The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 143 Rushing to Yan City

Chapter 143 Rushing to Yan City
Yancheng Airport
Ye Hanzhi and He Yuzhe hurried out.

When they came out of the airport, there happened to be a person walking out next to the two of them, who also looked very anxious.

He Yuzhe glanced subconsciously. After seeing the person clearly, his eyes lit up for a moment: "Lawyer Mu?"

The man next to him heard someone calling him and turned his head to glance.

After seeing Ye Hanzhi and He Yuzhe, he was stunned for a moment before saying, "Third Master, Young Master He."

Lawyer Mu's name is Mu Fan, a gold medal lawyer in the capital.So far, he has never lost a lawsuit in his hands.

Since you have encountered them all, there is no need to use them in vain.He Yuzhe said: "Lawyer Mu has something to do in Yancheng? Is it urgent?"

Mu Fan wore a gold-rimmed eye and a gray suit, holding the coat in his hand.The whole person looks refined.When speaking, there is always a gentle smile on the corner of the mouth: "It's okay."

"We have something urgent here." He Yuzhe said, "Since your matter is fine, let's take a look at our matter first."

"He Shao, I'm sorry. Although the matter is not urgent, my client is at the police station"

"Yancheng Police Station?"


Ye Hanzhi turned his head and glanced at him.

He Yuzhe grabbed his arm and said, "Just in time, we are going to Yancheng Police Station too. Let's go, together. You are busy with two things together."

Mu Fan was staggered a step by him, helped his eyes and said, "That's fine."

In the police station, because Tang Zhixi refused to communicate, the two groups could only wait in the inquiry room.

About 10 minutes later, there was a knock on the door for questioning, and a policeman came in and said, "Miss Tang's lawyer is here."

The He couple and their lawyer stood up first, all looking as if they were ready to fight and fight each other to the death.

After the police outside the door finished speaking, Mu Fan entered the interrogation room.He looked around slightly, and the gentleman said, "I'm lawyer Tang Zhixi, Mu Fan."

After he finished speaking, not only the people in the room were stunned, but even Ye Hanzhi, He Yuzhe and Zhen Lei who were standing at the door and about to go in stopped in their tracks.

Mu Fan came to the police station with Ye Hanzhi and the others.

But after arriving at the police station, Ye Hanzhi met Xiao Qin first, and Xiao Qin roughly told Ye Hanzhi and the others what he knew.

And Mu Fan separated from them first, went through the normal procedure, and entered the inquiry room.

So Mu Fan took a step forward, when he introduced himself inside.Ye Hanzhi and the others just walked to the door of the inquiry room.

The expression on Ye Hanzhi's face was relatively calm.Even the expressions of He Yuzhe and Zhenlei were stunned.

After the corners of He Yuzhe's mouth twitched twice, he muttered in a low voice: "Now the two things have merged into one thing."

Zhenlei was silent for a while and said, "Miss Tang's friends... seem to be a bit difficult."

The people in the inquiry room were startled by the word Mu Fan.Mu Fan is a golden sign in the legal profession, and no one will be afraid to see him in front of him.

The most obvious manifestation is the lawyer brought by the He couple.While there was fear hidden in his eyes, his fighting spirit was also burning.

That is the movable type sign of the legal profession. Whoever does not want to challenge, who does not want to defeat him, and become famous in one battle.

What he didn't know was that most of those who were defeated by Mu Fan in the past had such thoughts, and then they were tortured by Mu Fan to the point of doubting their lives.

Tang Zhixi heard the voice, slowly opened her eyes, and looked at Mu Fan.

After Mu Fan finished his introduction, he also looked at her first, and gave her a gentle smile.At the same time, he gave her a reassuring look.

After the policeman saw that he had arrived, he looked at the three people at the door: "What's the matter with the three people outside the door?"


He Yuzhe made a sound, but was interrupted by Ye Hanzhi: "Tang Zhixi's family."

Hearing this voice, Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows.A moment of joy clearly flashed across his eyes, but he soon settled down again.

Jiang Nian's eyes also lit up, as if a child saw his father coming to support him.

Mu Fan frowned slightly, and was about to turn around to look at Ye Hanzhi and the others.Mother He made a voice: "The lawyer is here, so hurry up, my son is still lying in the hospital."

"Since they're all lying in the hospital, why are you in a hurry? Come in and have a public meal." He Yuzhe said as he walked in.

The three of them approached the inquiry room and stood directly beside Tang Zhixi.

"Young Master He?" Father He recognized He Yuzhe.But he didn't know Ye Hanzhi, so he thought to himself: So the person behind Tang Zhixi is He Yuzhe.

He Yuzhe smirked, but didn't respond.

Ye Hanzhi didn't look at anyone else, but immediately looked at Tang Zhixi.Seeing her wearing pajama pants and slippers, she frowned.

Especially when he saw the blush on her neck, his eyes darkened.

He took off his coat, covered Tang Zhixi's lap, and touched her hand by the way.It was very cold, as if it was bitingly cold.

"Comrade police, you must give us justice." Mother He suddenly cried, "My son was fine when he called me at night. But now he is lying on the hospital bed and cannot move. There is no good place on his body. Tang Zhixi ran to take his life."

Mu Fan raised his eyes and said softly, "Ma'am, you said your son couldn't move on the hospital bed, but what evidence do you have?"

The He family's lawyer immediately stood up and put a report on the table in front of everyone: "Lawyer Mu, this is He He Zhuo's injury report."

Mu Fan picked it up to take a look, and He Yuzhe and Zhenlei also followed suit.

When you see words such as broken ribs, tooth loss, and concussion above.He Yuzhe and Zhenlei looked at each other, and they both saw admiration in each other's eyes.

"What's the name?" Mu Fan asked after reading it, looking at the lawyer.

"The surname is Qian."

Mu Fan smiled politely at him, then turned to look at Tang Zhixi, and said, "Xi'er, what is the reason for the conflict?"

Originally, I should have discussed the situation with Tang Zhixi alone, but... since the other party is in a hurry, it doesn't matter to start directly.

Anyway, Tang Zhixi could cooperate with her.

This address made Ye Hanzhi glance at him.

Tang Zhixi sat, looked at the He family and Qian lawyer casually, and said slowly, "He killed someone on purpose."

"You're talking nonsense!" Mother He said, "Don't spout blood, what evidence do you have!"

"The dagger brought back by the police has your son's fingerprints on it." Tang Zhixi raised her hand and touched the bloodstain on her neck. "And the wound here. They are all evidence."

Ye Hanzhi looked at the wound, as if a storm had blown through his eyes.A terrible storm is brewing.

"Just such a broken wound, you want to slander my son for intentional killing. Do you think everyone else is a fool?"

"Fortunately, it's just a broken skin. If it's a centimeter deeper, your son will already be interrogated in the interrogation room." Mu Fan spoke very slowly and in a calm tone.But every word is deterrent.

"He Zhuo took the knife to defend himself when he was beaten." Lawyer Qian said, "Miss Tang's injury is not even a minor injury."

Hearing their beatings, Jiang Nian suddenly stood up and said, "He Zhuo not only wanted to kill someone intentionally, but he first forced me to have sex with him. It was Sister Xi who came to save me in time, and he acted violently." I want to kill Sister Xi."

"You little girl, don't slander people with empty teeth." Mother He pointed at her and cursed, "You will be legally responsible for talking nonsense here!"

(End of this chapter)

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