Chapter 161 Jing Yanbai

Ye Han had been away for more than half a month, and he was very busy. Sometimes, he would only talk to Tang Zhixi on the phone every other day.

It's just that Tang Zhixi's restraint has not been relaxed at all even though the others are not around.

Every morning, Jiang Nian looked at her and took the medicine, but in the weather in late June, she still drank hot water every day, steaming hot water.

The most hateful thing is that the whole crew has ice cream to eat, but she doesn't.

In the afternoon under the scorching sun, the whole crew was holding an ice cream, and she watched from the side.

Jiang Nian stared at her while eating.

The most important thing is that she paid the money.

She just wanted to eat an ice cream while inviting the crew.I don't know what benefit Ye Hanzhi gave Jiang Nian to let her assistant treat her like this.

Even took away the ice that was frozen in her hotel refrigerator.

So Tang Zhixi, who was upset all afternoon, sent Jiang Nian back to her early in the evening after returning to the hotel.

Then I took out and bought three ice creams to eat.

Eat while playing games.

Originally, she wanted to destroy the corpse after eating, but the surname Yun suddenly called her and interrupted her.

"Did you leak my information in state M?"

"What's wrong?" Tang Zhixi poured a glass of wine and walked slowly to the window.

"What's wrong?!" Yun Zhan was furious, "The Interpol chased me for more than ten days, and I didn't do anything in the past ten days. Do you know how much I lost!"

"Aren't you alright?" Tang Zhixi smiled.

"That's why I think you messed with me." Yun Zhan scolded, "No one is so inhuman except you. No one but you can leak my whereabouts. It will be leaked for a few days and kept secret for a few days. You put me and the Interpol Played both sides!"

Tang Zhixi smiled lightly: "What are you afraid of him doing? It's a private matter between you. Oh, you are afraid that he will use his power for personal gain."

"Who is afraid of him! I just find it troublesome. Hurry up and settle the matter with me." Yun Zhan said, "And you, come back to me right away! Don't wait for me to bring someone back to you. I don't have time."

"Then why do you think you don't have time?"


"I have my plan." Tang Zhixi interrupted him.

"What's your plan? To make the whole world know that you are a star in China?" Yun Zhan said, "Is there something wrong with your head? Are you afraid that that person of some kind won't be able to find you? After all Run away. Have you had enough?"

Tang Zhixi took a sip of her wine, but didn't make a sound.

"Come back quickly." Yun Zhan said, "Even if you want revenge, the premise is that you have to confirm your safety."

"You talk a lot of nonsense today."

"Fuck you." Yun Zhan scolded, "If it weren't for your good looks, I would have killed you a few years ago. It saves me from worrying."

"I'm going to sleep." Tang Zhixi said awkwardly, "Be careful with Interpol."


Tang Zhixi hung up the phone directly and didn't listen to what he said.

After standing in front of the window for a while, after drinking the last bit of wine, Tang Zhixi planned to go to bed.

But just as he put the wine glass on the round table beside him, the phone rang again.

She thought it was Yun Zhan calling again, but when she checked the call, it was Luo Nanchen.He answered the phone and said, "What's wrong?"

"The money in the nursing home has been spent again, but the man is still crooked." Luo Nanchen said, "The meaning of the nursing home is that the possibility of his recovery is almost zero. I would like to ask Do you want to continue treatment?"

Thinking of the person in the nursing home who was almost beaten to death by herself, Tang Zhixi's eyes gradually froze: "What do you mean?"

"I, what do I mean?" Luo Nanchen thought for a while and said, "I mean to listen to you."

Tang Zhixi was silent for a while and said: "Don't treat it, just deal with it casually."

After saying this, Luo Nanchen was silent for a while: "Xiao Jiu."

Tang Zhixi put her fingers on the glass, writing something stroke by stroke, but she didn't respond to Luo Nanchen.

"Xiao Jiu. Maybe Tang Zhixi's death has nothing to do with Jing Yanbai."

Hearing the words "Jing Yanbai", Tang Zhixi's fingers paused.

"Although 319 is related to Jing Yanbai, Tang Zhixi died because of 319." Luo Nanchen continued, "However, it is not certain that it was Jing Yanbai who did it to Tang Zhixi. It may also be someone else through something." The channel got 319. Then it was used on Tang Zhixi."

Tang Zhixi's fingers finished writing the word "Xi" on the glass, and slowly closed their fingers: "Others. They live in Hanqing Village, isolated from the world, have little contact with people, and have no contact with others." Resentment. Why did others come all the way to kill them?"

Luo Nanchen suddenly didn't know what to say.

"If it wasn't for me, who would go to a place like Hanqing Village to kill an old lady with disabilities and a girl in her 20s." Tang Zhixi's voice and expression did not change, but her eyes fell from her left eye. A drop of tears fell on the ground, "That lunatic Jing Yanbai can do anything. He just wants to tell me. No matter where I am or what I am doing. As long as he wants, I will never be able to defeat him." .”

Tang Zhixi raised her hand to hold the pendant around her neck.

That day, she went back an hour early, just an hour.If you drive faster, they can be rescued, and they won't let those bastards touch Tang Zhixi.

"But... the photos of the scene you sent, both rooms have been flipped." Luo Nanchen said, "They are looking for something."

"If you're really looking for something important, you won't kill people." Tang Zhixi said softly.

"Didn't you also doubt Tang Peihua's identity?" Luo Nanchen said.

Tang Zhixi didn't speak.At that time, if the murderer was not found, he really suspected it, so he asked Song Zhengde, but found nothing.

"Xiao Jiu, you have carried too many things on yourself." Luo Nanchen said, "Don't take everything on yourself as soon as it has something to do with Jing Yanbai."

Tang Zhixi raised her hand to scrape the teardrops on her eyelashes, and said silently: "No. If you have something to do with Jing Yanbai, I won't care about it."

Luo Nanchen: ".I knew that you wouldn't leave your human side to me."

"I feel like a waste."

"I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to sleep."

"It's so early, is it necessary to take care of your body?" Tang Zhixi teased.

"I want you to take care of it." After speaking, Luo Nanchen hung up the phone.

But after hanging up the phone, Luo Nanchen thought about it, and still called the nursing home for a sum of money.And attached a message: [People should try their best to treat them. ]
As for Tang Zhixi, after she hung up the phone, she kept looking at the word "Zhixi" written on the glass.

Bloody images kept flashing in my head, the blood all over the ground, the flames of the sea, and the sound of gunfire.
She closed her eyes and frowned, pressing her temples.

The surrounding darkness hit her like a huge vortex, trying to suck her in.

Suddenly, the doorbell of the room rang, like a rope pulled her out of the darkness.

Tang Zhixi opened her eyes and looked at her own figure reflected in the glass.She pressed her temples again, exhaled slowly, and turned to open the door
 Jing Yanbai, that's the one, the one who studies 319.

  Just in Chiya Village, I tried to catch him but failed.The one that left the note.

  The note said: There will be a period later.Signed, the one who left the word "inkstone".

  Everyone still remembers it.

  I think everyone must remember.

(End of this chapter)

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