Chapter 147 I'm Jealous
Tang Zhixi suddenly felt that Ye Hanzhi looked like some kind of large pet that needed to be cared for frequently.Seeing him like this, he slowly loosened his grip.

Ye Hanzhi immediately hugged her in his arms.In fact, he was very distressed. He couldn't imagine what she had gone through to torture her body like this.

"Zhi Xi."

"Huh?" Tang Zhixi simply took off her slippers, and stepped on the seat with both feet.

Ye Hanzhi pulled the blanket beside her, covered her feet, and said, "I'm a little jealous."


"Why didn't you call me when you had something to do?" Ye Hanzhi patted her head and said, "If you don't call me, call me that surnamed Mu."

"He's a lawyer."

"But I'm a boyfriend." Ye Hanzhi said softly, "Shouldn't you think of me first when you have something to do?"

"I..." Tang Zhixi swallowed back the words, "I thought of you the first time."

"Really?" There was a slight smile in Ye Hanzhi's voice.

"Hmm." Tang Zhixi's hmm was very serious.

Ye Hanzhi smiled and said: "I thought of me at the first time, but I found someone else at the first time. Right?"

"Yes." Tang Zhixi admitted frankly.

"Bad girl." Ye Hanzhi patted her on the back lightly, "Just make me angry."

Tang Zhixi leaned on his shoulder, her eyelashes trembling slightly.For some reason, a very familiar feeling suddenly crept into her heart, which made her a little uncomfortable.

"He still called you Xi'er." Ye Hanzhi said again.

"Because he didn't know my name at first. When he heard someone calling Xier, he followed suit." Tang Zhixi said, "I don't know him that well either."

"Someone else called you Xi'er. So you are familiar with another person?" Ye Hanzhi grasped the point immediately, "Male or female?"

Tang Zhixi: "."

Ye Hanzhi didn't hear her, so he raised his head, looked at her, and said with a smile, "What's the matter? I got angry after a blow."

"No." Tang Zhixi found a random reason and said, "I'm a little sleepy."

Ye Hanzhi kissed her between the eyebrows: "Go back to the hotel."


Two days later, Mu Fan had some leisure time, so he made an appointment with Tang Zhixi to meet.

It was noon, and Tang Zhixi's next play was still in the afternoon.So Ye Hanzhi drove to the Doomsday Hotel.

The three met at the Doomsday Hotel.

Mu Fan arrived 10 minutes later than the two of them. When he came in, he was carrying a bag from a certain brand of dessert shop.

He put the bag beside Tang Zhixi and said, "Xi'er, Deputy Director Zhao asked me to bring it for you."

Ye Hanzhi was just taking out a rubber band from his pocket, he paused as he was about to stand up, and glanced at the bag.

He said he didn't know each other, but his actions were honest, and he even asked others to bring food.

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows, took a look at the bag, and there were half-cooked sesame inside.

"You like to eat." Mu Fan said.


Ye Hanzhi stood up and walked behind Tang Zhixi.Help her tie her hair up.

And Tang Zhixi just sat there, not even looking at him.Ye Hanzhi expertly tied her hair and tidied it up.Then sat back on the seat.

Mu Fan looked at the actions they both took for granted.I sighed silently in my heart.It's over, his brother's secret love is over before he can say it.

There is no chance for him to call sister-in-law.

"Deputy Director Zhao only talks a lot about things related to the case. Usually, he doesn't bother to utter a single word." Mu Fan smiled gently, "When he gave me this dessert, he just said four words 'this , to her'. It took me a long time to realize that this 'she' was referring to you."

Tang Zhixi smiled slightly and said, "How about the case?"

"It's going well." Mu Fan said, "There are people guarding the hospital all the time. Just wait for He Zhuo to be discharged. His mother really fainted yesterday."

Tang Zhixi nodded.Now that Mu Fan has taken over, He Zhuo must be sentenced to death.

"Your case." Mu Fan said, "I have prepared everything. What should I do next?"

Ye Hanzhi glanced at Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi thought for a while and said, "I'll contact you in a few days."


On April [-]th, Tang Zhixi's last drama "Begonia Falling" was broadcast.Two episodes per night Monday through Friday.

The character played by Tang Zhixi only appeared on the second day of the broadcast.

And the scene where Ye Hanzhi appeared was also the scene where Ye Hanzhi put on makeup for her.

The post-production of this drama is very sophisticated, and every shot is very artistic, even the empty shots are extremely elegant.

As soon as the broadcast started on the first day, because the hero is Duan Nian, it received a lot of attention.It also received high praise.

Even Wei Xingmian was on the trending list.Everyone is very satisfied with this newcomer.

And the next day, when Tang Zhixi came out, it can be said that everyone was amazed again.

Not to mention his stunning looks, he also has superb acting skills.

This kind of cold beauty is really difficult to grasp, but if it is too much, it will make people feel paralyzed and dull.

But Tang Zhixi handled it well.

It was clearly the same expression, her eyes didn't widen or move in any way, but those eyes made people feel her emotional changes.

That night, the hot searches related to "Begonia Falling" and Tang Zhixi accounted for six entries.

Of course, black fans are everywhere, but their combat effectiveness is too low, and those words have been drowned in the ground.

Tang Zhixi's Weibo became popular overnight.

This is not considered to be in the wrong place, some of them have gone to Jiuxi's Weibo.Then they were dragged back by the fans, asking them to distinguish between actor Tang Zhixi and screenwriter Jiuxi.

Even Tang Zhixi's new play has received widespread attention.

Zhou Kening called Tang Zhixi a few times during the period, saying that the crew asked her if she wanted to promote the new drama with everyone, but Tang Zhixi refused.

Just retweet the news about the crew on Weibo.

She only cares about filming, press conferences, publicity and other activities, and she doesn't want to participate.

April NO.13, Jiang Nian came back to work, and there was an extra ring on his left middle finger.

His face was full of red light, and it seemed that there was a happy event.

"This is not a pair with the men's ring I saw last time." Tang Zhixi rested in the nanny's car.

Jiang Nian shyly smiled and said, "He bought this, so he can propose marriage."

Tang Zhixi followed her and smiled.

Ye Hanzhi watched Tang Zhixi's new drama from the side, and said, "Zhixi, you are a busy staff member."


"The assistant is engaged, and the driver has a child." Ye Hanzhi looked up at her and said, "You want me anytime."

"Didn't I love you?"

"Prosperous." Ye Hanzhi smiled, "I'm not single anymore."

Jiang Nian looked at the two of them and smiled, then glanced at the message on the phone and said, "Third Master, Sister Xi. I'll get the food."


After Jiang Nian left, Ye Hanzhi said, "You seem to like this assistant very much."

"Have it?"

"Yes." Ye Hanzhi touched her face, "You treat her differently from others."

Tang Zhixi lowered her eyes and smiled, and did not continue the topic with him: "What time is the plane in the afternoon?"

"Five o'clock. This time, I will definitely bring Nan Cheng over here." Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "Then the brat might scold me at home."

"At most, I won't talk to you again."

(End of this chapter)

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