The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 138 How Can Someone Be Such a Dog?

Chapter 138 How Can Someone Be Such a Dog?
After reading Chen Ming's information, Ye Hanzhi sent Tang Zhixi back to Weiyang Palace to catch up on sleep.

When he arrived at Weiyang Palace, Ye Hanzhi went to his side to get a few bags of medicine, all of which were for protecting his throat.He watched Tang Zhixi drink a pack and planned to leave.

"Aren't you taking a break?"

"I'm fine." Ye Hanzhi kissed her on the forehead, "I've ordered lunch to be delivered."

"Do not bother me."

"You have time no matter what." Ye Hanzhi said with a smile.

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows, and said, "Why don't you check the population of Yancheng who migrated more than ten or twenty years ago, and see if any disappeared after migration. Or disappeared suddenly and strangely. Those homeless people can't miss it. Came here to wander in Yancheng for no reason."

"En. Good." Ye Hanzhi responded, but what he was thinking in his heart was.His mind is full of love, but her mind is full of business, "Call me if you have anything to do."

Tang Zhixi leaned against the door and said casually, "What can be the matter?"

"For example. Miss me." Ye Hanzhi said.

Tang Zhixi: "."

Seeing her appearance, Ye Hanzhi smiled, raised his hand to touch her face and said, "Okay, I'm leaving. Don't worry about anything, I've made arrangements. Sleep peacefully."


After Ye Hanzhi left, Tang Zhixi changed her clothes and fell asleep on the bed.

I was very tired after filming the whole day the day before, and I stayed up all night last night, and there were all kinds of things after the morning.Very draining.

People may be like this. When they are alone, they can always stretch that nerve, and can carry it no matter how tired they are.

But now Tang Zhixi fell asleep on the bed. Although she didn't want to admit it, subconsciously, she was relying on Ye Hanzhi.

I know that Ye Hanzhi is very powerful and reliable.Even if there are things outside, Ye Hanzhi can block them all.

You can sleep in peace.

Tang Zhixi slept until Ye Hanzhi came back in the afternoon.Someone came to deliver food at noon, and she just took the food, put it on the dining table, and then went to sleep again.

She didn't wake up until Ye Hanzhi rang the doorbell.

"Are you back?" Tang Zhixi went to open the door.

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi looked at her and said, "Just woke up?"

"Hmm." Tang Zhixi said, "Did the drug test report come out? Is it 319?"

"." Ye Hanzhi sighed silently in his heart, and said as usual, "It came out, there is indeed an element of 319. All the indicators of the corpse have also dropped."

Tang Zhixi watched him change his shoes and said, "But those who have been injected with 319 usually never die in such a short period of time."

Ye Hanzhi bent over and looked up at her.His eyes stayed on her chest for a second, then he quickly looked away.He put the shoes away, stood up straight and said, "The reason is unknown for the time being. People who inject 319 will be hallucinogenic and addicted. When the injection is stopped, there will be mental problems or convulsions all over the body. But those who died in the past, all It's a long-term injection."

"You mean dosage?"

"Not ruled out. But I'm not sure yet." Ye Hanzhi entered the living room and went to the bathroom to wash his hands, "The specific ingredients of 319 are very special, they can't be extracted, and I don't know what it is. Anyway, so far, there is no information about this kind of thing." any record."

Tang Zhixi was leaning against the bathroom door, she naturally understood.As long as you don't know what it is, it's very difficult to do anything.

It's like not knowing what it is, nor knowing what can overcome it.

There are so many experiments that the research institute is conducting every day, and the method has been tried countless times, but all of them ended in failure.

"Zhixi." Ye Hanzhi stood by the sink and called her.


"I want to make it easier." Ye Hanzhi said.

Tang Zhixi stood still for a second, then leaned against the door frame, with an indifferent expression, and said, "Well, you can do whatever you want."

Seeing her like this, Ye Hanzhi suddenly laughed.The originally evil appearance, because of the red corners of the eyes, is even more evil: "Since Zhixi doesn't mind, I naturally don't mind either."

Tang Zhixi still didn't move, she even looked down, then raised her eyebrows.

Ye Hanzhi ground his teeth, put his hand on the belt buckle and pressed it.

Tang Zhixi watched helplessly as his belt loosened, she immediately stood up straight, turned around and left without saying a word.

Seeing her leaving, Ye Hanzhi lowered his head and smiled, "Stinky girl."

Then he closed the bathroom door.

When she went out of the bathroom again, Tang Zhixi was already sitting on the sofa, with a pencil she got out of nowhere in her hand, thinking about something.

Because she was sitting, the neckline of her pajamas was even lower.

Ye Hanzhi took a look, then walked up to her, and lifted her clothes.


Ye Hanzhi leaned over to look her in the eyes and said, "Zhixi, I'm not that gentleman either."

Tang Zhixi looked down at her clothes, although she was dragged up by Ye Hanzhi now, she couldn't see anything.But just now.
Ye Hanzhi watched her ears turn red little by little, and the smile in his eyes deepened.

However, when Tang Zhixi raised her eyes to meet his gaze, it was the same as usual.The same indifferent eyes, and a calm look that can't be blown by tenth-level winds.

"Really? You are not a gentleman, what do you want to do?"

Ye Hanzhi narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were instantly stained with a dangerous look, naked, as if he could swallow people up.

Tang Zhixi raised her hand to grab his neckline and pulled it hard.The two got closer, Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

Tang Zhixi leaned closer and whispered in his ear, "What if I said I did it on purpose."

Even though he knew that she was talking nonsense, Ye Hanzhi's pupils still shrank, and the blood all over his body rushed to his head.

He held Tang Zhixi's wrist that was holding his neckline, and was about to exert force.Tang Zhixi broke free from his hand suddenly, then got up and walked behind the sofa.

Ye Hanzhi was stunned for a moment, then looked up at her.

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows arrogantly and provocatively, then turned around, walked unhurriedly, and swaggered to the bedroom, closing the door.

Looking at her back and the closed door of the bedroom, Ye Hanzhi's lips trembled.

The desire, the ruthlessness, and the evil in his eyes can tear people apart.

He gritted his face and gritted his teeth. After a while, he calmed down a little.

He stood up straight, thinking while unbuttoning his cuffs.

It's a good job, I'm not responsible for teasing!Sooner or later, she has to know the consequences of flirting.

The more Ye Hanzhi thought about it, the more angry he became, and he finally calmed down after drinking a glass of cold water.

He understood that this girl just likes to have a mouthful, and she will be cowardly when she comes to the real thing.

Tang Zhixi went to the room to change clothes, and stayed in the room for a while on purpose.

When he went out, Ye Hanzhi was on the phone in front of the French window.

"Well, I see."

While talking, Ye Hanzhi saw Tang Zhixi's figure through the glass, turned to look at her, and waved to her.

Tang Zhixi walked over and stood beside him.

"Well, I'll be back in a few days." Ye Hanzhi took Tang Zhixi's hand and brought it to him.

Then he wrapped his arms around Tang Zhixi's waist, lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.

Tang Zhixi was about to break free from him immediately, but Ye Hanzhi didn't give her this chance, so he tightened his arms.He took the phone away and whispered in her ear: "Don't move around, my mother will hear."

On the other end of the phone was his mother.

Tang Zhixi glanced at the phone he took back again, but didn't move it.She heard a voice on the phone: "Are you listening to me?"

Ye Hanzhi looked at Tang Zhixi with a smile, and said to the phone: "I'm listening, you talk."

After saying this, he lowered his head and put Tang Zhixi's lips in his mouth.

Tang Zhixi's hand rested on his shoulder, and she couldn't break free from him, so she could only let him do whatever he wanted.However, Lin Naiyi's voice was still in their ears.

"Nowadays, little girls like to be considerate and pamper others. You should put away your frightening face, don't be too fierce. Whatever people say, you must be obedient. Of course, when you should be more domineering You have to be more domineering, like that. You are so old, you should understand. After all, she is a little girl, even if you want to think about many things, you are too embarrassed to mention them."

Just after Lin Naiyi finished speaking, Ye Hanzhi opened Tang Zhixi's teeth.
He kissed her domineeringly and tenderly.

Tang Zhixi didn't dare to speak out, so she scolded him in her heart.

"Han Zhi, Han Zhi, Ye Hanzhi, why did you go, are you listening to me? Is the signal bad? Where did you go, the signal is so bad?"

Lin Naiyi was chattering over there, but Ye Hanzhi's hand holding the phone had already reached the back of Tang Zhixi's neck, and he didn't respond to her at all.

Tang Zhixi heard Lin Naiyi's voice more clearly than he did, and it felt as if the two of them were in front of his mother, so she bit Ye Hanzhi.

Only then did Ye Hanzhi relax his hand, slowly backed away, kissed the corner of her mouth twice, and then took a deep breath before continuing to answer the phone: "Mom, the signal may not be very good."

"You're running around again," Linnai said together, "Okay, I won't tell you anymore. Remember what I said."

"En." Ye Hanzhi raised his hand and wiped the crystal on Tang Zhixi's lips with his thumb, "I must obey my mother's order."

When he hung up the phone, Tang Zhixi clenched her fist and gave him a punch.

Ye Hanzhi immediately bent over, put his head on Tang Zhixi's shoulder, hugged her and said, "Zhixi, it hurts so much."


Ye Hanzhi laughed, and hugged her tighter: "It really hurts."

"I didn't even try."

"I know." Ye Hanzhi said with a smile, "Zhixi is reluctant."

Tang Zhixi: "."

"Don't be angry." Ye Hanzhi said, "I'm not afraid that Zhixi will be shy. If Zhixi really wants to and is embarrassed, I have to take the initiative."

"You're really good at what you've learned."

"My mother teaches her son well." Ye Hanzhi said with a smile.

Tang Zhixi: "."

"Zhixi, it really hurts." Ye Hanzhi hugged her a little tighter as he spoke, "The bitten lip also hurts."

Tang Zhixi took a light breath, and cursed in her heart: How can someone be such a dog.

 There is a sentence that I don't know when to say it or not.

  I want a referral ticket and a monthly pass.

  I also want red beans with red sleeves. (full face)

(End of this chapter)

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