Chapter 155

Not long after He Yuzhe left, Lu Shang came in again.

But Ye Hanzhi was explaining a function problem to Nan Cheng, and he didn't have time to talk to him, so Lu Shang could only wait on the sidelines.

"Come here, I'll tell you." Tang Zhixi put down the drawing book, and just after saying this, the phone rang.

Nan Cheng stopped when he was about to get off the chair, and looked at Ye Hanzhi again.

But Ye Hanzhi was looking at Tang Zhixi.

Nan Cheng: "."

It was Zhou Kening who called, and Tang Zhixi thought he had some work.But after answering the phone, it was not Zhou Kening's voice.It was the sound of a little girl crying.

Then I could vaguely hear beating, scolding and shouting coming from the mobile phone.

The child on the opposite side kept crying, wow.Tang Zhixi's brain went numb from crying.

Tang Zhixi stood up, walked out, and said, "Stop crying, what's wrong? Where's your mother?"

Seeing her get up, Ye Hanzhi got up first.Hearing her talking, Lu Shang and Nan Cheng also walked out together.

Tang Zhixi went to the door to get dressed, and the child finally spoke: "Daddy beat mom, mom bleeds a lot, save mom quickly."

Tang Zhixi's expression became serious, she looked at Zhen Lei who was sitting on the sofa in the living room and said, "Zhen Lei, locate the phone."

After finishing speaking, Tang Zhixi reported Zhou Kening's mobile phone number to him.

"Okay." Zhen Lei started immediately.

"Send it to my phone." After Tang Zhixi finished speaking, she opened the door and went out.

Ye Hanzhi told Nan Cheng to let him stay at home, and took Lu Shang out together.

After arriving at the parking lot, Zhenlei's location was sent.Tang Zhixi directly navigated to that location and gave Lu Shang the phone.

She and Ye Hanzhi sat in the back of the car.

After the car drove out of the parking lot, Ye Hanzhi asked, "What happened?"

"Sister Ning's daughter called." Tang Zhixi frowned, "She said her father was beating her mother, and her mother was bleeding. Call an ambulance."

When Tang Zhixi said this, Ye Hanzhi had already made an emergency call.

Lu Shang's car drove very fast, but when he arrived at the place where Zhou Kening lived, 10 minutes had already passed.

The ambulance arrived early, but only the crying of the child could be heard in the room, but no one opened the door.

By the time they got upstairs, the ambulance had called firefighters and police to come and open the door.

Tang Zhixi heard that the child was still crying inside, and was about to kick the door.

But as soon as he lifted his foot, Ye Hanzhi pulled him back.Then Ye Hanzhi raised his foot and kicked the anti-theft door.

Going down with two feet, the anti-theft door was kicked open with the door frame on the side.The anti-theft door fell to the ground with a bang.

The medical staff outside the door were all stunned by his two feet, and saw the floor tiles under the door cracked.

Tang Zhixi immediately walked in, but just as she reached the entrance, a man jumped out from the right side of the room.

Holding a kitchen knife in his hand, he slashed at Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi quickly dodged back, avoiding his knife.Ye Hanzhi also pulled her back subconsciously, and kicked the man in the stomach with his foot.

Kicked the man more than three meters away.

The kitchen knife in his hand also fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Lu Shang hurried forward and subdued the man.

Tang Zhixi didn't care about others, and immediately walked in following the cry of the child.

The bedroom door was pushed open.

What caught everyone's eyes was a large swath of blood red.

Zhou Kening fell into a pool of blood, blood was all over his pants.His face was pale and his eyes were closed.There were bruises and redness all over the face and arms.

Her daughter sat next to her, covered in blood, and kept crying.

"Doctor." Ye Hanzhi called out.

The doctor came over immediately with a stretcher, and was shocked again when he saw this situation.

Ye Hanzhi leaned over and carried Zhou Kening on the stretcher, and Tang Zhixi picked up the child.

A group of people followed the doctor out.

Lu Shang escorted the man to go out as well.

When I was downstairs, the police just rushed over.And it happened to be Xiao Qin who sent the police.

Xiao Qin is like a brick in the police station, where he needs to move it.

So Lu Shang gave him the man first.Then follow them to the hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, Zhou Kening was sent directly to the emergency room.Tang Zhixi hugged the child and comforted her all the time.

Both Ye Hanzhi and her were covered in blood.

Lu Shang went to buy some wet wipes to wipe the blood on the child's face and hands.

Not long after, the door of the emergency room was pushed open.Two nurses hurried out.

The doctor came over and said to them: "She is an ectopic pregnancy, and she is bleeding heavily. The amount of bleeding is too large. Does any of you have type A blood?"

"Is there no blood in the blood bank?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

Type A blood is not uncommon. Such a large hospital should have blood in the blood bank.

"There was a maternal hemorrhage this morning, and it was also type A blood. There is not enough blood in the blood bank, and people have been transferred to other hospitals, but it will take time." The doctor said quickly, "She wants to remove one fallopian tube. You need to sign and agree .There is also a notice of critical illness, she is bleeding too much."

Tang Zhixi frowned and said, "I have type A blood."

After finishing speaking, she gave the child to Lu Shang and signed it.

Hearing her words, Ye Hanzhi froze for a moment.After glancing at her, he and Lu Shang exchanged a glance.A trace of doubt flashed across Lu Shang's eyes.

But the child was not in Tang Zhixi's arms, and suddenly began to cry.

Lu Shang ignored his doubts and coaxed the child first.

"Are you a family member?"

"We are not related by blood." Tang Zhixi said, "Take me to check."

"Come here with me."

Zhou Kening was rescued for three hours before he came back.But has been in a coma.

After Tang Zhixi's blood was drawn, she was in good spirits, but her lips were a little pale.

Zhou Kening's parents are both abroad, and there is only one cousin in China.

After informing them, the parents had to arrive tomorrow morning at the earliest, but my cousin came very quickly.

Lu Shang went to pick up the people below. According to Lu Shang, they came by motorcycle.

After the cousin came, she cried and scolded the man after learning about the situation.The skill of cursing people is simply shocking and weeping ghosts and gods.

And repeated the same sentence: "I just said that man is not a good thing, I have to marry him. That man gave you some kind of ecstasy. You follow him so wholeheartedly."

Then he kept thanking Tang Zhixi and the others.

She asked Tang Zhixi and the others to go back first, and she stayed with Zhou Kening in the hospital.

But the child had to be taken care of by Tang Zhixi.

Although this cousin is over 40 years old, she is unmarried.After so many years, I can barely take care of myself, but I can take care of a child
So. Tang Zhixi took the child back.

"Are you okay?" Ye Hanzhi looked at Tang Zhixi's pale lips and asked.

"I don't feel anything." Tang Zhixi finished speaking and looked at the child who was crying and falling asleep in Lu Shang's arms, "Let's go to Sister Ning's house first. Get some things that the child often uses."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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