Chapter 152 I want a gift too

Ye Hanzhi sent Tang Zhixi back to the opposite side, but didn't go in, and sent it to her door.After she went in, he planned to go back.

But just as he turned around, Tang Zhixi suddenly called him.

"Ye Hanzhi."

"Huh?" Ye Hanzhi turned around and looked at her again, then smiled and said, "Do you think it's more comfortable to lean against me than the bed?"

Tang Zhixi: "."

"Okay, I won't talk anymore." Ye Hanzhi straightened his expression and said, "What's wrong?"

Tang Zhixi looked at him for two seconds, and seemed to hesitate for a while whether to say it, but finally said it: "You are of great use to me."


"Knowing that you're here, I feel at ease." Tang Zhixi's voice was still emotionless, cold, "I've never felt so at ease."

Maybe it was because her voice was cold, or maybe he didn't expect Tang Zhixi to say such things to him.Ye Hanzhi was stunned for a moment before realizing what he had heard.

He walked to the entrance, held Tang Zhixi in his arms, and kissed the top of her hair.

Xu Yu said: "Zhi Xi, I will always be here. You do your own thing, don't need to look behind. There is me behind, and I will be there for everything."

Tang Zhixi closed her eyes and took a light breath: "Yes."

Early the next morning, when Tang Zhixi went to the set, Nan Cheng was still awake.

She went to the room to look at Nan Cheng, touched his smooth little face, and then came out.

Zhenlei had already come up from downstairs, saw Tang Zhixi and said, "Miss Tang, don't worry, I will take care of it."

"It's troublesome."

"No trouble." Zhen Lei said, "I have someone to accompany me, so I won't be bored."

Tang Zhixi gave him a book she had brought over from her: "Thank you, it should be of some help to you."

A book about two centimeters thick, sixteen-money in size, wrapped in a thick layer of kraft paper.The paper looked old and the edges were a little torn.

But there is nothing written on the paper, just looking at it like this, you can't tell what kind of book it is.

Zhenlei glanced at Ye Han, took it with both hands, and said, "Miss Tang is too polite, what kind of gift should I give you? We are all one family, I should do this."

Zhenlei opened the book, and when he saw a few large characters on the top, the words behind it disappeared instantly.Eyes widened.

Tang Zhixi pretended not to see his reaction, and reached for the book again: "I think you're right, you're so familiar, it's too unfamiliar to give a thank you gift."

Just as her hand was about to touch the book, Zhenlei suddenly closed the book.He hugged the book in his arms: "Miss Tang, there is no reason to take back what you gave away. Don't worry, since I have accepted the gift, I will take good care of Nan Cheng."

Tang Zhixi laughed and said, "I'm just joking. I'll see you off."

"Really?" Zhenlei looked like a big dog, with his ears pricked up and his tail wagging.I was so excited that I didn't know how to express myself.

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi said, "It's useless to put it in my place."

"Thank you Miss Tang."

They talked lively, Ye Hanzhi stood beside him like an outsider.He didn't dare to provoke Tang Zhixi, but Zhenlei
So he looked at Zhen Lei lightly.

Zhenlei was flipping through the book happily.Suddenly, it felt as if a knife had been inserted into his flesh.

When he raised his head, he happened to meet Ye Hanzhi's gaze, and then reacted belatedly.He immediately took the book to Ye Hanzhi's side.

Carefully opened the book and showed it to Ye Hanzhi.

After only showing him a second, he immediately closed the book again and held it in his arms.A smug look on his face.

As if he was afraid that someone would snatch him away.

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Although he only glanced at it, Ye Hanzhi still saw it clearly.On the top is the very straightforward name "LUO: Hacker Attack and Defense"

It is a hacker book written by Luo Nanchen.

Looking at what Zhenlei looks like, one knows that this book must be true.

The book written by Luo Nanchen is second only to Luo Nanchen of Nine Gods, Luo Nanchen, the president of Tianshu Detective Agency.The treasure of the hacker world.

"Miss Tang, where did you get it?" Zhen Lei's eyes lit up, "This book is as hard to find as Nine Gods."

Ye Hanzhi also looked at Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi just sent a message back to Jiang Nian, telling her.Here they go.

Hearing Zhen Lei's question, she didn't take it seriously, and said casually, "I picked it up."

Ye Hanzhi laughed.

Zhenlei: "." Where did you pick it up?Why can't he pick it up after so many years.

Well, I picked it up from Luo Nanchen's desk.

The last time Gu Xia moved the things in the imperial capital here, this book has also been moved here.

Putting it on her is also a life of falling ashes, so it's better to give it to Zhenlei to play its value.

Maybe he can also cultivate an heir for Luo Nanchen.Zhenlei still has some talent in him.

"His book is not bad, you can study it."

Zhenlei couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth when he heard these words, and twitched fiercely.

Not bad, Boss Luo's book is equivalent to the supreme martial arts cheats in the hacker world.To be said "not bad"?
Luo Nanchen will hit someone after hearing it.

Ye Hanzhi was going to the set with Tang Zhixi again.

Because Nan Cheng was at home, Zhen Lei didn't go down to see them off.

The two entered the elevator together, and the elevator door closed.Ye Hanzhi's sullen expression when he wasn't smiling turned into a little pitiful in an instant.

"Zhixi, I want a gift too."

Tang Zhixi looked up at him.

"Zhen Lei has gifts." Ye Hanzhi looked at her with a smile in his eyes, very charming, "I don't have any."

Tang Zhixi: "." This goblin, I'm afraid she's not jealous.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Ye Hanzhi leaned closer to her again: "I didn't."

Tang Zhixi looked at his eyebrows, and after a while, pulled his collar to make him bend over, and kissed him on the lips.

After kissing him, Tang Zhixi let go of him, and Tang Zhixi took a step back.

The smile on Ye Hanzhi's face immediately deepened. He took a step forward, leaned over slightly and kissed Tang Zhixi's lips again, and said with a smile, "The gift is precious, this is a gift in return."

This man really is.
Tang Zhixi pursed her lower lip lightly, looked at him for a while, and then suddenly smiled: "Master, have you really never been in love before?"

"No." Ye Hanzhi stood up straight, touched her face again and said, "Why are you asking so suddenly?"

"It's not like." Tang Zhixi said, "Like a romantic veteran."

"I..." Ye Han's face was almost blackened, "The rumors are really false."

Seeing him like this, Tang Zhixi leaned against the elevator wall and laughed: "I didn't say that the rumors were true, why is the third master guilty?"

Ye Hanzhi narrowed his eyes as he watched her, and the danger swept across the entire elevator in an instant, approaching Tang Zhixi.

At this moment, the elevator opened.Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows at him provocatively, then walked out of the elevator slowly, leaving him with a back view.

Seeing the proud back with all the strands of hair, Ye Hanzhi took a breath, gritted his teeth, and walked out when the elevator was about to close.

Damn girl, tease him again.

(End of this chapter)

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