Chapter 144 Zhao Lanchuan

"I think this lady should stop talking nonsense, lest you be arrested in a while." He Yuzhe said, "Who's little girl would use her innocence to frame others. Don't you know what your son's virtues are? Our little girl But I haven't married yet, if there is any impact on our reputation in the future, we will sue you."

"Is her reputation more important than my son's life? My son's life is one." Mother He said, "How can she have a good reputation? People are divided into groups. People dare to kill, so what good reputation can they have. "

The He family had discussed it with the lawyer outside the police station just now.Tang Zhixi must be convicted of murder.

Intentional homicide, at least it takes three years to start.As long as she can go in, Zhao Lanchuan can handle the following things, and she won't be able to come out again.

"Ma'am, please pay attention to your words." The policeman said.

"So what if you kill him?" Standing beside Tang Zhixi, Ye Hanzhi suddenly made a sound.

His voice was very soft, so soft that it made people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.Those narrow eyes looked at the He couple, as if they could be killed in the next second.

The policeman frowned when he heard what he said, and was about to warn him, but when he looked at him, the words on his lips were caught by his aura.

When he wanted to speak again, Mu Fan spoke first, and immediately cooperated with Ye Hanzhi: "The third paragraph of Article No. 20 of the "Criminal Law" stipulates: Violent crimes involving personal safety, taking defensive actions and causing casualties to unlawful infringers are not considered excessive defense and shall not bear criminal responsibility."

Mu Fan immediately brought the matter to Tang Zhixi's self-defense.And the other party's lawyer immediately followed his train of thought.

"Lawyer Mu, judging from the multiple injuries on He Zhuo's body, Ms. Tang has already acted too defensively."

Mu Fan smiled slightly: "Lawyer Qian, the mere act of defense or the result does not constitute excessive defense."

"Isn't she overkill?" Father He snapped.

"Of course not." Mu Fan said, "From the injury report, it won't cause his death or disability. And what evidence do you have that Tang Zhixi's defensive behavior was excessive?"

"Aren't my son's injuries considered evidence?" Father He wasn't afraid of He Yuzhe and the others at all.Anyway, Zhao Lanchuan had already agreed, and as long as Zhao Lanchuan made a final decision, he believed that He Yuzhe would not take risks because of a little girl.

This kind of son is nothing more than a fresh and fun picture.Everyone is shrewd, so they won't cause unnecessary trouble for themselves because of some little star or little girl.

"What kind of evidence is that? What if he had an unlucky fall. Does it still depend on us?" He Yuzhe said.

"Young Master He, the injury report clearly stated that the injury on He Zhuo's body was caused by man-made injuries." Lawyer Qian said.

"Is there any evidence that Tang Zhixi did the beating?" He Yuzhe wanted to carry out the scoundrel to the end.

Mu Fan helped his eyes, but didn't speak.Since the other party shamelessly wanted to fight for their own self-defense at the beginning, it would be even if they played rogues.


"We have evidence, the driver who called the police. He was always present." Lawyer Qian said.

"We have already inquired about it just now, but the driver didn't see anything." The policeman said, "When we arrived at the scene, the driver could not see anything in the alley."

"Alley?" Mu Fan asked.

"Well." The policeman said, "When we arrived, they were all in an alley with a car in it. There were no monitoring facilities in the alley."

Mu Fan noticed that the police didn't seem to care much about the case, and seemed to want them to solve it privately.

"Since it's your driver, it's your car." Mu Fan said, "What's the intention of driving a car to an unmonitored alley at such a late hour?"

As soon as this sentence was finished, there was a knock on the outside door, and Xiao Qin came in with a computer: "The hotel surveillance and the surveillance outside the alley were found."

The policeman in the interrogation room took a look at Xiao Qin.

Xiao Qin also looked at them, because there were so many people, he didn't say much, but said blankly: "I just went to remind you."

It is more convincing to have the police call out for surveillance, so neither Tang Zhixi nor Zhenlei went to look for surveillance, but just waited for them.

But it has been more than two hours, and the monitoring cannot be adjusted.Obviously someone is stalling for time.

Tang Zhixi naturally thought of it, but she was not in a hurry, after all, no matter how long she delayed, she would have to be called out sometime.Both left and right have to wait for the lawyer to come over, and wait together by the way.

But she didn't expect Ye Hanzhi to come, and when he came, he settled the matter.

Xiao Qin put down the computer, and everyone gathered around the computer.

Only Tang Zhixi, Jiang Nian and Ye Hanzhi did not move.

The surveillance in the hotel was only Jiang Nian and Tang Zhixi going out.The surveillance at the door only captured a bit of Jiang Nian being dragged into the car.

The strongest evidence is the monitoring outside the alley.When the car drove into the alley, it was clearly photographed.The picture of Jiang Nian struggling in the car was captured through the glass.

The picture was enlarged, and Jiang Nian's appearance could be vaguely recognized.She was struggling fiercely, and it seemed that she could hear her heart-piercing screams through the screen.

"Is there anything else to say?" He Yuzhe resisted cursing and said, "You still say that your son is in self-defense? What about your face? He is the perpetrator, he is the rapist! If I were here, I would definitely beat him to death. What do you say when the evidence is right in front of you?"

The faces of He's father and He's mother turned pale immediately, and they could not speak a word.

The matter is right in front of them, and they can't quibble even if they want to.

"Qian Lu, is there anything else you want to say?" Mu Fan asked.

Both father and mother looked at him, as if pinning all their hopes on him.

Lawyer Qian rolled his eyes, straightened his expression and said, "However, the monitoring has not proved that He Zhuo intentionally killed Miss Tang."

Mu Fan hummed in his heart.At this moment, he had already thought about how to send the lawyer in: "So you pleaded guilty to rape?"

"Young people nowadays are very open." What Lawyer Qian said implied that there might be some little fun between young couples on the surveillance.

"You have to ask this lady if you are forced." Lawyer Qian looked at Jiang Nian as he spoke.

Hearing this, He's father stretched out his hand to poke He's mother behind her, and He's mother reacted immediately.

Jiang Nian didn't expect them to be so shameless, he blushed with anger, stood up and pointed at them, but couldn't make a sound at the first sentence.Swallowing his throat, he said: "It's that man who is strong"

Before she could finish speaking, Mother He suddenly fell backwards.The incident was so sudden that Jiang Nian was frightened, so he didn't say the following words.

Father He caught his wife in time, and said anxiously, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Lawyer Qian also supported He's mother, and lowered his voice and quickly whispered in their ears: "They have no evidence for intentional murder. As long as the little girl changes her words, the crime of rape will not be established."

Generally speaking, let's not talk about it today, and then find time to make Jiang Nian change his mind, saying that he voluntarily associates with He Zhuo.

"What's going on?" The police also hurried over to check, "Call an ambulance quickly."

Jiang Nian thought that something was wrong with Mother He, and her face turned pale again.Seeing that she was afraid, Tang Zhixi pulled her back and asked her to sit down.

"Sister Xi, she."

"It's okay." Tang Zhixi said, "Don't worry, just watch with peace of mind."

He Yuzhe came over and put his hand on Jiang Nian's shoulder: "Niannian, don't be afraid, why are there so many of us? What if we still suffer."

Tang Zhixi looked at his arm: "Hand, take it away."

He Yuzhe quickly took his arm away, and said with a smile, "Sister Xi, don't scare me."

Over there, Mu Fan looked at the members of his family without any change on his face, and said softly, "Since this lady is unwell, let Lawyer Qian stay."


The door of the inquiry room was pushed open again.Everyone looked at the door, only to see Zhao Lanchuan standing solemnly at the door with a police uniform.

"Deputy Director Zhao," Xiao Qin called out first.

The He family and his wife were at the door, Zhao Lanchuan opened the door and saw this messy scene.He asked with a straight face: "What's going on?"

When Father He saw him, it was as if he had seen a savior.But he just met Zhao Lanchuan's eyes and didn't make any moves.

Zhao Lanchuan had a good memory and recognized Father He immediately.He walked over, looked at He Mu and said, "What's the matter?"

"Suddenly passed out." Father He lowered his voice after finishing speaking, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Deputy Director Zhao, something happened, I need two days."

"What do you need time for?"

"The other party's words are not good for us." Father He trusted that President Yue too much, and also had a mentality of relying on Zhao Lanchuan.So I told him everything without any precautions.

"Are you going to make them change their minds?"

Father He didn't nod, but it was obvious from his eyes that he admitted.

Zhao Lanchuan's expression did not change from the beginning to the end, but what he thought in his heart was that someone really dared to ask him to do this kind of thing.Should we praise them for their strength?Or should I say they are ignorant.

Zhao Lanchuan looked at his wife again and said, "What's wrong with her?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Father He said, "It's a helpless move."

"What's going on? They're looking for the deputy director." He Yuzhe whispered, "Where's Director Fang?"

"I went to a meeting in another place." Zhen Lei said.

He Yuzhe: "It's okay, it's a small matter. No matter how powerful you are, can you surpass the third master?"

Ye Hanzhi ignored them, looked away from Zhao Lanchuan, and looked at Tang Zhixi.

It happened that Tang Zhixi looked at the group of people over there and smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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