Chapter 142

After the police arrived, Tang Zhixi, Jiang Nian and the driver who drove He Zhuo were all taken back to the police station.

He Zhuo was sent to the hospital because of serious injuries, and the He family and his wife rushed to the hospital overnight from the capital after getting the news.He Yanxin and Song Zhengde were already in the hospital when they arrived.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Mother He's eyes were red, her fingers were shaking all the time, "How's Xiaozhuo? How's the others?"

"Sister-in-law, don't worry. Xiaozhuo's life is not in danger, but he is seriously injured." He Yanxin said while holding her hand.

"How is he?" Father He asked again.

"Two ribs were broken, two teeth were lost, and the right wrist was misaligned." He Yanxin said, "There was also a moderate concussion. There was a wound on the head, and five stitches were taken. The doctor said a lot of blood."

When she was talking, Song Zhengde didn't say a word, his expression was very bad.

He Mu listened and burst into tears.

Father He pursed his lips and pulled a face with a very bad expression.No matter how ugly this son is, he is also his own son.After suffering such a serious injury, he naturally felt distressed.

"Sister-in-law, don't cry." He Yanxin said, "Xiao Zhuo has already come out of the emergency room and is in the ward. Go and have a look first."

The four immediately went to the ward together.

He Zhuoren was awake, but lay on the bed unable to move.

Only the eyes and mouth can move in the whole body.

A bump the size of a fist was swollen on the left side of the face, and even the lips were swollen.The wound on the head should also be swollen, but it was wrapped in gauze, as if the gauze was wrapped very thickly.

The wounds in other places could not be seen because of the quilt.

"Xiao Zhuo, Xiao Zhuo." Mother He shed tears lying on the bed, trying to touch her son's face but had no choice but to hold his hand in the end, "Does Xiao Zhuo really hurt?"

He Zhuo looked at his parents, moved his lips with difficulty and made a sound: "Parents, yes, it's Tang Zhixi, it's Tang Zhixi, it's Tang Zhixi."

He kept repeating this sentence with difficulty.

"Who? Tang Zhixi?" Father He asked.

"It's her, it's her." He Zhuo said, "Dad, you help me kill her, kill her."

Father He and Mother He looked together and turned to Song Zhengde and his wife.

Song Zhengde always kept a straight face, without any superfluous expressions.

He Yanxin nodded and said, "Tang Zhixi is at the police station now."

"Zhengde, your good daughter is really capable of beating people like this. Is it a bandit? Is it a robber?" Father He said.

For so many years, Father He has always spoken to Song Zhengde in this tone.Rather than saying that he got used to it, it would be better to say that Song Zhengde gradually didn't care about it, and didn't take it to heart.

Song Zhengde didn't speak, but He's father went on to say, "Don't you feel that such a person is humiliating the family if you want to admit it back home?"

"Brother, don't say a few words." He Yanxin interrupted him in time, "Now is not the time to talk about this."

Father He glanced at He Yanxin, and said, "I'm putting my words here today. She beat Xiaozhuo like this, and I won't let her go. If anyone dares to stop me, don't blame me for turning my back on him."

"Brother, of course we are all for Xiaozhuo." He Yanxin said.

Father He snorted coldly, glanced at his son on the hospital bed and his wife who had been crying, and said, "You guys are here, I'll go to the police station to check."

"I'll go with you." Mother He said, "That girl beat my son like this, I must watch her get out of prison with my own eyes."

"That's fine." Father He said, "Little sister, you stay here with Xiao Zhuo."

"Okay." He Yanxin nodded, exchanged glances with Father He and said, "You go, Xiaozhuo has me here."

Song Zhengde didn't stop them either, he just took this opportunity to find out if the power behind Tang Zhixi was really that powerful.

On the way the He couple left the hospital to go to the police station, Father He kept in touch.She was determined to let Tang Zhixi go through the prison.

After a while, He Yanxin called: "Brother, the power behind that girl is not simple."

Father He snorted contemptuously: "What power does she have? Anlin? That kind of wise and safe person would get involved in such a thing? It's too late for him to hide."

He Yanxin said: "It may be more powerful than Anlin. I overheard it from the conversation between the old man and Zhengde."

"So they still want to admit that girl back?"

Mother He glanced at Father He, and the murderous look and sternness in her eyes were about to overflow.

"Don't talk about my family." He Yanxin said, "Xiao Zhuo is the most important thing now. You have to find someone with a stronger relationship."

"Okay, I see." Father He said, "You just wait for the good news. Don't talk about entering Song's house, I will keep her out of the police station in the future."

After hanging up the phone, Mother He said, "Is there anyone I can find?"

"I heard some time ago that Zhao Lanchuan was transferred to the Yancheng Police Station. He became the deputy chief"

"Zhao Lanchuan?"

"Well." Father He flipped through the address book and said, "This man is very cunning. His face is cold and cruel. As long as he wants to, there is nothing he can't do. He has solved many major suspicious cases, and all he has done is licking on the tip of a knife. A life of blood. He has a lot of influence behind him, even if he is a deputy director, everyone will respect him. Even in the Imperial Capital, he is very popular."

"But...will such a person help us?"

"It's very likely." Father He said, "President Yue and I had dinner with him. President Yue and him are old acquaintances and have a good relationship. Although he is a ruthless person, he is the most loyal and sympathetic .And it's not a big deal to him. We've already got a lawyer, and he can handle the rest."

"Then get in touch."

"I'll call President Yue right now." Father He paused, "This time. I'm going to get rid of Tang Zhixi."

When the He couple arrived at the gate of the police station, they did not go in right away, but waited for news from President Yue for a while.When there was a reply from the other side, saying that Zhao Lanchuan would go to the police station in a while, the husband and wife went to the police station with the lawyer they had found.

When they entered, Tang Zhixi, Jiang Nian and the driver were all sitting in the inquiry room.

Tang Zhixi and Jiang Nian were sitting on a long chair.Tang Zhixi leaned against the chair with her eyes closed, and the zipper of the down jacket was pulled to the top.With his hands in his pockets, cotton mops underneath, and pajama pants.

It looks like a very relaxed gesture.

But Jiang Nian is not very good when she is next to her.Sitting upright, eyes swollen from crying, staring at the driver sitting across from them, hollow and fierce.One hand was held by Tang Zhixi, and she put it in her pocket to keep warm.

Two hours ago, after the police finished questioning, Tang Zhixi called the lawyer.

But the lawyer is in the imperial capital, and it will take more than two hours at the fastest to come here.

And no one from the other party came, so they kept waiting inside.

But what they didn't know was that two hours ago, Ye Hanzhi also received the news and was rushing here.

When Tang Zhixi and Jiang Nian were brought back to the police station, Xiao Qin happened to see them.

He went to ask briefly, and then called Zhenlei directly.After Zhenlei knew about it, he immediately told Ye Hanzhi.

While everyone was waiting quietly, the door of the inquiry room was opened.

Jiang Nian glanced at the door and swallowed nervously.

"Tang Zhixi, I'm going to beat you to death!" After mother He came in and saw Tang Zhixi, she stepped forward a few steps and was about to beat someone.

But he was stopped by the police just in time.

Tang Zhixi slowly opened her eyes, looked at He's father, mother and the lawyer behind them.

He glanced at them lightly, then looked away, and held Jiang Nian's cold hand.

"Tang Zhixi, do you see kingly law in your eyes? What happened to my son? You are going to beat him so hard. Do you want his life?" Mother He yelled while crying.

Tang Zhixi squeezed Jiang Nian's fingers, pretending not to hear her at all, without even raising her eyes.

"Miss Tang"

"Wait for my lawyer."

The lawyer behind them immediately stepped forward upon hearing this, and said in a stylized way: "Hello, Ms. Tang. I am He Zhuo's lawyer"

Tang Zhixi looked up at him, her eyes were dyed red, and her cold eyes had bottomless ruthlessness.She really doesn't want to spend more time talking now.

I have already explained it to the police just now, and now I will talk about it again, and I will have to talk about it when the lawyer comes later.

She doesn't have that much patience to repeat over and over again.

"Can't you understand? Wait for my lawyer."

(End of this chapter)

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