Chapter 146

Coming out of the police station, Jiang Nian kept holding Tang Zhixi's hand.

I was really scared and wanted to find someone to rely on.

Tang Zhixi looked at her, paused and said, "Call your boyfriend."

Both Ye Hanzhi and He Yuzhe looked at Tang Zhixi.

He Yuzhe also asked, "Who is your boyfriend?"

Tang Zhixi looked at him for a moment and said, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Who has a boyfriend! I don't have a boyfriend! I don't have a boyfriend either!" He Yuzhe suddenly became very excited as if his tail had been stepped on.

Tang Zhixi glanced at him again, and Ye Hanzhi said, "Don't pay attention to him."

"Sister Xi. Are you talking to me?" Jiang Nian asked.


"Why?" Jiang Nian said in a daze, "It's so late, he must be asleep."

"Then scream." Tang Zhixi said, "It's so late, you're at the police station. Shouldn't he come to pick you up?"

"But, but," Jiang Nian said, "but we haven't reconciled yet."

Tang Zhixi looked at the little fool beside her, and said in silence for a while: "Today is a good day, it should be very suitable for reconciliation."

"Huh?" Jiang Nian didn't want to understand, but after a while, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

It took more than ten seconds for the phone to be connected. The man on the other side was sleeping, and his voice was hoarse.It should be so late, so I called him.Realized that something happened, so as soon as I got connected, I was very anxious: "Nian Nian, what's wrong?"

As soon as Jiang Nian heard the voice, tears fell down.While crying, he said: "Farewell brother!"

When she cried, He Yuzhe was startled.Tang Zhixi was calm, so while listening to her cry, she took her hand and walked towards the parking lot.

And Ye Hanzhi just turned his head to look at Tang Zhixi.

Jiang Nian was crying so much that she couldn't see the way, so she could only rely on Tang Zhixi to lead her: "Brother Ci, someone bullied me. Me, I'm at the police station now"

After saying this, Jiang Nian didn't speak, and kept listening to what the other side was saying.She kept answering.

Almost a minute later, she hung up the phone.

He Yuzhe handed her two tissues.

Jiang Nian sobbed and said, "Thank you, Young Master He."

"How to say?" Tang Zhixi asked.

"He, he said he would come to pick me up and let me wait for him here." Jiang Nian said while wiping away tears.

Tang Zhixi slightly curled the corners of her lips: "Well, I'll give you a few days off. I'll come back when I take him down."

"Ah?" Jiang Nian pressed a tissue to his eyes, opened his watery eyes, and looked at Tang Zhixi.After two seconds, he said, "What if I can't take it all the time?"

Tang Zhixi: "Then don't come back."

Jiang Nianzui glanced and cried even harder.

"Hold back." Tang Zhixi said, "Save it and cry in front of your elder brother. If he disagrees, you drown him with your tears."

Jiang Nian tried hard to hold back: "Is it useful?"

"It's probably useful." Tang Zhixi said slowly, "It's just a man who likes you. It's best to get it done."

Hearing this, Ye Hanzhi suddenly stood where he was.

Tang Zhixi took two steps forward, and when she realized that the people beside her were not moving, she stopped and looked at the people behind her.

Then he realized what he said.

He Yuzhe looked at Ye Hanzhi and then at Tang Zhixi.He actually started to worry that this woman would be a scum to Ye Hanzhi.

"I..." Tang Zhixi looked at Ye Hanzhi's calm over-the-top eyes, and said, "I was just talking nonsense."

Ye Hanzhi pursed his lower lip, but didn't say anything.Just took out the car key and pressed it to open the car.He glanced at Tang Zhixi's exposed ankles, and said, "Get in the car first."

Tang Zhixi took a look at him, and took Jiang Nian into the car first.

Almost half an hour later, Jiang Nian's cell phone rang, and Gu Ci called, asking where she was.

Jiang Nian got out of the car and looked around.

Then I saw Gu Ci on the side of the road wearing black clothes, a black hat, and a black mask.

She beckoned and shouted, "Farewell brother."

Gu Ci immediately turned his head, and after seeing Jiang Nian, he hung up the phone and walked over here immediately.

He has a limp on his left foot, and it can be seen that he is trying to walk fast, but he is still a little slower.

Seeing this, Jiang Nian hurried over and bumped into his arms.

"Farewell brother." As soon as he opened his mouth, he cried again.

Gu Ci covered himself tightly, but the burns on his face could still be seen from under the brim of his hat.He hugged Jiang Nian, patted her on the back and said, "Okay, okay, don't be afraid. I'm here."

The two hugged for a while, Jiang Nian withdrew from his arms: "I, let me introduce you, my sister Xi."

Gu Ci immediately saw the redness and swelling on her face, raised his hand and touched it lightly: "Being beaten?"

"Yeah." Jiang Nian said again, "Sister Xi avenged me. She beat him to the hospital."

With that said, Tang Zhixi got out of the car.Walked over slowly.

Gu Ci looked up.When Jiang Nian wanted to be her assistant, he checked this person online.I know it is a very beautiful girl.

But I was still amazed to see it in real life.

"Tang Zhixi." She stretched out her hand.

Gu Ci shook hands with her politely: "Gu Ci, thank you for tonight."

"It should." Tang Zhixi glanced at him, just a very ordinary look, and then looked at Jiang Nian, "She was frightened, and she probably won't be able to work in the near future. You should take her back first."

Jiang Nian lowered his head and said nothing.

Gu Ci hesitated for a moment, but seeing Jiang Nian's appearance, he immediately agreed: "Okay, I'll take her back first."

After the two of them left, Tang Zhixi returned to the car.And Ye Hanzhi happened to take the takeaway he just ordered.

He ordered two cups of milk tea, inserted a straw into one of them, and put it in Tang Zhixi's hand.

Tang Zhixi looked out of the car and said, "Where is Young Master He?"

"Have called a car and headed back to Weiyang Palace." Ye Hanzhi sat in the back seat of the car with her.Then he leaned over and touched her ankle.

Tang Zhixi hid to the side and looked at him.

Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "It's okay, it's not cold. What are you hiding from?"

"I'm not cold." Tang Zhixi said after taking a sip of milk tea.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her face, he always thought that her complexion was cold, but he put his hand on her pulse, and said after a while: "Period."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows: "Can you feel it?"

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi frowned, and then let go of his hand, "Does it hurt?"

"I took painkillers at night," Tang Zhixi said.

Ye Hanzhi clenched his fingertips and remained silent for two seconds, then took Tang Zhixi's hand and said, "Zhixi."


Ye Hanzhi put the milk tea in her hand aside and said, "Come here, give me a hug."

Tang Zhixi looked at him without moving, and thought he was weird.

Ye Hanzhi stretched out his hand to wrap around her waist from in front of her, and hugged her tightly onto his lap.The other hand protected the top of her head to prevent her from hitting the roof of the car.

"What are you doing?" Tang Zhixi put her hand on Ye Hanzhi's shoulder, and secretly competed with him.

"Zhixi, just hug her for a while." Ye Hanzhi rested his head on her shoulder, coaxing with a smile, "What can I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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