Chapter 191 Interrogation
"Have you seen it?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

"I've seen tattoos before." Tang Zhixi said, "But the chances of him saying something should be very small."

Ye Hanzhi slightly raised his eyebrows. Now that he has decided which one is more valuable and knows more, it's his turn to go in.

Tang Zhixi stood outside the single-sided glass, looked at the man, and twitched her fingertips for a moment.

Ye Hanzhi went to the interrogation room, walked directly in front of the man, leaned on the table in front of him, and looked down at him.

"I know, you are not afraid of death, and you have no worries." Ye Hanzhi said straight to the point, "Even when you were trained, you did various anti-drug training. So we have nothing to do with you."

"If you know it, don't waste your words."

"But there is always a way that your body can't resist." Ye Hanzhi's eyes were full of contempt, "To tell you the truth, I trained a group of killers before, and I would beat you with any one."

The man looked at him without making a sound.

"So I'm quite familiar with your training methods." Ye Hanzhi said, "How do you think I trained that group of people to be better than you?"

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"You can reach your current position, you must have passed certain trainings." Ye Hanzhi said, "Because you passed, so when you look back now, you may feel that those previous trainings are not worth mentioning at all."

"But." Ye Hanzhi smiled lightly, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.The coldness in his eyes was piercing, "If the training is ten times harder than those trainings, do you think you can still bear it?"

The sitting man didn't know if he was thinking about the previous training, or he was frightened by Ye Hanzhi's eyes.He swallowed suddenly.

"Actually, I don't understand what you are insisting on." Ye Hanzhi then said slowly, "You are not even afraid of death. Are you still afraid of saying something? What can you say? Saying it will make you more comfortable now. Even if someone scolds you and hates you, but you are here now, what does that have to do with you?"

Ye Hanzhi's voice was very soft, as light as a boning knife, gently filing back and forth on the bone.

Even facing his back, Ye Tingjue couldn't help but frowned.

And He Yuzhe's hairs stood on end.

Not only because of his scary aura, but also because of the methods and means he used to train people back then.

It is simply purgatory, and it is unacceptable to human beings.

"What are you afraid of? You don't have anyone you care about outside." Ye Hanzhi gently shook his wrist, "Even if you have someone you care about. You have been arrested, can the person you care about die well?"

Ye Hanzhi wore a mechanical watch on his left wrist today, which was worn together with the Chenxiang bracelet.

The man couldn't help but glanced at his watch following his movements, and said with a snort, "Young masters like you make friends with wine and meat, so naturally they can't understand the loyalty and loyalty of people like us!"

"Loyalty, loyalty?" Ye Hanzhi laughed as he spoke.

Low laughter, eerie, terrifying, contemptuous.

Everyone present laughed so hard that their hearts went numb.

Like some kind of spell, it makes people feel a little distracted.

"why are you laughing!"

Ye Hanzhi smiled again, with his hands hanging by his sides, he tapped his fingers on the table lightly and said, "Of course I'm laughing at your naivety. Loyalty, loyalty? Do you think your master will have these things?"

The man pursed his lips, his chest rose and fell violently, and stared at Ye Hanzhi.

"Loyalty and loyalty are all mutual." Ye Hanzhi knocked on the table and said, "Do you know what is mutual? You are here now, and what they are thinking outside is how to rescue you. It is not that you are here, accept Tortured by round after round of questioning. How do they seek to protect themselves outside, how do they think about their own safety, how do they think about breaking away from you, and let no trace of you as a person disappear from their world.”

Tang Zhixi looked at Ye Hanzhi outside.

With the same inquiry, Ye Hanzhi achieved different results.

Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe included all the people in the Ye family, it wasn't that they lacked ability and aura.

But when Ye Hanzhi leaned there, the oppressive feeling that hit people's hearts played at least one-third of the crushing effect.

When Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe faced them, their auras were also very strong, deep, oppressive, and spicy.

But it can't have an overwhelming effect on these people who are desperate, licking blood with the tip of a knife, who can be called dead soldiers.

Of course, if the time is longer, you will definitely be able to ask something.

As for Ye Hanzhi, he himself has a sense of blood, a sense of oppression that can make such dead men awed.

It was as if he had walked the paths of these people all over again, as if he had reached the peak by stepping on the corpses of such people.

Therefore, his words are more likely to achieve the effect of breaking through the psychological defense.

Tang Zhixi had to admit that even through the glass, Ye Hanzhi's appearance also made her afraid.

Ye Hanzhi kept knocking on the table rhythmically. The man was sitting, and what he didn't see when he looked up was his hand knocking on the table.

After looking at his fingers for a moment, he looked at the watch on his wrist.

Watch the second hand move one by one.

After watching for a while, he suddenly felt a little unstable.

The sound of fingers tapping on the table and the frequency of the second hand's movement caused confusion between his hearing and vision.

"These things you did today are not just to make your life better, to enjoy the joy and happiness in the world." Ye Hanzhi looked down at him gently, and his voice became softer, "Otherwise you What are you doing after such a grueling training? Wouldn’t it be easy to just find a hole and bury yourself?”

The person sitting, staring at his watch, his eyes gradually became dull.In addition to Ye Hanzhi's voice, the sound of the second hand moving gradually became louder and louder.

"Think about it, is your master worthy of your loyalty?" Ye Hanzhi looked at him, and slowly withdrew his force on the table, gradually getting lighter, and then slowly withdrew his fingers, " The beliefs you work for are those entertainments. Your master just promised you the money that can achieve entertainment. You do things for him, and he gets you money, which is a normal transaction process."

The eyes of the sitting people began to lose sight.

"Why does he make you sacrifice your life? What is there in him that is worth your sacrifice?" Ye Hanzhi's expression remained unchanged, "He's not worth it. But if you tell us what we want to know, I can make you compare Live comfortably now."


Ye Hanzhi's eyebrows twitched slightly: "How do you feel now? Dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing? Fatigue?"

The person sitting frowned, every time Ye Hanzhi mentioned a symptom, he felt more uncomfortable: ".Yes."

Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe looked at each other and couldn't help taking a breath.

Tang Zhixi frowned through the glass.


Psychological attack and defense, tapping rhythm, mechanical watch.
For the first time, Tang Zhixi felt that Ye Hanzhi was more terrifying than she had imagined.

"I can make you more comfortable, do you want?" Ye Hanzhi's voice suddenly became a little strange.


"Then answer a few questions for me."

"it is good."

"Where did 319 come from?"

"Actually, I got it from the lab."

Ye Hanzhi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Where's the laboratory?"

The sitting man's face was getting paler and paler, he looked really uncomfortable, his breath was unsteady, and he said three places intermittently.

"Any more?"

"Also." The man said, "but, but I don't know."

"do not know?"

"Hmm." The man said with difficulty, "My main task is to assist Ye Sheng. To help Ye Sheng with errands in the imperial capital. By the way, I have also taken care of, some, 319 matters. I, I know. Only these three, three, locations."

(End of this chapter)

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