The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 148 Song Anrou Comes to the Door

Chapter 148 Song Anrou Comes to the Door
Ye Hanzhi left in the afternoon, and when Tang Zhixi returned to the hotel in the evening, he ran into a little trouble.

It was past three o'clock in the morning, Tang Zhixi and Jiang Nian got off from the parking lot.Just a few steps away, there was the sound of a door opening and closing from a car in front.

After a few footsteps, Song Anrou stood in front of them.

Tang Zhixi has been filming for a whole day, and now she doesn't want to say a word.Glancing at her, he pulled Jiang Nian to avoid her.

But Song Anrou stepped forward to block them.

"What? Blind? Can't see people?" Song Anrou completely lost her usual cuteness, "I still feel that I have done a few amazing things and I don't care about people anymore?"

"Get out of the way." Tang Zhixi looked at her hands and said.

"What if I don't let it go?"

Tang Zhixi looked up at her.

Looking at each other, Song Anrou was silent for a while, and said with a smile: "Tang Zhixi, do you think that you can let father and grandfather think that your background is strong enough to enter the Song family? Do you think that if you enter the Song family, you will become a Is she the eldest lady of the Song family?"

Song Anrou suddenly laughed as she spoke, and then leaned closer to Tang Zhixi, saying word by word: "Your mother is the third party who destroys other people's families, and you are the daughter of Xiaosan. Even if you return to the Song family, you are still an illegitimate daughter." .Your mother will always be a mistress, and you will always be an illegitimate daughter!"

"No matter how big your background is, no matter how high you stand in the future, no matter how famous you are, you will always be inferior to others and be looked down upon by others!" Song Anrou said more and more vigorously, "The more famous you are, knowing that your mother is a third party The more people there are. Because of you! She died in the ground, and she will be reviled by thousands of people!"

"Did you eat in the toilet at night? Your mouth is so unclean!" Jiang Nian said suddenly, "Only with your dirty heart can you have such disgusting thoughts."

"What are you, you don't have a place to speak here." Song Anrou looked at Jiang Nian and said, "You are just a dog raised by Tang Zhixi, go away."

"What are you?" Jiang Nian said as he was about to step forward, but was pulled back by Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi gave Jiang Nian the clothes in her hand, lowered her head and adjusted her sleeves slowly.

Song Anrou poked Tang Zhixi's shoulder again, and said contemptuously: "Tang Zhixi, can you sleep at night? You sent Yang Qing and Mo Changhuan in. Now my cousin is lying in the hospital again , waiting to be sentenced at any time. Doesn’t your conscience feel uneasy? Don’t you fear retribution for doing so many evil deeds!”

Tang Zhixi didn't seem to hear what she said, she glanced at the red Ferrari next to her, and said coldly, "Your car?"

"Yeah, why not?"

Tang Zhixi raised her hand to grab her neck, grabbed her neck hard and pressed her against the hood of the car.

With a muffled bang, Jiang Nian saw with his own eyes that the engine cover was dented.

Song Anrou immediately grabbed and hit Tang Zhixi's hand, and said with difficulty: "You, let go, me. Are you crazy?"

Tang Zhixi's hand exerted a little more force, Song Anrou could only raise her head and open her mouth desperately to breathe.

"Don't you know how Yang Qing and Mo Changhuan got in?" Tang Zhixi, wearing a mask, whispered, "Don't you know how your cousin got into the hospital? You ask that hacker to tell He Zhuo that I'm in the Imperial Capital , What do you want him to do? It was your idea that he followed me in Yancheng afterwards."

Song Anrou's eyes widened, and she looked at Tang Zhixi in disbelief.

"Do you think that no one will know what you did? Do you think that the hacker you found is invincible?" Tang Zhixi said softly, "You are so naive. I can tell you that any of your Actions are transparent to me.”

"you you"

Tang Zhixi's hand exerted a little more strength, and directly pinched back what Song Anrou wanted to say.

"If an illegitimate daughter can't get on the stage, everyone should spurn her?" Tang Zhixi's eyes seemed to be covered with frost, "Well, you should remember this sentence clearly. The more clearly you remember, the better."

Song Anrou's face turned red, and she didn't need to breathe at all.

Seeing this, Jiang Nian was so frightened that she quickly grabbed Tang Zhixi's clothes: "Sister Xi, she, she seems to be dying."

But Tang Zhixi still didn't let go, and even tried harder.Song Anrou rolled her eyes directly.

"Tell you, I don't even bother to enter a lintel like your Song family." Tang Zhixi said, "But you have to pay for everything. He gave birth to Song Zhengde's child, and he doesn't take care of his wife. , he doesn’t want to raise the child. He still wants to pay nothing. It’s really a good idea.”

"Sister Xi, let go quickly, let go quickly." Jiang Nian was about to cry.

Song Anrou was almost fainted, and Tang Zhixi let go.

Song Anrou slid off the car and fell to the ground.

There was no response at first, and then gradually coughed.

Tang Zhixi twisted her fingertips, looked down at her hands and said, "If you don't want to die, don't appear in front of me in the future."

After finishing speaking, Tang Zhixi dragged Jiang Nian away.

Jiang Nian kept looking back at Song Anrou, fearing that she would die soon.There are so many surveillance cameras in this parking lot, and Tang Zhixi can't get away with a dead body lying there.

"It's okay, she won't die." Tang Zhixi took out her phone and sent Luo Nanchen a message while talking.

[Fengmao Hotel, just now the monitoring of the F1 parking lot went dark.Also check Song Anrou's electronic equipment to see if there are any other videos. ]
At three o'clock in the morning, Luo Nanchen still didn't sleep, and quickly came back with a message: [You are a girl, can you stop fighting all the time.It's easy to scare boyfriends away. ]
Tang Zhixi: [You are an old man who is nearly forty years old, don't stay up late.Forget about our 20-something girls. ]
Luo Nanchen: [Who knows if you are in your 20s, what if you are older than me. ]
The message was quickly withdrawn.But Tang Zhixi still saw it.

She smiled, put the phone back in her pocket, and entered the elevator with Jiang Nian.

Song Anrou sat on the ground for more than ten minutes before feeling alive.Her throat hurt as if it had been cut, and she didn't dare to swallow.

There were also red and swollen fingerprints on his neck, and when he spoke, his voice was hoarse like sandpaper: "Crazy, what a crazy, dare to kill someone."

While muttering, she made a phone call and went out.

After the hacker was caught last time, Song Anrou soon found another one.

"Surveillance of the F1 parking lot of Fengmao Hotel."

"Okay." The other party said, "Wait a moment."

Song Anrou didn't hang up the phone and kept waiting, but 1 minute, 2 minutes passed, and there was no response from there.

"Isn't it alright?" She asked with a hoarse voice like a rooster, "It will take so long to check the monitoring?"

"The surveillance in the parking lot was hacked."

"What?" Song Anju said, "Can't it be recovered?"

"The other party's technology is too high." Humanity on the other side of the phone said, "It's impossible to recover at all."

"Trash!" Song Anrou finished cursing, hung up the phone, and threw the phone out, "They're all a bunch of trash!"

"Begonia Falling" is a big hit, and the popularity is very high every day, not only on Weibo, but also on various short video platforms.

And Song Anrou took advantage of the popularity of the show and bought a hot search that Tang Zhixi was an illegitimate daughter.

Buying the water army took the rhythm, abruptly turning a Weibo in a popular search entry into abuse and humiliation.

Tang Zhixi didn't let Zhou Kening deal with it.

Ye Hanzhi also tacitly didn't let anyone deal with it.

The Song family was the first to deal with this matter.

I spent a lot of money to withdraw the hot search and control the comments.

After everything was done, Song Zhengde also sent a message to Tang Zhixi: [Zhixi, I have taken care of everything on the Internet, you can film with peace of mind, don't worry about it. ]
(End of this chapter)

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