Chapter 149 Clarification
Ever since Tang Zhixi walked out of the police station safe and sound that night, and the He family could be said to have suffered a catastrophe.

The Song family's desire to repair their relationship with Tang Zhixi became even stronger.

Not only because Tang Zhixi could bring huge benefits to the Song family, but also because she was worried that Tang Zhixi would attack the Song family.

So I want to repair the relationship as quickly as possible.

Tang Zhixi was having lunch when she received Song Zhengde's message.She glanced at it and deleted the message directly.

Then he clicked on the message sent by Mu Fan: [By the way, let me sue the IDs with the rhythm together. ]
Tang Zhixi replied him: [Well, tonight, don't forget. ]
Mu Fan: [Don't worry, it's absolutely on time. ]
Afterwards, Tang Zhixi asked Zhou Kening for the Weibo account password.He also told her that it is best to turn off the mobile phone or mute the sound to sleep tonight.

Zhou Kening, who always sent messages back and forth for no more than 10 minutes, only got back to Tang Zhixi during dinner at night.

Tang Zhixi finished work early today.But after returning to the hotel, she never slept.

She opened a bottle of wine and drew a design draft while drinking.

With the theme of 24 solar terms, Tang Zhixi promised Yan Qi to submit a draft every quarter.It's now April and the first quarter is over.

So she plans to follow the solar terms, and pay every six solar terms.

Anyway, the manuscripts are handed in four times a year, and she is not considered to have failed to abide by the agreement.

After Gu Yu's solar term, it's time for her to hand in the manuscript.

The sketches were drawn until 55:[-] at night.

Tang Zhixi put down her pen, picked up her wine glass and mobile phone, and went to the French window to look at the dark night outside.

The time on the phone jumped to zero.One to one is April NO.15.

Tang Zhixi opened the Weibo of Fang He's law firm.

At zero o'clock, Fang He Law Firm issued a lawyer's statement.

Fanghe Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as "the firm") accepted the entrustment of Ms. Tang Zhixi (hereinafter referred to as the "client") and assigned lawyer Mu Fan to provide her with legal services.

Then the content of the lawyer's statement mainly said that Song Zhengde cheated on He Yanxin during their marriage with Tang Xueche, and after making the other party pregnant, he made his wife pregnant.

After that, He Yanxin gave birth to a son, and Tang Xueche gave birth to a daughter.Song Zhengde divorced Tang Xueche and married He Yanxin.

And colluded with relevant authorities to change the marriage registration information.The marriage information with Tang Xueche was erased.

This caused Tang Xueche to be severely depressed, and committed suicide in a rented room when her daughter was less than one month old.

And 25 years later, after learning that her daughter Tang Zhixi had returned to Yancheng.Slander Tang Xueche as a third party, and spread rumors that Tang Zhixi is an illegitimate daughter.

After saying this, the statement listed many user IDs who spread rumors on the Internet to slander and insult Tang Zhixi as an illegitimate daughter.

And clearly stated.

Return Tang Xueche's innocence.

Sue Song Zhengde for abandoning his wife and daughter, slandering his wife and daughter, and damaging the reputation of Tang Xueche and Tang Zhixi, and demand corresponding compensation.

At the same time, we must also sue the relevant agencies for favoritism and fraud.

It also filed a lawsuit against all the netizens listed above, regardless of right and wrong, for insulting and damaging Tang Zhixi's reputation.

In addition to the lawyer's statement, a case brief was also issued.

It was talking about Song Zhengde's affair with He Yanxin in marriage, including the date of marriage between Song Zhengde and Tang Xueche, the date of birth of Song Chengyou, and the date of birth of Tang Zhixi.Song Zhengde and Tang Xueche's divorce date.Song Zhengde and He Yanxin's wedding date.

After that, there were a few dates when Tang Zhixi was scolded as an illegitimate daughter on the Internet after returning to Yancheng.

As well as Song Zhengde's denial of holding a confession banquet at the time, and so on.

Clear and well-founded.

Fanghe Law Firm has not received much attention.

So after Tang Zhixi saw this Weibo, she directly reposted it with her own account.

And Aite joined the Song Group.Then he said: [The indictment has been submitted to the court, please wait for the copy of the indictment sent by the court. ]
The time when this Weibo was forwarded was also zero.

Tang Zhixi's recent popularity has been very high, and she has received widespread attention as soon as she posted it on Weibo.

Ever since Tang Zhixi appeared in the public eye, she was accompanied by the identity of an illegitimate daughter.She never had any response to it either.

In the end, no response is no response, and now a response is a Jedi counter-kill.

[Sister Xi is so pitiful.She lost her mother before the full moon, and her biological father's business has been booming for so many years, but sister Xi is suffering in a place like Hanqing Village. ]
[Finally came out of such a place, and was slandered as an illegitimate daughter.As a result, the biological father not only did not clarify, but also deliberately discredited him in the interview.How can there be such a disgusting person. ]
[When Tang Zhixi's accident was under investigation, Song Zhengde quickly disassociated himself from it, for fear of affecting him.He also said that he would never recognize his relatives. ]
[And what he said was clearly saying that it was Tang Xueche who seduced him, and he made a mistake.He also said that Tang Zhixi, who was only found out more than 20 years later, existed.The date of his divorce with Tang Xueche was obviously after Tang Zhixi was born, so how could he not know that he had a daughter.How shameless. ]
[And the related agency, it's too scary.Those who are really rich will do all kinds of immoral things, so they must be strictly investigated. ]
[Everyone, go to @luo's Weibo.A newly opened account, a screenshot of the chat history sent by that account.It was Song Anrou's chat history that bought the navy to scold Tang Zhixi for being an illegitimate daughter. ]
[I saw, saw.It's so shameless.I said why the illegitimate daughter was brought up all of a sudden. It turned out that someone was playing tricks behind the scenes. ]
[She still has the face to call someone an illegitimate daughter, but her brother is the illegitimate child.She was lucky to be born after her parents got married.Her mother is the third party.She also scolded others for being a scheming white lotus. This is to show that Tang Zhixi is better than her, and she is from a black family. ]
[I used to think that Song Anrou was pretty good. She looks good, dances well, and has a good personality.Suddenly disgusted now. ]
[Growing up in that kind of family, what kind of good people can be educated. ]
[You are scolding now, the court has not yet filed a case.Is it true that a lawyer's statement is issued? ]
[And their own private affairs have already been submitted to the court, and they still occupy public resources to say something.Want to be famous like crazy. ]
[Sooner or later, the court will file a case. If you dare to issue a lawyer's statement, who would use this kind of thing to falsify.I'm afraid you are not a fool. ]
[Who has taken up public resources, and I don't know who it is. They have been pacing on the Internet, saying that Tang Zhixi is an illegitimate are allowed to spread rumors and make trouble.People are not allowed to clarify.How many times have rumors been spread on the Internet, and people only clarified it once.Don't clarify on the Internet, don't let you keep scolding!If your brain doesn't move, take it off and play with it. ]
In addition to the complaints from netizens, the most obvious reaction was that the Song Group's stock price began to fall, which was even more serious than the previous time when Tang Zhixi had an accident.

Tang Zhixi didn't read much about the news on the Internet. She was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, wearing a silk nightgown.After putting the phone aside, he raised his hand and touched the pendant in his clothes.

"It would be great if you were alive." Tang Zhixi slowly lowered her eyes, paused, and drank the wine in the glass.

Then I was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "Then... I can tell you myself."

(End of this chapter)

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