The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 192 Hypnosis Ineffective

Chapter 192 Hypnosis Ineffective
The sound of the interrogation room can also be heard outside the glass.

After the person being interrogated told the three locations, no one in the interrogation room moved, fearing that some noise would wake him up.

But Ye Tingjue immediately looked out of the glass.

There were many people standing outside the glass. After receiving Ye Tingjue's gaze, they nodded and left immediately.

Ye Hanzhi's questioning continued: "How many people in China are helping Ye Sheng?"

"I, I don't know. We all acted independently and did not communicate with each other. The team I led were all arrested by you."

"Did you participate in the production of 319?"

"No. We, we are only responsible for carrying out the various tasks assigned. 319 has special people to study."

Ye Hanzhi asked, "Where is the research site?"

"I don't know. The things in our hands are all in entertainment venues on different continents. Someone will give them to us. Then we will send them out."

"Who is your upline?"

"I don't know each other. It's a code every time. There are men and women, whoever you meet counts. But when I was arrested, their codes were invalidated and will not be used again."

Ye Hanzhi's expression darkened, and he had been dealing with him for several years.The fact that he has been unable to catch anyone is all because this person is too cautious, and no one will notice any slight loopholes.

"Who is the person you have been loyal to?" Ye Hanzhi asked again.

"I do not know who he is"

This is a question of several unknowns.

Ye Hanzhi changed his question again: "Then describe him."

"He...he wears a black mask, his eyes are light blue, and he can't see clearly. He is about 1.8 meters five in height. He wears a suit on his right hand, and there is a ring on his right index finger."

"Ring? What kind?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

"Silver, with a totem. Also, and" the interrogated man's face became increasingly grim, "and two letters. YH"

Listening to what he said, Tang Zhixi slowly clenched her hands, and the expression on her face became colder and more indifferent.

Ye Hanzhi paused for a few seconds, and roughly pieced together a shape according to what he said.

"A foreigner?"

"He, his hair is black. He speaks, speaks Mandarin."

It's a mixed race.

"Know his name?"

"It's the first time we met. He introduced himself. His name is Jing Yan. Bai. But. But which words, no, I don't know."

Ye Hanzhi looked at his lax eyes, paused and said, "Then do you know where he is?"

"No, I don't know."

Tang Zhixi listened outside, her eyes trembled slightly.

"Then where was the last time you saw him?" Ye Hanzhi asked again.

"At. At."

The person being interrogated suddenly let out a muffled snort, lowered his head bit by bit, and gradually became short of breath.

"Yes... ah!"

He suddenly let out a low growl, as if a trapped animal was about to break out of the cage.

There was too much movement, Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe immediately got up and walked to Ye Hanzhi's side.

The person being interrogated struggled violently.

But because both feet and hands were bound, he struggled a bit and was bounced back.

Such a big movement abruptly broke through the hypnosis.He leaned his head back on the back of the chair, staring at the incandescent lamp above with his eyes raised, panting heavily.

In such an instant, sweat was all over his neck and face.

Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe looked at Ye Hanzhi.

And Ye Hanzhi leaned on the table behind him, watching him quietly, his expression didn't change at all from the beginning to the end.

"You, you hypnotized me." The sitting man didn't move, only his eyes moved, looking at Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi watched him silently.

The man looked at him for a while, and suddenly let out a chuckle: "Yes, Jing Yanbai is indeed not worth my life for him. are not worth what I do for you either!"

"I'm dead on both sides, even if I can't die, I won't be able to get through it." The man said more and more viciously, "I'm not going to have a hard time! Then you all don't have a good time! Just check it out slowly! Don't even think about getting it from me again." Ask any word!"

Ye Hanzhi chuckled, then picked up a dagger on the table, patted his face and said, "I hope your sudden burst of courage can last a little longer."

Just hypnotized, implying that he was uncomfortable, and made him uncomfortable for so long.Ask him so many things again.

He confided so many secrets.For a trained professional soldier, it can be said to be a great humiliation.

Physical and psychological distress.Sudden enough to inspire his courage, as well as the rebellious psychology of refusing to cooperate.

The man sneered: "You can try and see if I can say one more word."

Ye Hanzhi slightly raised his eyebrows, then turned his wrist and inserted the dagger into his forearm.

The dagger pierced through the forearm, and blood dripped on the clothes and the seat.The expression on the man's face instantly became distorted, and he gritted his teeth without making a sound.

Ye Hanzhi didn't even bother to say a single unnecessary word to him.He looked directly at the person behind him and asked someone to take him away.

Take the contempt for a piece of trash to the end.

The man seemed a little surprised, why Ye Hanzhi didn't ask him any more after making the move, which instantly made his aggressiveness a little ridiculous.

After he was taken out, Ye Hanzhi said: "Have someone ask all of them, tell them some information that this man said, and say that he recruited them all. Then tell them to check the authenticity of the information." , Whoever says something is false and is different from what others say will be killed."

"Yes!" The Ye family who stood aside answered, and then went down to give instructions.

"Shut up the man just now, behind the glass door upstairs. Don't treat his injuries." Ye Hanzhi said, "Find a few people he knows well and lock them up opposite him, so that these people's lives will be better. Let him see how we treat people who cooperate actively."


After speaking, Ye Hanzhi left the interrogation room.

Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe naturally followed him out.

When they came out, they saw Tang Zhixi outside.

"Sister Xi, are you here too?


Ye Tingjue nodded to her again as a greeting.

Tang Zhixi looked at Ye Hanzhi, and said softly, "Hypnotism is good."

Ye Hanzhi softened his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Thank you for the compliment."

Ye Tingjue looked at his third uncle and changed his face instantly: "."

And He Yuzhe has long been used to it, and he is no stranger to it.

Ye Hanzhi ignored them, took Tang Zhixi's hand and walked out, "Are you afraid? I might hypnotize you at any time and ask you what I want to know."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows, and said arrogantly, "You can try."

The first step of Ye Hanzhi's hypnosis is to break through people's psychological defenses, making people weak-willed and distracted.

But Tang Zhixi has received extraordinary training, breaking through her psychological defense is difficult and difficult.

This first step will be the biggest hurdle for Ye Hanzhi.

"Don't dare to try." Ye Hanzhi said with a smile, "I'm afraid of being beaten."

How could Ye Hanzhi be willing to attack her psychological defense.

Ye Tingjue: "."

(End of this chapter)

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