The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 183 Variety Show Chapters

Chapter 183 Variety Show
On the way back from the Liyuan, Uncle Rui was still reminiscing about the opera in the opera garden.

And Nan Cheng felt babble because he couldn't understand, so he was so bored that he fell asleep halfway through.

Even getting into the car was carried by Uncle Rui, and now he is still hugged by Uncle Rui, sleeping soundly.

"Uncle Rui, if you like it, you can come and listen to it often." Tang Zhixi said.

"I really like it." Uncle Rui said with emotion, "Maybe it's because I'm getting older, and I always look better at traditional things."

Ye Hanzhi said: "In the future, I will often send people to deliver tickets."

"How dare you bother the third master." Uncle Rui said, "When I want to hear it, I can just buy it myself."

"No trouble." Ye Hanzhi said, "Just let me know."

"Then thank you, Third Master." Tang Zhixi said.

"You're welcome." Ye Hanzhi replied with a smile.

Uncle Rui looked at the two of them and smiled, then looked down at Nan Cheng and said, "Young Master should also listen to it more, and experience the influence of domestic culture."

Nan Cheng twitched his mouth, not knowing what sweet dreams he was having.

"Get rid of the western genes in his body," Tang Zhixi said.

Ye Hanzhi listened, smiled and said, "Which country's blood are you mixed with?"

"I don't know." Tang Zhixi said, "It's weird."

Ye Hanzhi felt Tang Zhixi's rejection of certain genes in Nan Cheng's body more than once.

"Who is weird?" Nan Cheng suddenly opened his eyes and asked.

"You." Tang Zhixi said bluntly.

"What's wrong with me?" Nan Cheng grabbed Uncle Rui's suit collar with his hand, and tilted his head back, as if he was still not quite awake.

"It's okay. Go to sleep." Uncle Rui patted him on the back and said.

"Oh." Nan Cheng leaned his upturned head on Uncle Rui's shoulder again, and fell asleep.

And after a while, a sentence was muttered in his mouth: "I'm not weird."

Tang Zhixi: "."

Tang Zhixi has not received a satisfactory job for the time being since the play was completed.

Two TV series have been filmed, and in the next stage, she wants to take on a movie.If the theme is better, it will be easier to win prizes.

Tang Zhixi became a hit with "Begonia Falling".

There are many scripts that have found her, and everyone has taken a fancy to her traffic, as well as her identity as Jiuxi.

But Tang Zhixi's original intention of entering this circle was to win prizes. As for traffic, she didn't care.Fame, she doesn't care either.

She just wants to win the prize in a down-to-earth manner.

But Zhou Kening has never seen a good book or a good production.

So during this time, she was either drawing design drafts or in the laboratory of Teikyo University.

Occasionally, when I have spare time, I will dig out the movie of the best actor Mu Ying to watch.

Then think about your own script that has no inspiration at all.Every time it is opened, the word Script is on it, and when it is closed, it is still the word Script.

Not even a title.

And the weather is getting hotter and hotter, so she doesn't need to film for the time being.So all the skirts in the closet were worn out again.

One piece per day, never repeat.

At the end of July, Tang Zhixi suddenly received a call from Director Feng, the director of "Begonia Falling".

Ask her if she wants to participate in a variety show.

Tang Zhixi directly refused, but Director Feng insisted on talking about the format of the variety show.

So Tang Zhixi listened politely.

"We mainly go to high school to record and experience life in the third year of high school." Dao Feng said, "Eat, sleep and study with the students in the third year of high school."

After Tang Zhixi finished listening, her first reaction was: "Are you sure the venue can be negotiated?"

"Dijing Jujia Private School has already agreed." Feng Dao said, "September, two weeks."

Some schools will agree.

"Won't it delay students' study?"

"No. In just two weeks, they originally had a week of quality development training. It was canceled and changed to a variety show." Feng Dao said, "Also, almost all the classes we use are not very good. Yes, those who have money at home are planning to go abroad."

Tang Zhixi: "Then what's the experience? Is one of them richer than the other?"

Director Feng: "...the students will definitely cooperate. And the school has also said that maybe allowing them to cooperate for two weeks can also arouse their desire to study."

Tang Zhixi: "Will you?"

"Well maybe."

"What about students and parents?"

Director Feng: "We're all talking."

Tang Zhixi: "."

"Xi God, do you think about it?" Director Feng said.


After hanging up the phone, Ye Hanzhi saw that she was a little dazed, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Tang Zhixi told him what happened just now, Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "Do you want to go?"

"I never went to school." Tang Zhixi said while on the swing in the yard, fingering the green plants beside her.

The little girl didn't even go to school.The real Tang Zhixi never went to school, but from reading so many books in Hanqing Village, she should have learned a lot.

But why did the little girl not go to school, and how did she learn so much.

"Want to go?" Ye Hanzhi sat on the chair next to her, helping her on the swing.

Tang Zhixi thought for a while, grabbed the swing with both hands, and said softly, "Let's talk about it, I don't want to participate in variety shows. It will affect my position as a capable faction."

Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "Once in a while. It's okay."

"Let's talk about it when the time comes." Tang Zhixi reached out to touch the green plants next to her, and accidentally pulled off a leaf as soon as she touched it.She immediately looked around and saw that Uncle Rui was not there, so she secretly mutilated Ye Zi's body and wiped out all traces, "There may not be time."

"Okay." As an accomplice, Ye Hanzhi pulled off the half-truncated leaf stems growing on the green plant, "We'll talk about it later."

Just as Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, the phone rang.

He looked at the caller ID, it was Ye Tingjue, and he answered the call immediately.

And before he could speak, Ye Tingjue, with his calm temperament whenever and wherever he did anything, spoke anxiously.

"Third Uncle, Chu Qingyan was taken away by Ye Sheng's men."

Ye Hanzhi's expression turned hard suddenly, and he tightened his grip on the swing: "Did Ye Sheng call you?"


"Where are you now?"

"In our house."

"I'll go back right away." Ye Hanzhi said, "Let Zhenlei locate someone."

"I know."

Seeing his appearance, Tang Zhixi stepped on the ground, stopped the swing, and asked, "What happened?"

"Chu Qingyan was taken away by my second uncle." Ye Hanzhi's voice was terribly cold, but his expression and speech were very calm, "I have to go back first."

Tang Zhixi frowned, stood up and said, "I'm with you."

Ye Hanzhi glanced at her, thought for a while that he was going home, then...

He calmly agreed: "Okay."

In an emergency, Tang Zhixi didn't ask too many questions until the two of them drove on the road and Ye Hanzhi called to arrange his people.

Tang Zhixi asked, "Do you have a second uncle?"

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi said, "She's the same father as my father."

"In Yancheng, you sent people to follow me to guard against your second uncle?" Tang Zhixi immediately thought of it.


After thinking about it for a while, Tang Zhixi understood that his second uncle should be at odds with his family.but……

"Why did you take Chu Qingyan away?"

Ye Hanzhi frowned, he was also thinking about this.

In this case, it is more likely that Ye Sheng will win over the Chu family, or make the Chu family feel that this is their Ye family's private matter and not let the Chu family get involved.

But no matter what, one should not become an enemy of the Chu family and take away Chu Qingyan...

(End of this chapter)

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