Chapter 145
After Zhao Lanchuan understood the situation, they withdrew from the group.Father He also stood up immediately, with an expression as if there was a sudden change in his body.

The appearance is still the same, but the expression is as if he has hugged the thigh of the king of heaven, and can kill Tang Zhixi's group of people anytime and anywhere.

Zhao Lanchuan first looked at Mu Fan.

Facing his stern face, Mu Fan still showed his polite smile.But he felt that this person belonged to the He family, so he ignored him.

Or he felt that this person was not worthy of the word "deputy bureau".

Zhao Lanchuan didn't talk to him either. After watching him, he looked at the people behind him.

With a distance of three meters, Zhao Lanchuan's gaze met Tang Zhixi's.

Tang Zhixi looked at him casually, with a smile that was not a smile.

And Zhao Lanchuan was stunned for a moment, even though his face was still expressionless, it could still be seen that he was stunned for a moment.

Ye Hanzhi felt that this was probably the biggest change in his expression that he had ever seen since he met this person.

Zhao Lanchuan froze for two seconds, then his eyes fell on Tang Zhixi's neck.

There was a thin gash where the blood had dried.But it is particularly conspicuous on her fair neck.

He narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Xiao Qin, what's going on?"

At first, I was thinking about what to do according to the normal process if I could give that Yue a face, what to do.Regardless of the fact that they asked someone to find a relationship to disrupt their police handling of the case.

but now
Zhao Lanchuan's face darkened a bit.

Xiao Qin immediately recounted everything, without favoring anyone, but just recounted the whole process.

While he was talking, Father He kept looking at Tang Zhixi.Eyes are bound to win.As long as she is dealt with, He Zhuo's revenge will be avenged, and Yan Xin's troubles will also be resolved.

Lawyer Qian was also full of excitement.Although he was already trying to restrain himself, his excitement still showed.

As long as he is given two days to make that girl change her words, then he will be the first person to win against Mu Fan.

It's a battle to fame in the legal profession.

After Xiao Qin finished speaking, Zhao Lanchuan went to watch the surveillance.After reading it, he looked at Jiang Nian and said, "Do you know He Zhuo?"

Jiang Nian was so frightened that he shuddered, and immediately stood up.And stand upright.

When Father He and Lawyer Qian heard him suddenly asking Jiang Nian, their faces changed.

what happened?Didn't you say to delay the time and let them go first?

"Deputy Director Zhao" Father He called Jiang Nian before he could speak.

But Zhao Lanchuan ignored him.

Father He and Lawyer Qian looked at each other in panic.How proud he was just now, how flustered he is now.

"Tell me." Zhao Lanchuan said to Jiang Nian.

"I, I don't know him, I don't know who he is. I didn't know his name is He Zhuo until I got here." Jiang Nian said with a trembling voice, "I'm in the hotel, I went downstairs to get something. I was just about to go back When I was in the car, he suddenly dragged me into the car. Also, he was still asking for it in the car. If he wanted to treat me badly, he would not do anything to me. I struggled, and he slapped me twice."

"Deputy Bureau Zhao, he's talking nonsense," Father He said.

"I didn't ask you to talk, so don't interrupt." Zhao Lanchuan said, "Go on."

"Then, I, I called Sister Xi." Jiang Nian said, "She ran over to save me in time. Pulled He Zhuo away and comforted me. He Zhuo suddenly took a knife and stabbed Sister Xi. It's okay Sister Xi reacted quickly, otherwise the knife would have pierced her neck."

"Tang Zhixi even sent He Zhuo to the hospital, why don't you tell me?" Lawyer Qian said.

"He bullied other girls and wanted to kill someone." Zhao Lanchuan looked at the wound on Tang Zhixi's neck and said, "What's wrong with hitting him twice?"

Both Father He and Lawyer Qian were choked up and fell silent.

Mother He sat on the stool with her eyes closed, and couldn't sit still after hearing this.

Listening to what he said, He Yuzhe gradually tilted his head to the side, and asked in puzzlement, "What's going on with this deputy chief?"

"Yeah." Zhen Lei stroked his chin and said, "I don't know what's going on. But I think he's a pretty good guy."

"Do you think... he... looks at Sister Xi in a slightly different way." He Yuzhe said.

"Is there?" Zhen Lei asked, "Did he change his expression?"

"There is surveillance, there is evidence, and the victim has said everything. What are you all doing here?" Zhao Lanchuan looked at the policeman in the interrogation room and said, "It's just a little thing, can't you understand it for a few hours?"

"Horse, do it now."

"If you have nothing to do, let these two girls go back first." Zhao Lanchuan looked at Mother He again, "The one on the chair, stop pretending. Get up quickly."

Mother He didn't move at first, but suddenly there was no sound in the inquiry room, and she felt as if everyone was looking at her.After a while he got up.

He Yuzhe snorted and laughed: "It's a pity that you are not in the show business circle if you are so good at acting."

"Deputy Director Zhao, my son didn't intend to kill them. No!" Mother He walked up to Zhao Lanchuan regardless of what He Yuzhe said.

"It's up to you whether it's up to you. We'll investigate." Zhao Lanchuan said, "What we're talking about now is his crime of rape. Why do you want to pretend to be sick to delay the time, bribe the little girl, and let the little girl say that she voluntarily Yes! The obvious slap marks on the little girl's face, do you think everyone is blind! This happens voluntarily! Let me tell you, even if they are a couple, your son's behavior is also rape!"


"Do it quickly."

"Deputy Bureau Zhao, Deputy Bureau Zhao, my son was wronged, wronged." Mother He said, tugging at his sleeve.

Zhao Lanchuan looked at Tang Zhixi and said, "Go back first, and cooperate with the police investigation if there is anything to do."

"En." Tang Zhixi hummed lightly.

Just as he was about to get up, Ye Hanzhi suddenly said, "Deputy Director Zhao, I want to report the crime."

Zhao Lanchuan pulled out his sleeves and looked at Ye Hanzhi.The first reaction was that this master was going to be a monster, and then he asked, "What case are you reporting?"


Ye Hanzhi said these two words slowly.After finishing speaking, he raised his eyes to look at the He family couple.

When the He family and his wife met his gaze, their hearts constricted violently.Mother He even staggered a step back.

"What murder case?"

Zhenlei immediately opened the file bag in his hand, and handed the contents to Zhao Lanchuan.

He said: "Two years ago, He Zhuo harmed a 17-year-old girl. It caused the girl to commit suicide due to depression. Here are the detailed information. Deputy Director Zhao, please take a look."

"You're framing my son!" Mother He suddenly rushed up, trying to grab what Zhao Lanchuan was holding.

Xiao Qin quickly controlled her: "Be honest!"

After Zhao Lanchuan finished reading, he frowned and said, "How come no one reported such a big matter?"

"This girl's single-parent family, her mother went crazy after her death." Zhen Lei said.

Zhao Lanchuan turned another page, and suddenly saw the logo of Tianshu Detective Agency in the lower right corner of the last page.

He took another look at Zhen Lei.

Zhen Lei raised his eyebrows.

His family's third master heard that Tang Zhixi had entered the police station because he beat He Zhuo, but he was ignored, so he bought news about He Zhuo directly from Tianshu.

But Tianshu's action this time was very fast, and he directly threw this big event over.This incident is enough to sentence He Zhuo to death.

From the very beginning, Ye Hanzhi didn't want to use the case in front of him to do anything to He Zhuo.All he wanted was for Tang Zhixi to get out of here innocently.

Then no matter what, He Zhuo couldn't think about it.

If Tianshu can find out about him, he will never come out again.

If you can't find it, then he has plenty of ways to make him disappear.

Zhao Lanchuan looked at the information in his hand, which happened two years ago.In the absence of even a reporter, only Tianshu can investigate the matter in such detail.

It was even found out that He Zhuo was afraid that the girl's mother was pretending to be crazy and was planning to hurt her mother.

Not only the information of the matter, but also clear and definite evidence.

"He Zhuo is in the hospital?"

"Yes." Xiao Qin said.

"You take someone to the hospital now." Zhao Lanchuan gave Xiao Qin the information in his hand.


Xiao Qin took the materials and went outside to call someone.

Mother He wanted to chase after her, but her legs softened and she sat on the ground directly.

"I'm Tang Zhixi's lawyer, Mu Fan." Mu Fan suddenly said, the smile on his face disappeared, and he put on a serious expression, "That girl. I'll be her lawyer."

He said and looked at the He family: "Free for an unlimited period of time, until the perpetrator is sentenced to death."

Hearing these words, He's father seemed to have decayed for decades overnight, and he was barely able to stand still by holding on to the table beside him.

There is a blank in my head, and the more I think about it, the more blank it becomes.

Tang Zhixi was very satisfied with the result. She picked up the clothes on her lap and gave them to Ye Hanzhi. She stood up and said, "Go back. I still have a scene to shoot tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Ye Han said.

"Xi'er, you go back first. I'll stay and deal with the follow-up matters." Mu Fan said.

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi glanced at Zhao Lanchuan again, just touched her eyes, then looked away and left.

(End of this chapter)

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