The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 156 Taking Care of the Children

Chapter 156 Taking Care of the Children
Going to Zhou Kening's place again, Tang Zhixi took a lot of things for children.Wear, eat, use, and play, all brought some.

This little child, without his mother around, can easily recognize things he is familiar with.

Ye Hanzhi also found someone to install a door for her house by the way.

After returning to Weiyang Palace, Tang Zhixi carried the child directly to her side.

Nan Cheng heard the voice and asked Zhen Lei to take her to her side.

As soon as he entered, he saw the blood on Ye Hanzhi's and Tang Zhixi's bodies, and he stood there in a daze.

Zhen Lei followed behind him, seeing this, immediately covered his eyes.

Tang Zhixi glanced at him and took off his coat.Looking at Ye Hanzhi, he said, "Go change your clothes too."


Tang Zhixi went back to her room and changed her clothes first. When she came out, she hugged Nan Cheng in her arms: "It's okay, it's not our blood."

When Ye Hanzhi came back after changing his clothes, what he saw was Tang Zhixi hugging Nan Cheng, stroking his head and comforting him.

It was the first time he saw Tang Zhixi comforting Nan Cheng so seriously and patiently.

Usually just say a few words and ignore him.

"Scared?" Ye Hanzhi walked over and touched Nan Cheng's head.

Nan Cheng buried his face in Tang Zhixi's neck and shoulders, without saying a word.

"I'm not injured, nothing happened." Although Tang Zhixi's voice was still cold, it was much lower.

"Is it him?" Nan Cheng suddenly asked in a low voice.

Ye Hanzhi looked up at Tang Zhixi, and he noticed that Tang Zhixi's hands seemed to stiffen, and even his expression seemed to stiffen.

But fleeting.

"It's not him." Tang Zhixi said, "It's that little sister's mother, something happened."

"Little sister?"

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi hugged Nan Cheng and went to the little girl. The child was still asleep. Lu Shang put her on the sofa just now, "Would you like to take a look?"

Nan Cheng raised his head, looked at the sofa.

The little girl has soft black hair with two scorpion braids.The little face is full of milk, after falling asleep, the small mouth is still a little moist, and it will smack and smack after a while.

Nan Cheng looked at her for a while, then looked at Tang Zhixi again.

Tang Zhixi immediately said, "It's just a borrowing."

Nan Cheng's nervous expression immediately relaxed.

Ye Hanzhi laughed, a kid with a bigger fart is quite possessive.

"Then I want to see her." Nan Cheng said.

Tang Zhixi immediately put him down: "Get down quickly, it's too heavy."

Nan Cheng was anxious to see the children, and didn't care what Tang Zhixi said.

"Wake up in a while, if you cry, you coax." Tang Zhixi said.

Hearing these words, Nan Cheng quickly retracted his extended fingers, and just watched her quietly from the side.

"Sit down and have a rest." Ye Hanzhi said.

"I am fine."

Tang Zhixi was sitting on the sofa, and Ye Hanzhi went to pour her a glass of water: "I sent someone to look at the hospital, nothing will happen. There is Lu Shang at the police station."

"Well." Tang Zhixi said, "Let's talk at the police station after Sister Ning wakes up."

"Is it really not uncomfortable?" Ye Hanzhi touched her forehead, "You look very bad."

"It's okay." Tang Zhixi took a sip of water, "Don't worry."

In the evening, the meals Ye Hanzhi ordered from the Doomsday Hotel were all blood enriching.

The Doomsday Hotel didn't have any, so Ye Hanzhi asked them to buy fresh ingredients and make them now.

But before dinner, the child woke up suddenly.

Looking at a strange environment and strange people, I opened my mouth and cried, and then looked for my mother.

Ye Hanzhi is originally a quiet person, and he doesn't like children.When she cried like this, he wanted to throw her out.

Nan Cheng was also bewildered by her crying.He could only look at her with wide eyes, not knowing what to do.

Zhenlei found a reason and ran away.

Tang Zhixi was fine, she seemed to be getting used to it.

First, he changed her a diaper very skillfully, and then went to flush her a bottle of milk powder.

Boiling water to sterilize utensils, putting milk powder in, making milk powder, testing the temperature of milk powder, and a series of actions are very proficient.

Ye Hanzhi watched from the side, learned, and remembered.

"Why have you been following me?" Tang Zhixi turned her head and glanced at him.

"I'll learn." Ye Hanzhi said.

"What are you learning?" Tang Zhixi shook the bottle and said, "Her grandparents will come tomorrow, so she won't be here anymore."

"I will use it later."

Tang Zhixi glanced at him again: "There are so many people in the Ye family, do you need Mr. Ye to make the milk powder himself?"

Ye Hanzhi leaned over and kissed him on the side of the cheek: "Our child, of course I have to do it myself."

Tang Zhixi paused, looked at him, paused and said, "Go aside, don't make trouble here."

"Yes." Ye Hanzhi smiled and stepped back.

When the baby drank milk, the crying stopped instantly.

Taking advantage of this time, they hurried to have a meal.But halfway through the meal, the child cried again.

"You eat, I'll go and have a look." Ye Hanzhi said.

Tang Zhixi had a quick meal, and then asked Ye Hanzhi to eat again.

She hugged the baby and didn't coax her, just hugged her in her arms and patted her on the back lightly.

Hearing her cry, he suddenly lost his mind.

When Nan Xiao first left, Nan Cheng was only over a year old, and he cried even more fiercely than this.

At that time, she was the one who switched with Uncle Rui and stayed with him night after night.In addition to taking care of him, I am also afraid that someone will approach him and hurt him.

After Ye Hanzhi finished his meal and packed up, he saw Tang Zhixi distracted with the child in his arms.

As he approached, he stretched out his hand in front of her eyes, wanting to touch her face.

Tang Zhixi grabbed his hand suddenly, very hard.Then suddenly looked up at him.

There is no hidden anger, hatred, or killing intent in her eyes, like a knife that can directly pierce people's hearts.

Seeing her look like this, Ye Hanzhi was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously exerted some force on his hand, but immediately let it go: "What's wrong?"

Tang Zhixi immediately recovered when she saw Ye Hanzhi's face.She slowly let go of her hand: "Sorry."

"It's okay." Ye Hanzhi still reached out and touched her face, "Are you tired?"

Tang Zhixi shook her head lightly, and looked at the red handprint on his wrist.

This is tender and tender.

"Give me a hug for a while." Ye Hanzhi reached out to hug the child.

But Tang Zhixi didn't give it to him: "You can make her something to eat."


"She can eat at this age, and I'm afraid she'll be hungry if she only drinks milk powder." Tang Zhixi said, "Use my mobile phone to call Uncle Rui and ask him what he needs to buy and what to do."

"it is good."

"I'll call." Nan Cheng found Tang Zhixi's phone, unlocked it with his fingerprint, found Uncle Rui's phone number, and called.

Also hands-free.


"Grandpa Rui, it's me." Nai Nancheng said in a voice.

"Ah, it's the young master." Uncle Rui's voice was filled with a kind smile.

Ye Hanzhi smiled when he heard this: "Nan Cheng is more talkative than before."

Tang Zhixi glanced at him and nodded in agreement with him.

Especially after talking with Ye Hanzhi, Nan Cheng began to communicate with others in a simple way.

Maybe it was Ye Hanzhi who made him feel that not everyone is like that person, a lunatic.

(End of this chapter)

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