Chapter 160

The crew's recent shooting content is relatively relaxed.

It was all the days when the heroine's family was doted on by her parents and brothers before her family fell.

Smart, lively, happy, naughty.Acting like a baby with parents, pestering elder brother for money, shopping, getting into trouble and causing elder brother to take the blame.

Outside is the dignified daughter of the general's mansion, but behind closed doors she is a coquettish and slippery little rascal.

In fact, the director has been worried about this scene ever since he confirmed that the heroine is Tang Zhixi.

After all, Tang Zhixi's image, especially her character, is not what it is.

It's no problem, even very suitable, to let her play the role of the heroine after being exterminated.But it's lively and lively.
With Tang Zhixi's calm, indifferent, and alienated personality, the director was afraid that she would not be able to act.

But the final result was even better than the director wanted.

Whatever effect the director wanted, Tang Zhixi could give it, or even better.

Smart, mischievous, and coquettish, it can be said that she is familiar with the road.

And when it's over, it's a play.It's all about the character being the character and she being her.

The director was really amazed by her acting skills.

Everyone on the set was amazed at Tang Zhixi's acting skills, only Ye Hanzhi felt sorry for her.

He always felt that Tang Zhixi was like this before.Can act like a spoiled child, can play rascal, can be mischievous, occasionally can be a little unruly, and can laugh very sweetly.

But she wrapped herself up layer by layer, leaving only her indifferent and distant appearance, seemingly not wanting anyone to get close to her.

But apart from being distressed, Ye Hanzhi looked at the actor who played her brother as an eyesore.Tang Zhixi's constant yelling of "brother" was also particularly harsh.

Ye Hanzhi sat behind the director, watching Tang Zhixi from the machine.

The director didn't know what was going on with the weather in June. He always felt that his back was getting colder and colder.After the cold, the hairs on his arms stood up.

Tang Zhixi, who was at the shooting location, was sitting on the ground, hugging the man's leg, raising her head, pursing her mouth, lowering her eyebrows and pretending to be pitiful.

"Brother, I really just took a look at that night pearl. It shattered, and I didn't touch it."

"Get up. If you didn't touch it, how could it break?" The man tugged at the clothes without moving them, "That's my father's favorite, don't expect me to blame you."

"Can you help me? If you don't help me, I'll talk about the private meeting between you and the daughter of the Marquis Mansion. I'll talk everywhere!"


"Brother, Daddy will scold me."

"He will hit me."

"It's just a hit." Tang Zhixi said.

The man took the scene very well, he was speechless, and there was nothing he could do about it. The little girl's expression was in place: "Just hit it?"

"elder brother."

"All right, all right." The man pulled her up: "Get up. It's already too late, how decent is this appearance."

"There's no one else."

"Crack." The director yelled, "Okay, this one is over. Have lunch first, then go down and continue."

As soon as the director yelled "click", Tang Zhixi went out of the play.She pressed her forehead, said a few words to the actor politely, and then left with Jiang Nian.

Ye Hanzhi went to the nanny's car ahead of time, and when they arrived, he was on the phone.

When he saw Tang Zhixi, he showed a gentle smile, but he still had no emotion to the voice on the phone, with a little ruthlessness: "Well, I'll be there in the afternoon."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and said to Jiang Nian: "Nian Nian, lunch is here, go and get it."

"it is good."

"Take it for a while." Ye Hanzhi added.

Tang Zhixi looked up at him.

"Ah?" Jiang Nian was puzzled for a moment, but soon understood, her face blushed instantly, "Ah, I'm very slow, I walk very slowly."

While talking about walking slowly, Jiang Nian ran away.

When she was far away, Tang Zhixi grabbed the skirt of the costume with one hand, stood where she was, and looked at Ye Hanzhi.

Today, Tang Zhixi's costumes are not only peachy, but also very young.Even the makeup and hairstyle are very girlish.

That's why her cold and stunning face was a bit fierce when she wasn't smiling.It looks like a vicious little milk cat.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her, opened the car door, smiled and said, "Get in the car."

Tang Zhixi didn't move.

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows: "What? Scared?"

Tang Zhixi gave him a disdainful look, and got into the car neatly.

Ye Hanzhi smiled and followed her into the car.

In the car, there were clothes on the seat where Tang Zhixi often sat.After Tang Zhixi went up, she bent down and threw her clothes on the seat behind.

At this time, Ye Hanzhi had already gotten into the car, sat on the outer seat, and closed the door.

Then he reached out to wrap Tang Zhixi's waist, and hugged her on his lap.

Fearing that her head would hit the car window, the other hand protected her head.

Tang Zhixi was unprepared for the sudden movement, she put one hand on the car window and the other on his shoulder.

She frowned slightly: "You"

Before the words could be spoken, Ye Hanzhi pressed her head and kissed her.
At first, Tang Zhixi was struggling with him, exerting strength on her hands and neck.

But not long after, this strength disappeared.

Ye Hanzhi immediately tightened his arms and hugged him even tighter.

The quiet interior of the car was slowly filled with an ambiguous atmosphere.

The sound of breathing became more and more messy, like vines, intertwined, growing crazily, and becoming more and more entwined.

Ye Hanzhi gently stroked the hand on her waist.After that, he gradually clenched into fists, trying his best to restrain his impulse.

After a long time, Tang Zhixi felt that she was about to lose her breath.Ye Hanzhi let her go, and kissed her twice more on the lips.

The ends of his eyes were red, and his dark pupils were deep.There is lust in the eyes, so flirtatious that it seduces people's hearts.

"Why do you look like you've been bullied?" Ye Hanzhi's voice was hoarse with a smile on his face.

Tang Zhixi's heart beat a little faster, she lightly pursed her lower lip, raised her eyes and gave Ye Han a cold look.

Her eyes were slightly wet, and the usual coldness seemed to be soaked in water, which made people feel itchy.

"What are you doing at noon?" Tang Zhixi said in a flat voice.

Ye Hanzhi smiled, looked up at her slightly and said, "I have to go back to the Imperial Capital in the afternoon, and it may take longer to leave this time."

"so what?"

"So give me a kiss." Ye Hanzhi said, and kissed the corner of her mouth again, "I haven't seen my little girl for a long time."

Tang Zhixi looked at him and asked for a moment, "Just because of this?"

Ye Hanzhi and her looked at each other, with a deep smile on his face: "No, I still want to hear you call me brother and my brother."

Tang Zhixi snorted and laughed.

"You've already called someone else." Ye Hanzhi squeezed her hand back and forth.

His voice was low, and a little soft and weak.It formed a huge contrast with Ye Hanzhi who was eager to swallow people just now.

"I didn't yell." Tang Zhixi said, "That's the heroine."

"Then I want to hear what you shout." Ye Hanzhi's voice seemed to be coaxing a child, "How about it?"

Tang Zhixi continued to look at his eyebrows, and after a while, she leaned closer to his ear.

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows, full of anticipation and joy in his heart.Then he heard Tang Zhixi next to his ear.Slowly, and somewhat retaliatingly said three words: "Thoughts beautifully."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

(End of this chapter)

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