The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 154 A Little Understanding of 1 Point

Chapter 154 A Little Understanding

While everyone was paying attention to the result of the court's verdict, Tang Zhixi still filmed the scene for a whole day.

What the outcome is already a given.

She has confidence in the evidence she provided, and she also has confidence in Mu Fan.This is the final inevitable result.

So by the time she retweeted Weibo, it was already evening and she had returned to the hotel after work.

She didn't say anything special, just thanked all parties for their attention and support.

No joy, no excitement.It's just flat.

"This incident has hit the Song family hard. The Song Group has also been hit hard." Ye Hanzhi said while tearing down the things Lu Shang sent over today, "The only way to save the Song family is to admit you back. And openly give you the shares of the Song Group, and ease the relationship with you. Save some of Song's reputation."

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi watched him take things apart, and responded.

"What do you want?"

"I won't go back." Tang Zhixi said, "But if he gives me shares, I will take them. Then cash in."

"Alright." Ye Hanzhi finally opened the box.

Then he took out three bags of things from inside.He tore open a bag, and instantly a strong herbal smell wafted out.

Tang Zhixi was close, and subconsciously moved back when she smelled it.


"Medicine." Ye Hanzhi took out a small packet.The packaging is very similar to a tea bag, and the portion is also very similar.

Tang Zhixi looked at him vigilantly: "What is it for?"

Ye Hanzhi looked at her and smiled, then turned his head and called Jiang Nian: "Nian Nian."

Jiang Nian was packing things in the bedroom, when he heard the voice, he ran out immediately: "What's wrong with the third master?"

"This." Ye Hanzhi shook the tea bag in his hand and said, "I'll make a cup for you Xi sister every day. Just put it in the cup and let the water boil. When the water is warm, put two spoonfuls of honey, and you'll be fine." Drink it directly. One cup after breakfast every day."

"Okay." Jiang Nian readily agreed.

Listening to the conversation between the two of them who didn't treat her as a human being, Tang Zhixi frowned, and said coldly, "Did I say drink? You two discussed it over there?"

Jiang Nian looked at her, smiling innocently.

Ye Hanzhi smiled again and said, "Go and do your work."

"Okay." Jiang Nian ran back to the bedroom.

Ye Hanzhi put the medicine away, then got up and sat next to Tang Zhixi: "Be obedient, it just smells strong, and it's not bitter when you drink it. I specially mixed the medicine."

"The medicine you prepared?"


Tang Zhixi paused, and thought: No one can adjust it, why give her medicine for no reason?
"Why are you giving me medicine?" Tang Zhixi asked.

Ye Hanzhi hugged her from behind, put his lower body on her shoulders, put his hands on her abdomen, and said, "To save you the pain during menstruation."

Tang Zhixi looked down at his hand, and said in silence for a while, "Doctor Ye, is there any way to prevent it from coming?"

She asked this question very seriously, and really wanted to ask for a solution.

But Ye Hanzhi's forehead twitched twice when he heard it.Is that any different from asking how to castrate a man?

Tang Zhixi quickly added another sentence: "Without affecting the body's functions."

Ye Hanzhi was silent for a while.This sentence seems to be asking, how to eunuch a person without affecting the function is the same.

"At present, human beings have not yet evolved to that level."

"Okay." Tang Zhixi reached out and took the thermos next to her, and took a sip of water.

The warm water slid down her throat, and she stared at the thermos in a daze for two seconds.

I don't understand why I live like this.

It's okay if you can't eat ice, and you can't even drink cold water.I don't leave my thermos all day long, and now I have to take medicine every day.

Her body hasn't reached this point either.

Thinking about it, Tang Zhixi suddenly felt a little upset.So she raised her hand and elbowed back, giving Ye Han a slap.

Ye Hanzhi immediately covered his left rib, took a breath, and said with a smile, "Why did you do it all of a sudden?"

"Ah." Tang Zhixi slowly screwed on the lid of the thermos cup, "Try your elbow to respond."

"What?" Ye Hanzhi suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

"It's almost like a knee jerk reaction." Tang Zhixi said nonsense in a serious manner.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her for two seconds, then laughed softly: "Zhixi, do I look easy to deceive?"

Tang Zhixi looked at him and nodded, "It seems so."

"Okay." Ye Hanzhi hugged her again, pinched her face and kissed her on the lips, "I'm lying to you, little girl."

At the end of May, the crew suddenly gave Tang Zhixi a three-day vacation.

Because of the continuous high-intensity filming, and the male protagonist caught up with a cold these days, he fainted from exhaustion in the crew and was sent to the hospital.

As soon as he entered the hospital, many scenes where Tang Zhixi was with him could not be filmed.

In fact, to adjust it, it is okay to shoot Tang Zhixi's personal part first.

But the shooting volume of the male lead and the female lead is about the same. If you look at it carefully, Tang Zhixi's shooting volume is larger, and the mental pressure is greater.

The director was afraid that Tang Zhixi would also fall down.

This is not only about Tang Zhixi's health.It is more related to whether the Emperor Jingye family will spare his life.

So the director gave Tang Zhixi three days off without hesitation.Let her go back to rest, she must go back to rest.

It happened that Tang Zhixi had an experiment to do, so she readily agreed to him.

On the first day of vacation, Tang Zhixi went to the laboratory.Ye Hanzhi didn't see her until after eleven o'clock in the evening.

Moreover, Tang Zhixi also dumped the person Ye Hanzhi sent to protect her.

So Ye Hanzhi had no idea where she disappeared all day.But he didn't ask either.

The next day, Tang Zhixi didn't go out again, but took a thick picture book and went to Ye Hanzhi's side.

Ye Hanzhi was dealing with things in the study, while Nan Cheng sat on the chair next to Ye Hanzhi and wrote.

Tang Zhixi was sitting on the sofa in the study, drawing design drafts.

In one morning, He Yuzhe entered the study three times.But Tang Zhixi hardly moved.

Every time he came, he would see Tang Zhixi nestled on the sofa with one leg bent and a picture book on it.With a pencil in my hand, I kept drawing and drawing and drawing and drawing.

Didn't even look up at him.

The third time he came in, He Yuzhe was really curious, so he went around behind her and took a peek from a distance.

On the page that Tang Zhixi opened, there were four characters written in the upper left corner: "Rain produces a hundred valleys".

What she is drawing is a necklace.The necklace is divided into upper and lower layers, the upper layer looks like raindrops, and the lower layer looks like some kind of grain.

He Yuzhe didn't know him well.

It just outlines a rough shape, but it is also extremely beautiful and fashionable.

Tang Zhixi was drawing and drawing, feeling the gaze behind her.She paused at the tip of her pen and turned to look behind her.

He Yuzhe looked at it seriously, and was startled when he saw her suddenly turn around.

He coughed lightly and said, "Sister Xi, you, are you drawing a design draft?"

Hearing his words, Ye Hanzhi and Nan Cheng raised their heads and looked over.

Tang Zhixi nodded lightly.

He Yuzhe took a step forward, looked at the manuscript in her hand, and said, "Sister Xi, do you still know how to design?"

"Know a little bit." Tang Zhixi said, "Draw casually."

He Yuzhe looked at the manuscript and felt that she didn't seem to understand a little bit.

"Are you free?" Ye Hanzhi suddenly asked.

He Yuzhe immediately looked away and didn't ask a word: "Sister Xi, you are busy, I'll go first."

(End of this chapter)

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