Chapter 137 I've seen him
After dinner, Zhen Lei took Jiang Nian away.Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi went directly to the police station.

This time the entrance of the police station was much quieter, and Ye Hanzhi ordered the paparazzi to be cleared away.

So he led Tang Zhixi's hand into the police station.

The two brought them food, and Tang Zhixi specially ordered two crystal shrimp legs.Although he didn't say anything, the shrimp dumpling was finally placed beside Zhao Lanchuan.

When she ordered these two shrimp dumplings, Ye Hanzhi felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, it was for Zhao Lanchuan.

Ye Hanzhi saw it in his eyes and was jealous in his heart, but he didn't say it, otherwise he would appear narrow-minded.

So he relied on his height to keep Tang Zhixi behind him, and no one would see him.

"How's the investigation going?" Ye Hanzhi said.

Fang Yulin said while eating the steamed stuffed bun, "We're still investigating. We sent people to the Antique Street to ask again, to see if we can find any clues about the identity of the homeless man."

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi said, "I'll take a look at the information about the medical preparation doctor in Chiya Village."

Tang Zhixi was blocked behind him, so she moved a bit.As a result, just as she moved, Ye Hanzhi also moved.

She moved to the other side again, and Ye Hanzhi followed suit.

Tang Zhixi: "." Childish.

"Any new clues?" Fang Yulin asked.

"Well, let's take a look first." Ye Hanzhi said.

"Okay, I'll let someone take it."

Xiao Qin brought the two of them back to the room where they watched the reports from the brick factory in Chiya Village last time.

Then he gave the two of them a paper document and left.

Tang Zhixi looked at the report in Ye Hanzhi's hand, and suddenly said: "You said, the indicators of a dead person are so high. If we normal people have very high indicators, what will happen? "

Ye Hanzhi looked at her, looked at her for a while, and suddenly laughed.

Tang Zhixi looked at the smile on his face lightly.

"How would Zhixi feel?" Ye Hanzhi asked back.

Tang Zhixi looked at him, and saw the answer she wanted in his eyes.She said: "Delay aging and prolong life."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows appreciatively: "That's right. From the indicators, it looks like this. In fact, these indicators will eventually approach zero. It's just that its starting point is very high, and the rate of decline is very slow. It's very similar to It's delaying death."

Sure enough, Ye Hanzhi thought so too.

"However, the human body is too fragile to withstand the medicine entering the body." Tang Zhixi said.

"Judging from the anatomy photos given by the forensic doctor," Ye Hanzhi thought for a while, "His internal organs are very damaged. How can I say it? It's like a bag. It can hold so much water normally, but the injected Too much water. Or rather, something regenerated the water in the bag. And it burst open."

Tang Zhixi lowered her gaze.

Ye Hanzhi knew what Tang Zhixi was thinking, patted her head and said, "Let's read the information first."

Tang Zhixi looked at the information in his hand.

The information is organized like a resume, the first page is first name, gender, education, and the like,
Tang Zhixi saw his name first: Chang Ming.

In Chiya Village, almost the entire village has the surname Chang.

The second time I looked at the photo on the side.

Because the information is printed from a computer, it is black and white.But it's a problem with the printer, and the photos are still a little distorted.

But when Tang Zhixi saw the photo, her indifferent eyes still trembled slightly.

The person in the photo is very young, that is, in his early 20s.There is an unworldly innocence between his eyebrows and eyes.

But it still coincided with the mature and experienced face in Tang Zhixi's memory.

"Zhixi, Zhixi?" Ye Hanzhi sensed that she was distracted, so he called her twice.

Hearing his voice, Tang Zhixi blinked calmly, then looked back at the document.Apart from that photo, the rest of the information is of little value.

Tang Zhixi looked away from the information and looked at the window in the room.She touched her knuckles and said, "I've seen him."

Ye Hanzhi looked up at her.

He did feel that her mood was suddenly wrong, but he didn't expect her to throw out such four words suddenly.

And she said these four words very coldly.It was ten times colder than usual.

It was as if the person in front of him suddenly froze, stripping away the flesh and blood emotions that were originally in his body.

"When I saw him, his name was Chen Ming." Tang Zhixi lowered her eyes, but her eyes didn't fall into place. "I have a wife and a four-year-old daughter."

Ye Hanzhi looked at her, with a bad feeling in his heart: "What about after that?"

"After that." Tang Zhixi rubbed her knuckles, "I saw the bodies of the three of them."

"How did you die?"

Tang Zhixi shook her head slightly: "Chen Ming still has a gunshot wound on his head. But it should be caused after death. His wife and daughter have no obvious trauma."

Ye Hanzhi pursed his lower lip lightly, and finally asked the question: "How did you meet them?"

Tang Zhixi's eyelashes trembled slightly, but she didn't answer his question.Instead, he said: "Chen Ming seemed to have participated in some research, but then he suddenly stopped participating and left with his wife and daughter. It would be more accurate to say that he fled."

"So because of his departure, the three members of his family were killed?" Ye Hanzhi speculated following the information she gave.

Tang Zhixi was silent for a while before humming.

"If Chen Ming's research is related to 319, he died in 319." Ye Hanzhi said, "Then that homeless man probably died of the same reason."

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi said, "Maybe this person turned himself into a homeless man to avoid them."

Tang Zhixi knew why there was such a relatively special place as Chiya Village in the trading place.That person is remembering.

In this way, Chen Ming's death and Chen Ming's betrayal are commemorated.It is also to commemorate her, to commemorate her first action.

Ye Hanzhi threw the documents in his hand on the table. After a while, he looked at Tang Zhixi seriously, and said softly, "Zhixi, I need an answer."

Tang Zhixi looked up at him, looked at him for two seconds and said, "What if the answer I give isn't what you want?"

The two stared at each other silently for a few more seconds, and these few seconds, to the two of them, seemed to be infinitely elongated.Every heartbeat seemed to slow down.

Pulling to the heart ache.

After a while, Ye Han took a step forward, hugged Tang Zhixi in his arms, stroked her head and said, "I don't think my Zhixi will give answers I don't want."

"What if I lied to you?" Tang Zhixi's voice was cold and quiet, without any fluctuation or emotion.

"I believe you." Ye Hanzhi said, "As long as it is what you say, I will believe it."

Hearing these words, Tang Zhixi twitched the corners of her mouth, closed her eyes, and took a light breath.

The scent of agarwood on Ye Hanzhi's body was very reassuring. She whispered: "I have not participated in 319. I have not participated in any other research. But."

"Okay, that's enough." Ye Hanzhi interrupted her, "As long as you are safe, as long as they won't harm you in this way. We are not afraid of anything else."

(End of this chapter)

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