Chapter 184 Ye House
The car drove to the outskirts of the imperial capital.

Tang Zhixi looked at the changing scenery outside the car, and tapped her fingers lightly on her legs.

Since Ye Sheng arrested Chu Qingyan because of the Ye family, and also called Ye Tingjue.At least within a certain period of time, there is no problem with Chu Qingyan's safety.

But she didn't know why she felt a little uncomfortable.

The car stopped, and Tang Zhixi followed Ye Hanzhi to get out of the car quickly, but when she got out of the car, she saw the scene in front of her, and she paused when she closed the car door.

There are five gates with three openings, red walls and green tiles, the gates are painted red, and there are nine rows and seven columns of door nails.Liang Fang painted colorful paintings, kissing animals on the ridge of the roof, and setting immortals and animals on the vertical ridge.

Two stone lions are placed on both sides of the gate, majestic and majestic.

The most important thing is the door plaque above the gate.The golden "Ye Zhai" two big characters.

The sun has just moved westward, and it shines on the door plaque from the southwest, shining golden light on these two characters.

Tang Zhixi's gaze moved up, and what was reflected in her eyes was no longer a house, but power and money.

Ye's house is located at the foot of a mountain in the north of the imperial capital.

The flat land under the mountain covers an area of ​​nearly ten hectares.

But the Ye House was built from the foot of the mountain up the mountain, and the area of ​​the mountain was not estimated.

Anyway, standing at the door, the building on the mountain, with no end in sight.

Ye Hanzhi's car stopped, and a man ran out from the side door, taking the car keys from him with both hands.

"The third master is back?" This man was actually wearing a long coat.

"Yes." Ye Hanzhi saw that Tang Zhixi hadn't moved, walked to her side, took her hand, and said, "My parents are not at home."

Tang Zhixi only looked at the house in front of her, and didn't think of his parents.She gave a calm "hmm".

When the little brother in the long coat saw his third master holding the little girl's hand, his eyes lit up immediately and he began to gossip.

Ye Hanzhi took her hand and walked inside, but after taking two steps, he turned around again, looked at the little brother who was about to get into the car and said, "Stop gossiping."

The little brother stood up straight, closed his mouth tightly, and nodded.
Ye Hanzhi led Tang Zhixi inside, and when he entered the door was a stone-carved screen wall, he walked past the screen wall.The scenery inside is very elegant.

Excellent workmanship and elegant layout.

Magnificent yet elegant and refined.

As for the people coming and going in the yard, the men all wore uniform gray-blue gowns, and the women wore loose cheongsam-style clothes, light turquoise.

The upper body looks like a cheongsam, with buttons on the collar and loose half-sleeves.The waist is cinched in the middle, and the bottom is a loose skirt, which reaches the knee.

Elegant and dignified without restricting movement.

When Tang Zhixi walked in the yard, she felt as if she had traveled to another world.

It's no wonder that Ye Hanzhi always has a quaint look.

Tang Zhixi didn't appreciate the scenery in the courtyard carefully, and the two quickly went to the front hall.

But walking through the door, both of them took more than a minute to walk at a very fast speed.

As soon as he approached the front hall, the first thing he heard was He Yuzhe's yelling.

"What's the matter? If Chu Yimo knew that his sister was taken away, would he go crazy? Zhenlei, how is your place? Has Ye Sheng been located?"

Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi walked into the front hall and saw He Yuzhe walking back and forth behind the bench.

Lu Shang also had four people Tang Zhixi had never seen standing beside him.

Zhenlei was sitting on a chair, holding a computer for positioning.

On the other chair, sat a man.Very clean and handsome, with a fresh and refined feeling.Wearing a white shirt, very neat.Sitting up straight, his waist was very dignified.

"Han Zhi." He Yuzhe stopped immediately when he saw the person, "Sister Xi is also here."

"Third Master." said the few standing.

Ye Tingjue also looked towards the door when he heard the footsteps. He first glanced at Ye Hanzhi, his expression relaxed for a moment, and then he looked at the person beside him.

He was taken aback for a moment, and nodded politely to Tang Zhixi.Then he said, "Third Uncle."

Ye Hanzhi nodded, took Tang Zhixi's hand, told her to sit down first, and said, "Have you confirmed the location?"

"Not yet." Zhen Lei said, "The mobile phone Ye Sheng used to make calls has been hidden by hackers, and it will take time."

"Tianshu over there." Ye Hanzhi said.

"The order has already been placed." Ye Tingjue said, "But Luo Nanchen hasn't given any news yet."

Tang Zhixi frowned, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Luo Nanchen: [The Ye family's positioning list, I will solve it first, right away! ]
Luo Nanchen replied quickly: [I am doing it myself, but someone is blocking me, I need time. ]
Tang Zhixi lowered her eyelashes to block the stern look in her eyes, Luo Nanchen would not be able to locate the person for a while.
"What did Ye Sheng say on the phone?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

"He said that he would send the Ye family's seal to Tanweilou in the southern outskirts of the city before 10:[-] p.m., and then tell me Chu Qingyan's whereabouts." Ye Tingjue pressed the bridge of his nose and said, "Otherwise, every [-] minutes after the delay, Chu Qingyan will be chopped up." Twist a finger."

Tang Zhixi twirled her fingertips, and the breath around her instantly became cold.

Ye Hanzhi turned his head to look at her, and shook her hand.Then I glanced at the time, there were still two hours and 10 minutes until six o'clock.

He Yuzhe and Ye Tingjue also noticed it and glanced at her.

"Ye Sheng also sent me a video of him kidnapping Chu Qingyan." Ye Tingjue said, "It was filmed in a car, with nothing in the background and no sound. You are safe for the time being."

"Ye Sheng has no news of entering the country." Ye Han said.

"Indeed, there is no trace at all." Ye Tingjue said, "The only mobile phone number that can be found."

"Why did he kidnap Chu Qingyan and threaten you?" Ye Hanzhi raised his eyes to look at Ye Tingjue, looking straight into his eyes.

Ye Tingjue pursed her lips, looking like she was choked.

"Yes, he can't arrest anyone!" He Yuzhe said, "He arrested Chu Yimo's sister. If Chu Yimo knew that his sister was taken away, would he kill someone? Zhenlei, hurry up, Chu Yimo If the people who follow Chu Qingyan at home notice that someone is missing, Chu Yimo will know soon."

"I'm working hard." Zhen Lei said without raising his head.

"She dumped the person following her again?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

Didn't he hear Chu Yimo say once that Chu Qingyan thought it was troublesome to follow her, and would often dump them and run out to play by herself.

And the few people who followed her, in addition to protecting her, restricted her from fighting with others to a greater extent.

"Yeah." Ye Tingjue said helplessly, "After Ye Sheng called me, I called Chu Qingyan. The phone couldn't be connected, so I called the person who followed her again. To ask Chu Qingyan how recently She asked about the situation as an excuse. The people following her told the time when Chu Qingyan went to the bathroom, and ran away from them."

Ye Hanzhi looked at Ye Tingjue, and for a moment, raised his eyebrows inexplicably.

Ye Tingjue's heart trembled suddenly because of his raised eyebrows.

"After a long time, those who follow her will definitely notice the problem." He Yuzhe said, "We are all in the Imperial Capital, if something happens to the ancestor of the Chu family, will Chu Yimo come with us? The three broke up. And I'm even more afraid that he won't be able to bear it. The other sister is enough for him to spend his whole life. What if this happens?"

Both Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue looked up at him.

He Yuzhe immediately closed his mouth, shrank his neck, and sat on the farthest chair without speaking.

Tang Zhixi looked at their reactions, but didn't think about the deep meaning in it, and looked down at the time on the phone
(End of this chapter)

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