheng had already fallen asleep.

She told Uncle Rui to let him go to sleep.He went to Nan Cheng's room by himself.

After sitting in Nan Cheng's room for over an hour, he returned to his own room.

After taking a shower, Tang Zhixi lay on the bed for a long time.Thinking about the phone call today, I couldn't fall asleep.

At three o'clock in the morning, she put on some clothes and went downstairs to open two bottles of wine.

Then sat in front of the bay window, drinking a glass of wine.

After four o'clock, Uncle Rui came out and saw that the light under the bay window was on.He took a look.I saw Tang Zhixi leaning against the glass, her hair a little messy.There was an empty red wine bottle under his feet, and a half bottle beside it.


Tang Zhixi turned her head to look at him, her eyes were red, as if she had cried.But it didn't look like she had shed tears: "Uncle Rui, why did you come out?"

Uncle Rui was wearing a coat, and when he saw her like this, his eyes turned red instantly.Walking to her side, he said, "Miss, what's the matter? Did something happen?"

Tang Zhixi sat up straight, raised her hand and brushed her hair back, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's okay, I just can't sleep."

 Ye Hanzhi: "You tell me when I will have a title."

  Hua Chao pinched his fingers and said, "It's almost here."

(End of this chapter)

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