Chapter 153 Sentencing
Because Song Zhengde's case involved favoritism and fraud by relevant agencies, it attracted attention.Moreover, the materials and evidence submitted by Mu Fan are very clear.

They even found witnesses from people who attended the wedding of Song Zhengde and Tang Xueche.

So the court's process was very fast, and the court was notified one month later.Because the case has received widespread attention, the court has announced the time of the trial on the Internet.

In the past month, the Song family has been in contact with Tang Zhixi.

But since Tang Zhixi finished talking with Song Zhengde that night, she blocked all the numbers related to the Song family.

The phone couldn't get through, so the Song family began to wait for people in the crew and Weiyang Palace.

Song Zhengde, He Yanxin, and even Mr. Song have all been here, but they have never seen Tang Zhixi once.

Because most of the security guards of the film crew, the hotel, and even Weiyang Palace were replaced by Ye Hanzhi's own people.

While protecting Tang Zhixi, she also blocked these unnecessary troubles.

So the Song family didn't even see Tang Zhixi's clothes.

The Song family is a well-known family in Yancheng, even those who don't pay much attention to entertainment stars are all because the Song family knows about Tang Zhixi.

Those with a little discernment and brains, from the things Tang Zhixi has done these few times, know that Tang Zhixi is not an easy person.

There must be a lot of power behind it.

So when the Song family had an accident this time, everyone immediately stayed away.Even some cooperation, the other party would rather lose money and terminate.

I was afraid that I would offend some powerful force and be bankrupt overnight.

The He family's situation was similar because of He Zhuo's affairs.

Although it didn't reach the point where the wall fell down and everyone pushed it, it also reached the point where the wall fell down and everyone watched the excitement.

As soon as the He family fell, He Yanxin's arrogance fell by more than half.

And this time, it was related to her again.It was she who fell in love with the married Song Zhengde back then and insisted on marrying him.

That's why the He family took advantage of their power to force the marriage.

Because Mr. Song has taken a fancy to the power of the He family, he has always looked down on Tang Xueche, a poor girl with no background.

And in the end Tang Xueche's stomach didn't live up to expectations, and she even gave birth to a girl.

So the old man urged Song Zhengde to divorce Tang Xueche and marry He Yanxin.

The falsification of marriage registration information was done by the He family.

As long as the personnel of the relevant agencies are punished, the He family will definitely be confessed.

The whole He family and He Yanxin cannot escape the responsibility.

Without the power of the He family to rely on, it was the first time that He Yanxin was scolded by the old man in the Song family.

The entire Song family spent every day in quarrels, complaining and blaming each other.Either the smell of gunpowder lingers in the air, or all kinds of depressing smells.

Song Anrou had a big fight with An Ting because of buying a navy and calling Tang Zhixi an illegitimate daughter, and even slapped An Ting.

She is also scolded on the Internet. Every day when I open my Weibo, it is full of scolding.

The Yancheng Dance Troupe also suspended all her performances.

She couldn't be bothered to go home and listen to the noise of the family quarreling, so she just stayed in her apartment and didn't go anywhere.

By the way, I also thought about whether I should continue with Antin.

She is looking for this man because he is rich, he has Fengshang Entertainment, and he has a mayor father.

But now, luckily, something happened to the Song family.Anlin stayed out of the matter, ignored it, and even ordered a strict investigation.Not only did An Ting not comfort her, but he quarreled with her because of a Tang Zhixi.

Such a family, what can she rely on.

The Song family was in chaos, but Tang Zhixi had been conscientiously filming on the set.

This month, Ye Hanzhi didn't stay with Tang Zhixi all the time, he usually stayed here for two days, then left for a few days, and then came back for two days.

Stay here intermittently.

Occasionally, I would go to the set and watch Tang Zhixi act.

Today is the middle of May.The sun was shining brightly, so Ye Hanzhi was wearing a shirt and sat beside Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi had just finished putting on her makeup and was waiting for her scene.

"Did you send someone to follow me?" Tang Zhixi asked suddenly.

Ye Hanzhi glanced at her and said with a smile, "Did you find it?"

"Hmm." Tang Zhixi asked, "The crew and hotel security are also different from the previous ones. You arranged them?"

Ye Hanzhi nodded, "Yes."

"Did something happen?" Tang Zhixi knew that they had blocked the Song family back, but there must be other things to send someone to follow her.

"Our family matter." Ye Hanzhi said, "It's not a big deal, but just in case, it might affect you."

Tang Zhixi opened her mouth, originally wanting to say that she could protect herself.But finally swallowed the words.Just follow along, Ye Hanzhi will feel more at ease.


Ye Hanzhi saw through her thoughts, and said with a gentle smile, "The court will start tomorrow. However, the old man of the Song family came into the hospital suddenly. The Song family wants to postpone the court hearing on the grounds that the old man is seriously ill."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows faintly: "And then?"

"Then." Ye Hanzhi looked at her and said, "I dispatched a medical team from the Imperial Capital to issue a certificate to the court. Mr. Song just fainted from hypoglycemia, not so ill that his son cannot appear in court."

Tang Zhixi laughed after listening, "Is it really hypoglycemia?"

"Save face for him." Ye Hanzhi said, "I didn't say he was pretending to be fine."

".It's still your loss."

Ye Hanzhi also smiled, and lazily said: "All arrangements have been made at the hospital. Don't say that the old man of the Song family is fine now. Even if something really happened, he can be rescued. And I arranged for the media, If Song Zhengde does not appear in court, he will be broadcast live nationwide."

Tang Zhixi smiled, and immediately held back.But after holding it in for a while, he couldn't hold it in anymore, so he lowered his head and laughed.

Seeing her smiling shoulders shaking, Ye Hanzhi said, "Is it so funny?"

"Average." Tang Zhixi said with a smile.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her and smiled, like a layer of sunshine on the cold snow.Cool and bright.He suddenly felt itchy.But after finishing the makeup and hair, he didn't move his hands, so he could only shake her hand.

The next day the court session was held, and both Song Zhengde and He Yanxin appeared in court.

Although the case has been going on for a long time, and there are many people involved.But because of strong and clear evidence, witnesses, and the identification of the personnel involved.

Especially Mu Fan, a gold-medal lawyer, who went all the way in court.

The other party's defense lawyer said he was speechless and sweating on his face.

Therefore, there is no need for a second court session, and the sentence will be pronounced in court.

Really repaid Tang Xueche's innocence.

The Song family was sentenced to pay 18 years of child support, Tang Xueche and Tang Zhixi's reputation damage, and Tang Xueche's mental damage.

And requested a public apology to Tang Xueche and Tang Zhixi.

Personnel involved in the agency shall be sentenced to life imprisonment and confiscation of property.

And because the change of marriage registration information is all handled by He's father.

Therefore, although others did not appear in court, they will be taken to the police station for investigation after the end.

If everything is found to be true, the lightest sentence will be more than ten years in prison.

The whole process was broadcast live publicly.The highest number of viewers reached one million people.

Afterwards, the court and Fanghe Law Firm republished the verdict on the Internet
(End of this chapter)

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